27 research outputs found

    characterization and antimicrobial resistance analysis of avian pathogenic escherichia coli isolated from italian turkey flocks

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    ABSTRACT This study investigated the occurrence of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) in a finishing turkey commercial farm, carrying out longitudinal surveys involving 3 consecutive flocks. The diversity and the distribution of the E. coli strains detected during colisepticemia outbreaks were examined. The strains were isolated, serogrouped, assessed for the presence of virulence-associated genes, typed by random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and antimicrobial resistance analysis was then carried out. Escherichia coli O78 and O2 were predominantly found. Moreover, based on the somatic antigens used in the study, strains were recovered that were nontypeable. On one occasion, an E. coli O111 strain was found in turkeys. The E. coli isolates differed in terms of antibiotic resistance and RAPD profile. All strains possessed the virulence genes that enabled them to be considered APEC. Strains not only differed between flocks, but also within the same flock. These findings point out the importance of addressing colibacillosis therapy on the basis of a sensitivity test

    Importanza della diagnosi di laboratorio nei casi di zoppia del pollo e del tacchino

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    L\u2019utilizzo degli strumenti di laboratorio, come descritto in questi tre casi clinici, \ue8 di fondamentale importanza per l\u2019inquadramento diagnostico della zoppia nel pollo e nel tacchino. Il primo caso clinico (A) si \ue8 presentato in un allevamento di polli da carne in cui, dall\u2019et\ue0 di due settimane, una percentuale elevata di soggetti esibiva zoppia monolaterale che non rispondeva a trattamento con vitamina D e calcio. Gli animali mostravano grave discondroplasia tibiale, osteomielite e fragilit\ue0 ossea. Dalle analisi batteriologiche e biomolecolari si dimostrava che l\u2019agente causale della osteomielite era Streptococcus gallolyticus subsp. gallolyticus. La sua scarsa sensibilit\ue0 agli antibiotici ha reso difficile ma non impossibile il successo terapeutico con amoxicillina. \uc9 la prima segnalazione in Italia della presenza di questo batterio nel pollo. Il secondo caso (B) ha coinvolto un allevamento di tacchini da carne maschi. Gli episodi di zoppia, iniziati alla decima settimana di et\ue0, costringevano gli animali a non deambulare correttamente diventando cachettici. Le lesioni comprendevano osteomielite nella testa del femore con artrite purulenta nella articolazione coxofemorale ed alla corrispondente tibiotarsometatarsale. L\u2019isolamento ripetuto in sede di lesione di Escherichia coli sierotipo O78 confermava il suo elevato tropismo per le articolazioni ed il midollo osseo. Tutti gli E. coli O78 isolati sono APEC (Avian Pathogenic E. coli) con una origine clonale diversa da quelli presenti negli organi setticemici. Trattamenti antibiotici mirati o di massa basati sull\u2019antibiogramma sono stati in grado di prevenire nuovi casi o ridurre la gravit\ue0 di quelli gi\ue0 esistenti. Il terzo caso (C) \ue8 stato osservato in un allevamento di tacchini da carne maschi. Gli animali, dall\u2019et\ue0 di 80 giorni, hanno iniziato a presentare difficolt\ue0 di deambulazione. La lesione pi\uf9 comunemente evidenziata era una infiltrazione di essudato lattiginoso non purulento tra i fasci dei muscoli flessori delle dita e i tendini che poco interessava l\u2019articolazione tibiotarsometatarsale. Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale \ue8 stato isolato con difficolt\ue0 dal liquido patologico di un tacchino ma la sua presenza, con PCR, dimostrata da pi\uf9 soggetti


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    APV infection in Italy is reported from its first appearance in 1987 to present day. Serological, virological and molecular testing have been applied during one-off and longitudinal studies of turkeys and chickens. The B type virus has been found in different geographical regions but more recently, A type virus has also been detected. Material was further compared by means of PCR and sequencing of sections of selected genes. Diagnostic and prophylactic problems encountered in the field are also considered

    Avian pneumovirus infection in turkey and broiler farms in Italy: a virological, molecular and serological field survey

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    A survey of avian pneumovirus (APV) infection in Italian turkey and broiler farms, in a highly populated area of Northern Italy (Verona Province) is reported. Nine turkey meat farms and 6 broiler farms were sampled. Sixteen birds from each group were doubly swabbed from the choanal cleft for virus isolation on tracheal organ cultures and RT nested PCR (A and B type specific) using extracted RNA. At the same time blood samples were collected for a blocking ELISA serological assay. APV was isolated and detected by RT-PCR in 19 day-old turkeys, and in 34, 42 and 48 day-old broilers. All APV strains were found to be type B. All turkeys of more than 4 weeks old were APV positive by ELISA. APV infection was found to be widely spread in the area sampled. Turkey rhinotracheitis first appeared in Italy in the late 1980s, and the APV isolates involved were subsequently characterised as B types. Our results confirm APV B type to be present in Italy, but the limited findings to date need to be extended by further surveys of other Italian regions


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    APV infection in Italy is reported from its first appearance in 1987 to present day. Serological, virological and molecular testing have been applied during one-off and longitudinal studies of turkeys and chickens. The B type virus has been found in different geographical regions but more recently, A type virus has also been detected. Material was further compared by means of PCR and sequencing of sections of selected genes. Diagnostic and prophylactic problems encountered in the field are also considered

    Epidemiology Of Avian Metapneumovirus Infection In Italy

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    At the beginning of 2000 little information was available on circulation and molecular epidemiology of AMPV Italian poultry except for the data regarding the first Italian isolates made in the late 80s, which were shown to be B subtypes (Juhasz and Easton, 1994; Sperati Ruffoni L., personal communication). Moreover even though the vaccination was widely applied, disease still occurs occasionally in young as well older turkeys. This paper reports some studies performed in Italy since 2001 in order to understand better the epidemiology of AMPV and prophylactic problems encountered in the field