800 research outputs found

    A structural analysis of the merit-order effect in the Spanish day-ahead power market

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    Renewable generation has increased exceptionally its weight in power markets, and its relevance is due to increase with the introduction of recent climate policies in Europe. The merit-order effect ranks first on the direct impacts of renewables on electricity markets. However, in order to analyse its impact, it is important to control for the different forces driving electricity prices. As a result, the analysis through a structural model of demand and supply of electricity is interesting to capture price drivers and therefore measure correctly the merit-order effect. The objective of this paper is tointroduce this framework on the Spanish day-ahead market, using weekly data for the period 2013-2019. The empirical analysis is carried out using structural vector autoregressive models (SVAR) and autoregressive distributed lag models (ARDL) to each equation, with the addition of GARCH models to control for the possible autoregressive volatility behaviour of the residuals. In line with previous literature, we obtain that demand of electricity is elastic to economic growth, price-inelastic and shows a significant level of substitution between electricity and natural gas. The supply function is also price-inelastic, after controlling for capacity factors, inputs prices and external balance, that are shown to be significant. The estimated values of the merit-order effect is aligned with previous literature. We obtain that a 10% increase in the average quantity generated by the special regime technologies (wind, solar and CHP) is associated with a 5 % reduction in electricity prices, around 2.35Euros/MWh of the average price for the analysed period.The first author acknowledges the funding received by the Ministry of Economics of Spain (ECO2016-00105-001, MDM 2014-0431), the Community of Madrid (MadEco-CM S2015/HUM-3444 and the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (2019/00419/001)

    Exploring the Relationship Between R&D and Productivity: A Country-Level Study

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    Research and development (R&D) has been considered a source of growth in productivity starting from Schultz (1953). Since then, significant research has studied this relationship at the firm, industry and country level. However, at the country level, most of the empirical studies assessing the R&D-productivity relationship often fail to consider the possible simultaneity of these variables. Do more productive countries invest more on R&D or does the higher level of R&D investment that leads to higher levels of productivity? Do both relationships occur at the same time? Using a 65-country panel for the time period of 1960- 2000, this study provides evidence that the relationship is mainly based on investment in R&D and not the reverse. In addition, we found that per capita R&D expenditure is strongly exogenous to productivity. These results suggest that, on average, those countries making the most effort in the R&D sector will be more productive in the future. Finally, we present evidence those points out a strong relationship between R&D and productivity in terms of both magnitude and significance.

    Work distributions on quantum fields

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    We study the work cost of processes in quantum fields without the need of projective measurements, which are always ill-defined in quantum field theory. Inspired by interferometry schemes, we propose a work distribution that generalizes the two-point measurement scheme employed in quantum thermodynamics to the case of quantum fields and avoids the use of projective measurements. The distribution is calculated for local unitary processes performed on KMS (thermal) states of scalar fields. Crooks theorem and the Jarzynski equality are shown to be satisfied, and some features of the resulting distributions are studied as functions of temperature and the degree of spatio-temporal localization of the unitary operation. We show how the work fluctuations become much larger than the average as the process becomes more localized in both time and space.Outgoin

    Las redes sociales como herramienta de control ético de Internet. Análisis de la actividad en Facebook del Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos de la Guardia Civil relacionada con la persecución de la publicidad ilícita y/o engañosa

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    El Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos de la Unidad Central Operativa (UCO) de la Guardia Civil, más conocido como GDT, rastrea en Internet desde el año 1996 actividades de naturaleza delictiva. La presencia de este grupo en Facebook está asociada a las actividades de ciberdenuncia que se vienen realizando través de su web especializada www.gdt.guardiacivil.es. Muchas de las denuncias realizadas dan origen a las informaciones que este grupo expone en Facebook, en las que, en muchos casos, recaba ayuda de los internautas y/o se explicitan normas y consejos fundamentales para incrementar una cultura de seguridad informática de la ciudadanía.Guardia Civil Telematics Group Crimes of the Central Operational Unit (CCU) called GDT, tracks on the internet since 1996 activities of a criminal nature. The presence of this group on Facebook is associated with the activities of cyber complaint being made through its website dedicated www.gdt.guardiacivil.es. Many of the allegations made give rise to this group presents information on Facebook, which, in many cases, help from the Internet collects and / or explicit rules and basic tips to improve computer security

    Introducción de las aplicaciones en la actividad física y el deporte

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    En la actualidad, las nuevas generaciones de la tecnologías han llegado a parámetros impensables hace unos años atrás, y han llegado para instalarse en lo que parece ser la eternidad. La introducción de estas aplicaciones móviles están presentes en la cotidianidad de los días de muchas personas, mayores y niños, generalmente de más del 80% de la sociedad actual. Desde este trabajo de fin de grado abordaremos esta temática de las apps llevándolas al ámbito de la actividad física y el deporte. Podremos comprobar la ciencia deportiva a través de una nueva visión, haremos una clasificación de algunas de las apps deportivas más relevantes y demandadas de la actualidad, el impacto social que ha tenido en las actividades físico-deportivas y la multitud de beneficios que tiene el deporte en la salud, involucrando en estas temáticas las aplicaciones móviles dirigidas al deporte y a la salud. Comprobaremos también que las aplicaciones móviles no tienen tan sólo un uso personal e intransferible, sino que son capaces de potenciar el impacto de socialización con los demás, así como la capacidad motivacional, sentimental, cooperativa y de autoestima que tiene el realizar actividad física. Para llevar a cabo este trabajo se ha realizado un trabajo de búsqueda de información previa y posteriormente, un trabajo de campo debido a la posibilidad que me oferta el servicio impartido en las actividades extraescolares del colegio donde trabajo. Teniendo en cuenta el resultado de las encuestas sobre la concienciación de las apps deportivas, podemos comprobar la facilidad de su uso y la dinámica con la que se pueden trabajar.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari

