77 research outputs found

    Uncoupling of photoreceptor peripherin/rds fusogenic activity f0rom Biosynthesis, Subunit Assembly, and Targeting. A Potential Mechanism for Pathogenic Effects

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    Inherited defects in the RDS gene cause a multiplicity of progressive retinal diseases in humans. The gene product, peripherin/rds (P/rds), is a member of the tetraspanin protein family required for normal vertebrate photoreceptor outer segment (OS) architecture. Although its molecular function remains uncertain, P/rds has been suggested to catalyze membrane fusion events required for the OS renewal process. This study investigates the importance of two charged residues within a predicted C-terminal helical region for protein biosynthesis, localization, and interaction with model membranes. Targeted mutagenesis was utilized to neutralize charges at Glu321 and Lys 324 individually and in combination to generate three mutant variants. Studies were conducted on variants expressed as 1) full-length P/rds in COS-1 cells, 2) glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins in Escherichia coli, and 3) membrane-associated green fluorescent protein fusion proteins in transgenic Xenopus laevis. None of the mutations affected biosynthesis of full-length P/rds in COS-1 cells as assessed by Western blotting, sedimentation velocity, and immunofluorescence microscopy. Although all mutations reside within a recently identified localization signal, none altered the ability of this region to direct OS targeting in transgenic X. laevis retinas. In contrast, individual or simultaneous neutralization of the charged amino acids Glu 321 and Lys324 abolished the ability of the C-terminal domain to promote model membrane fusion as assayed by lipid mixing. These results demonstrate that, although overlapping, C-terminal determinants responsible for OS targeting and fusogenicity are separable and that fusogenic activity has been uncoupled from other protein properties. The observation that subunit assembly and OS targeting can both proceed normally in the absence of fusogenic activity suggests that properly assembled and targeted yet functionally altered proteins could potentially generate pathogenic effects within the vertebrate photoreceptor

    CRX controls retinal expression of the X-linked juvenile retinoschisis (RS1) gene

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    X-linked juvenile retinoschisis is a heritable condition of the retina in males caused by mutations in the RS1 gene. Still, the cellular function and retina-specific expression of RS1 are poorly understood. To address the latter issue, we characterized the minimal promoter driving expression of RS1 in the retina. Binding site prediction, site-directed mutagenesis, and reporter assays suggest an essential role of two nearby cone-rod homeobox (CRX)-responsive elements (CRE) in the proximal −177/+32 RS1 promoter. Chromatin immunoprecipitation associates the RS1 promoter in vivo with CRX, the coactivators CBP, P300, GCN5 and acetylated histone H3. Transgenic Xenopus laevis expressing a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter under the control of RS1 promoter sequences show that the −177/+32 fragment drives GFP expression in photoreceptors and bipolar cells. Mutating either of the two conserved CRX binding sites results in strongly decreased RS1 expression. Despite the presence of sequence motifs in the promoter, NRL and NR2E3 appear not to be essential for RS1 expression. Together, our in vitro and in vivo results indicate that two CRE sites in the minimal RS1 promoter region control retinal RS1 expression and establish CRX as a key factor driving this expression

    Metabolic diagnosis and medical prevention of calcium nephrolithiasis and its systemic manifestations: a consensus statement

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    Background: Recently published guidelines on the medical management of renal stone disease did not address relevant topics in the field of idiopathic calcium nephrolithiasis, which are important also for clinical research. Design: A steering committee identified 27 questions, which were proposed to a faculty of 44 experts in nephrolithiasis and allied fields. A systematic review of the literature was conducted and 5216 potentially relevant articles were selected; from these, 407 articles were deemed to provide useful scientific information. The Faculty, divided into working groups, analysed the relevant literature. Preliminary statements developed by each group were exhaustively discussed in plenary sessions and approved. Results: Statements were developed to inform clinicians on the identification of secondary forms of calcium nephrolithiasis and systemic complications; on the definition of idiopathic calcium nephrolithiasis; on the use of urinary tests of crystallization and of surgical observations during stone treatment in the management of these patients; on the identification of patients warranting preventive measures; on the role of fluid and nutritional measures and of drugs to prevent recurrent episodes of stones; and finally, on the cooperation between the urologist and nephrologist in the renal stone patients. Conclusions: This document has addressed idiopathic calcium nephrolithiasis from the perspective of a disease that can associate with systemic disorders, emphasizing the interplay needed between urologists and nephrologists. It is complementary to the American Urological Association and European Association of Urology guidelines. Future areas for research are identified

    Linkage structures strongly influence the binding cooperativity of DNA intercalators conjugated to triplex forming oligonucleotides.

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    Conjugation of DNA intercalators to triple helix forming oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN's) can enhance ODN binding properties and consequently their potential ability to modulate gene expression. To test the hypothesis that linkage structure could strongly influence the binding enhancement of intercalator conjugation with triplex forming ODN's, we have used a model system to investigate binding avidity of short oligomers conjugated to DNA intercalators through various linkages. Using a dA10.T10 target sequence imbedded in a 20 bp duplex, binding avidities of a T10 ODN joined to the DNA intercalator 6,9-diamino, 3-methoxy acridine (DAMA) by 8 different 5' linkages were measured using an electrophoretic mobility shift assay. Although unmodified T10 has a very limited capacity for stable binding under these conditions (apparent Kd > 250 microM at 4 degrees C), conjugation to DAMA using flexible linkers of certain lengths and chemical compositions greatly enhanced binding (Kd of 1 microM at 4 degrees C). Other linkers, however, modestly enhanced binding or had no effect on binding at all. Thus, the length, flexibility, and chemical composition of linker structures all substantially influence intercalator conjugated oligodeoxynucleotide binding avidity
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