6 research outputs found

    Internationalization and Digitalization in Engineering Education

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    [EN] Digital, virtual and E-learning elements have increasingly become a part in higher education and, most recently, the high potential of digitalization for processes of strategic internationalization of higher education institutions is coming into focus. The collaborative project of three German universities, XYZ, is working on strategies for the internationalization and virtualization of engineering education. While these topics used to be different key areas of the project, a combination of both distinguished itself as a potential new working field. This paper introduces two pilot concepts that were implemented and evaluated at the universities Y and Z which both aim at the complementation of incoming students’ experiences in Germany by digital means. At Y, a transnational online class explores means of preparing degree-mobile engineering students from all over the world for their master’s studies in Germany. At Z, an online course was designed to accompany a summer school research exchange for US-American engineering students in order to prolong their short-term mobility by digital elements. These pilot projects were well-accepted by students and faculty at both universities and their evaluations between 2014 and 2017 have revealed valuable results for further optimization. This paper presents the results and discusses future potential.Strenger, N.; May, D.; Ortelt, T.; Kruse, D.; Frerich, S.; Tekkaya, AE. (2017). Internationalization and Digitalization in Engineering Education. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 558-565. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.528955856

    Staged Combustion Cycle Rocket Engine Subsystem Definition for Future Advanced Passenger Transport

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    DLR’s launcher systems analysis division is investigating since a couple of years a visionary, extremely fast passenger transportation concept based on rocket propulsion. Thanks to the multi-national collaboration, the technical lay-out of the SpaceLiner has now matured to Phase A conceptual design level. Full-flow staged combustion cycle rocket engines with a moderate 15 to 17 MPa range in chamber pressure have been selected as the baseline propulsion system. The expansion ratios of the engines are adapted to their respective optimums required by the stages; while the mass flow, turbo-machinery, and combustion chamber are assumed to remain identical. The paper describes the SpaceLiner 7 propulsion system: • The reference vehicle’s preliminary design, • Main propulsion system definition and architectural lay-out, • Thrust chamber geometries, • Pre-design of different turbomachinery and attached preburners, • Advanced ceramic material fuel- and oxidizer-rich pre-burners and injectors as an alternative to increase lifetime of components. The presented work is including preliminary sizing on component level and first mass estimation data

    Die digitale Zukunft des Lernens und Lehrens mit Remote-Laboren

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    Der Einsatz von Remote-Laboren in ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen ermöglicht Studierenden an einigen Hochschulen die ortsunabhängige Nutzung von Laboren, Maschinen und Robotern. Remote-Labore eignen sich in besonderer Weise dafür, den digitalisierungsbedingten Anforderungen und dem Qualifikationsbedarf aus Wirtschaft und Industrie zu begegnen. Die Onlinebedienung von Laboren bietet viele Ansatzpunkte für den Erwerb digitaler Kompetenzen, wie beispielsweise das Sammeln und Analysieren von Big Data, das Entwickeln geeigneter Schnittstellen für den Onlinezugriff oder den korrekten Einsatz zur Verfügung stehender softwarebasierter Messtechnik. Auch während der Coronapandemie im Sommersemester 2020, als der reguläre Zugang zu Laboren aufgrund der Kontaktbeschränkungen nicht erlaubt war, ermöglichten Remote-Labore den Studierenden praktische Erfahrungen. Jedoch stellen nicht nur die didaktischen, sondern auch die technischen und organisatorischen Aspekte ingenieurwissenschaftliche Studiengänge bei der Umsetzung von Remote-Laboren vor anspruchsvolle Aufgaben. Der nachfolgende Beitrag greift diese Aspekte auf und beschreibt anhand ausgewählter Beispiele, wie die Umsetzung und Integration von Remote-Laboren in Studium und Lehre gelingen kann, aber auch welche Herausforderungen nach wie vor bestehen

    Internationalisierung und Digitalisierung in den Ingenieurwissenschaften

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    Die Digitalisierung bietet für die Internationalisierung besondere Chancen. Dabei kann die Nutzung digitaler Formate sowohl im Bereich der Internationalisierung der Hochschule und ihrer Außenwirkung als auch in der Öffnung der Lehre für eine internationale Studierendenschaft neue Wege ermöglichen. Der Beitrag zeigt die Breite dieser Potenziale und erläutert diese anhand konkreter Beispiele. Im Rahmen eines Verbundprojekts in den Ingenieurwissenschaften von drei deutschen Hochschulen wurden unterschiedliche digitale Formate entwickelt, welche Aspekte der Begleitung von Studierendenaustauschen sowie der Umsetzung internationaler digitaler Zusammenarbeit beleuchten

    Work in progress – did you check it? : checklist for redesigning a laboratory experiment in engineering education addressing competencies of learning and working 4.0

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    Due to the possibilities of digitalization, the world of work is undergoing a profound change towards Industry 4.0 and related Learning and Working 4.0. In this context, new competences are expected from employees, which must also be addressed in STEM disciplines, especially in higher engineering education. Lab courses are particularly suitable for this, because here students can actively work on devices and potentially cyber-physical systems. This contribution is the undertaking of a group of lab teachers from various disciplines working on the joint project CrossLab to formulate what they consider the important aspects of lab teaching as learning outcomes for Industry 4.0. Furthermore, as a final goal, they will be transferred into a checklist that can be used in the implementation of existing and newly designed lab experiments with regard to the required competences of Learning and Working 4.0. Constructive Alignment forms the pedagogical framework, in which intended learning outcomes, teaching–learning activities and learning outcome monitoring must be thought through and planned as a whole. The checklist will extend an existing checklist for the thirteen conventional fundamental lab learning-objectives according to Feisel and Rosa. This work in progress describes first results of this attempt.PeerReviewe