2 research outputs found

    Nutrici贸n de la planta y calidad de fruto de pimiento asociado con micorriza arbuscular en invernadero

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    The symbiotic activity that mycorrhizal fungi present may constitute a major biotechnological component to increase horticultural productivity. Among the benefits of the AMF-host plant symbiosis, is growth promotion and greater mineral nutrition of the plant. The horticultural production in greenhouse has had an increasing expansion in Mexico, because it has advantages, not only in consumer demand but by the high productivity generated. However, there are multiple factors that proceed from different agricultural practices that express in quality of production. Nutrition and fruit quality of pepper (cv. 'Valeria') was evaluated, by effect of inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) Rhizofagus intraradices, in greenhouse. The crop was handled with a fertigation system and HMA inoculation was in transplantation. The inoculated plants showed an increase in chlorophyll index, leaf contents of N, P, Fe and Zn, and mycorrhizal colonization, compared with non-inoculated plants. Also showed differences in fruit quality; by size, the fruits from non-inoculated plants reached grade 2, while the AMF reached level 1, with a weight gain of 30%. Inoculation with the AMF represents a biotech management that can be added within the horticultural production practices in greenhouse.La actividad simbi贸tica que presentan los hongos formadores de micorrizas puede constituir un componente biotecnol贸gico importante para el incremento de la productividad hort铆cola. Dentro de los beneficios que aporta la simbiosis HMA-planta hospedante, se encuentra la promoci贸n del crecimiento y mayor nutrici贸n mineral de la planta. La producci贸n hort铆cola en invernadero ha tenido una creciente expansi贸n en M茅xico, debido a que tiene ventajas no solo en las demandas de los consumidores, sino por la alta productividad generada. No obstante, son m煤ltiples los factores que procedidos de diferentes pr谩cticas agron贸micas del cultivo se manifiestan en la calidad de la producci贸n. Por lo que se evalu贸 la nutrici贸n y la calidad de fruto de pimiento (cv. 'Valeria'), por efecto de la inoculaci贸n con el hongo micorr铆zico arbuscular (HMA) Rhizofagus intraradices, en invernadero. El cultivo fue manejado con sistema de fertiriego y la inoculaci贸n del HMA fue en el trasplante. Las plantas inoculadas mostraron incrementos en 铆ndice de clorofila, contenidos foliares de N, P, Fe y Zn, y colonizaci贸n micorr铆zica, comparados con plantas no inoculadas. Tambi茅n se manifestaron diferencias en la calidad de fruto. Por tama帽o, los frutos de plantas no inoculadas alcanzaron el grado 2, mientras que con el HMA alcanzaron el grado 1, con un incremento de peso de 30%. La inoculaci贸n con el HMA representa un manejo biotecnol贸gico que puede ser adicionado dentro de las pr谩cticas de producci贸n hort铆cola en invernadero

    Evaluation of three varieties of Buffel grass, in the North of Tamaulipas

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    Objective: To evaluate the vegetative, reproductive, production, and forage quality characteristics of three Buffel grass varieties from northern Tamaulipas. Design/Methodology/Approach: A pot trial was established under open field conditions, at CERIB-CIRNE-INIFAP in R铆o Bravo, Tamaulipas, on 04/15/2016 and 03/10/2017; the experiment was carried out with a completely randomized design, with 30 replications per material. The morphological, reproductive, production, and chemical composition characteristics of the Milenio, Regio, and Tit谩n Buffel grass varieties forage were evaluated. Results: The year accounted for 62.3% of the variation in the stem and leaf characteristics. The genotype contributed 35.4% and G*Y interaction, less than 2%. Regarding the reproductive variables, the genotype accounted for 62% of the results, the G*Y interaction, 25%, and the year, 13%. The genotype and the year accounted for 44% and 47% of the variance in forage production and quality, respectively. The G*Y interaction had no statistical effect. Limitations/Implications: The evaluation was carried out under pot conditions, which implies that the roots of the plants have limited growth and that the expression of some of the characteristics of the material may be restricted. Findings/Conclusions: The major differences between the three varieties were found in their morphological characteristics: duration of the flowering stage, reproductive stems proportion, panicle length, exertion of the panicle from the main stem, number of florets per panicle, and seed weight