    Everyday sadism as a dark personality trait

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Investigació en Cervell i Conducta (Pla de 2021). SBT024. Curs: 2021/2022In recent decades there has been a growing interest in the "dark" aspects of personality. Initially three particularly socially harmful aspects were proposed, subclinical psychopathy, subclinical narcissism and Machiavellianism, the so-called "dark triad" (Paulhus and Williams, 2002). More recently, a possible fourth dark aspect, everyday sadism, has been included, forming the so-called "dark tetrad" (Buckels, et al., 2013). Such aspect has been related to aversive behaviors such as obtaining pleasure through suffering and/or dominance before others. This study aims to examine whether sadism differs structurally from the rest of the traits of the Dark tetrad, its pattern of associations with normal personality, and the ability to predict certain behaviors harmful to society, beyond the traits that make up the Dark triad. For this purpose, a survey was administered through a link to the google forms platform, in which participants voluntarily completed different questionnaires of the Dark tetrad SD4 (Ortet-Walker et al., 2022) and different scales that assess harmful behaviors such as antisocial behavior, animal abuse, bullying and cyberbullying. The exploratory factor analysis showed a four-factor structure, with most sadism items saturating in a single factor differentiated from Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy factors. Likewise, the daily sadism scale showed a moderate-high relationship with low agreeableness, and a low-medium relationship with low responsibility. Finally, multiple regression analyses showed that the most relevant variables in the prediction of these dissocial behaviors such as animal abuse and antisocial behavior were male sex, psychopathy and sadism. In reference to bullying and cyberbullying, the variables age (conversely) and machiavellianism were also found to be significant predictors. In short, our results suggest that everyday sadism explains a significant part of the variability of behaviors such as bullying and cyberbullying, antisocial behavior and animal abuse, beyond the other dark traits, suggesting that this new dark trait is relevant to explain behaviors that are harmful to society and, therefore, would justify the relevance of the so-called "Dark Tetrad"

    Quelques exemples de connexions dans le réseau grammatical du français

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    Le verbe être unit, sous forme d’égalité, le SN sujet et le SN attribut. Pour des raisons formelles d’égalité le déterminant du syntagme nominal attribut doit être exprimé. Si ce déterminant est absent (Art ∅) la structure a besoin, pour qu’elle soit possible, d’un element atténuateur de l’égalité morpho-sémantique. Ces éléments d’atténuation sont, entre autres, l’infinitif, la négation restrictive, les pronoms ce et on et l’imparfait. Les autres verbes d’état (devenir, rester, paraître, ..) sont pour la plupart atténuants par rapport à être et donc plus compatibles avec l’Art ∅devant le SN attribut. Par ailleurs, le phénomène de l’atténuation morpho-sémantique ne s’arrête pas aux syntagmes nominaux attributs ; il entre dans d’autres structures syntaxiques, et ceci aussi bien en français qu’en espagnol

    Implant treatment by transcrestal maxillary sinus elevation. A 3-year follow-up study

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    Introducción. El objetivo del presente estudio era mostrar los resultados del tratamiento con implantes dentales insertados mediante la técnica de elevación transcrestal en el maxilar superior. Pacientes y Metodos. 47 pacientes (18 hombres y 29 mujeres) con pérdidas dentales maxilares fueron tratados con 60 implantes IPX ® Galimplant con conexión interna y superficie arenada y grabada fueron insertados mediante la técnica de elevación sinusal transcrestal para la rehabilitación del maxilar posterior. Los implantes fueron cargados después de un periodo de cicatrización de 6 meses. Resultados. Los hallazgos clínicos indican una supervivencia y éxito de los implantes del 100%. La ganancia media de hueso vertical fué de 4,8 mm (rango: 2-6,5 mm). 46,7% de los implantes se insertaron en localización molar y el 53,3% en la localización premolar. Biomateriales fueron utilizados en el 91,7% de los implantes. Después de un periodo medio de carga funcional de 37,6 meses (rango: 24-52 meses), no ha habido complicaciones tardías. El 70% de los implantes fueron rehabilitados con coronas unitarias y el 30% con puentes fijos. Conclusiones. Este estudio indica que el tratamiento con implantes dentales mediante su inserción con elevación transcrestal del seno maxilar superior constituye una terapéutica implantológica con éxito.Introduction. The aim of this study was to report the outcome of treatment with maxillary dental implants inserted by transcrestal sinus elevation. Patients and Methods. 47 patients (18 males and 29 females) with maxillary tooth loss were treated with 60 IPX ® Galimplant internal connection and sandblasted and acid-etched surface implants inserted by transcrestal sinus elevation for rehabilitation of posterior maxilla. Implants were loaded after a healing free-loading period of 6 months. Results. Clinical results indicate a survival and success rate of implants of 100%. The mean elevation height was 4.8 mm (range: 2-6.5 mm). 46.7% of implants were inserted in molar and 53.3% in premolar localization. Bone substitutes were used in 91.7% of implants. After a mean functioning period of 37.6 months (range: 24-52 months), no late complications were reported. 70% of implants were restored with single crowns and 30% with fixed bridges. Conclusions. This study indicate that treatment with dental implants inserted in maxilla by transcrestal sinus elevation constitute a successful implant treatment