3 research outputs found

    Producción de tubérculos de yemas presentes en cáscara de papa con abonamiento de cepas de Trichoderma sp.

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    Potato consumption occurs throughout the Altiplano of Puno and among the organic wastes produced daily at home is potato peelings. The objective of this research is the production of tubers from buds present in potato peels with four strains of Trichoderma sp. The study was carried out under an experimental design with four strains of Trichoderma sp, in a randomized way with a total of 5 treatments that were distributed with two repetitions with a total of 12 experimental units, the potato peels with buds were selected, including a fertilization with four native and commercial strains of Trichoderma, some of them were codified since the species has not yet been identified, to support the growth of seedlings so, in this way, it gives value to the "organic production". The results found evidenced that the greater quantity of tubers was obtained with the strain of Trichoderma sp. 3 with 121.50 tubers/2.4m2 (10.13 tubers/plant). Followed by the strain of Trichoderma sp. 5 with 107.50 tubers/2.4m2 (8.96 tubers/plant), which statistically were similar and superior to the other treatments, while the control had less quantity of tubers with 18.50 tubers/2.4m2 (1.54 tubers/plant). Therefore, in the millenary practice of Andean wisdom, we rescued the use of native strains of Trichoderma sp. in order to contribute to the solution of human-environmental problems and the sustainable use of potato peelings in the region.El consumo de papa se realiza en todo el Altiplano de Puno y entre los desechos orgánicos producidos diariamente en el hogar se encuentra la cáscara de papa. El objetivo de la investigación es la producción de tubérculos a partir de yemas presentes en cáscaras de papa con cuatro cepas de Trichoderma sp. El estudio se realizó bajo un diseño experimental con cuatro cepas de Trichoderma sp., en forma al azar con un total de 5 tratamientos distribuidas con dos repeticiones con un total de 12 unidades experimentales, se seleccionó las cáscaras de papa con yemas, incluyendo un abonamiento con cuatro cepas nativas y comerciales de Trichoderma, para favorecer el crecimiento de plántulas, dándose mayor valor a la “producción orgánica”. Los resultados encontrados evidencian que la mayor cantidad de tubérculos se logró con cepa de Trichoderma sp. 3 con 121.50 tubérculos/2.4m2 (10.13 tubérculos/planta); seguido de la cepa de Trichoderma sp. 5 con 107.50 tubérculos/2.4m2 (8.96 tubérculos/planta), los cuales estadísticamente fueron similares y superiores a los demás tratamientos. Mientras el testigo tuvo menor cantidad de tubérculos con 18.50 tubérculos/2.4m2 (1.54 tubérculos/planta). Por tanto, en la práctica milenaria de la sabiduría andina rescatamos el uso de cepas nativas de Trichoderma sp., para así contribuir en la solución de los problemas humano-ambientales y el uso sostenible de la cascara de papa en la región

    Métodos de inoculación de cepas nativas de Trichoderma sp. y su efecto sobre el crecimiento y rendimiento de la quinua

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    The use of endophytic fungi is an effective alternative to control pathogens, improve plant metabolism and yield in crops. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of five different strains of Trichoderma sp. on the growth and yield of quinoa plants (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) by using two methods of inoculation: a) pelleted seed, and b) drenching with the endophytic fungi. A completely randomized design with a 2 x 5 factorial arrangement, plus a control with five repetitions was used. The 11 treatments were evaluated with five repetitions. Yield, and aerial and root growth variables were determined. There were no interactions between strains and inoculation methods for aerial plant growth, but there were for root growth and yield. The seed pelleting method produced a higher aerial growth compared to the drench method. In root length, the greatest values were found with the TE-7 and TE-126 strains combined with the pelleted seed method. Likewise, the TE-126 strain induced the greatest dry biomass of roots using the same method. The yield varied between 4147.6 and 3222.7 kg.ha-1 in most of the strain-method combinations, without significant differences between them. Statistically, the control always ranked last, indicating the importance of the seed inoculation. Trichoderma sp. produced increases in vegetative growth and quinoa yield, with TE-7 and TE-126 being the best strains. Furthermore, seed pelleting promoted vegetative growth of the plants, while grain yield was not affected by the inoculation method

    Cepas de Trichoderma con capacidad endofitica sobre el control del mildiu (Peronospora variabilis Gäum.) y mejora del rendimiento de quinua

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    Downy mildew is the most important disease that affects quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in the Peruvian altiplano, it’s caused by pseudo fungi Peronospora variabilis Gäum. It causes yield reductions up to 99%. With the purpose of evaluating the effect of Trichoderma sp strains with endophytic capacity in the control of the mildew and improve quinoa yield var. Salcedo INIA, the seeds were fully covered (1x106 ufc. seed-1) and substrate was infested with spores of 10 Trichoderma strains to determine the percentage of endophytic colonization in quinoa plants at 30 and 60 days age under controlled conditions;four leaf applications (1x107 ufc.ml-1) and severity evaluations were also performed to determine the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) and grain yield under field conditions. All the strains managed to colonize different parts of the plant confirming to be endophytes of quinoa. The highest percentage of infestation (34.24 %) was achieved inoculating the substrate with the strain T10 which level of colonization reached 60%, followed by T3 with 56.67% and T2 with 43.33%. The scoring after 60 days showed that plants treated with strains T1, T3 and T2 were the least affected by downy mildew with values of 615.7, 706.8 and 759 for AUDPC, respectively. They also displayed the highest values for grain yield 3127.30, 3029.12 and 2866.57 kg. ha-1, respectively, in comparison with the control which AUDPC and yield were 1670.5 and 1141.27 kg. ha-1, respectively.El mildiu es la enfermedad más importante que afecta a la quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) en el altiplano peruano, ocasionado por el pseudohongo Peronospora variabilis Gäum., causando una reducción en su rendimiento de hasta 99%. Con la finalidad de evaluar el efecto de cepas de Trichoderma sp con capacidad endofitica en el control del mildiu y mejora del rendimiento de la quinua var. Salcedo INIA, se peletizaron semillas (1x106 ufc. semilla-1)  e infestaron el sustrato con esporas de 10 cepas de Trichoderma para determinar el porcentaje de colonización endofitica en plantas de quinua de 30 y 60 días de edad en condiciones controladas; se realizaron cuatro aplicaciones foliares (1x107 ufc.ml-1) y evaluaciones de severidad para determinar el  área bajo la curva del progreso de la enfermedad (AUDPC) y rendimiento de grano bajo condiciones de campo. Todas las cepas lograron colonizar diferentes partes de la planta considerándose así endófitos de quinua. El mayor porcentaje de colonización (34.24 %) se dio con la infestación del sustrato, siendo la cepa T10 (60%) quien logro la mayor colonización seguido de T3 (56.67%) y T2 (43.33%) a los 60 días de evaluación. Los tratamientos que recibieron aplicaciones con las cepas T1, T3 y T2  fueron los menos afectados con el mildiu, con valores de AUDPC de 615.7, 706.8 y 759 respectivamente y presentaron los valores más altos  en el rendimiento de grano (3127.30, 3029.12 y 2866.57 kg. ha-1 respectivamente) en comparación al Testigo con AUDPC de 1670.5 y rendimiento 1141.27 kg. ha-1