328 research outputs found

    Synthesis and single crystal structure analysis of 3,3',5,5'-tetramethyl-4,4'-bipyrazolium tetrachlorocobaltate(ii) monohydrate [H2ME4BPZ][CoCl4]·H2O

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    Slow evaporation of a solution of 3,3',5,5'-tetramethyl-4,4'-bipyrazolium chloride ([H2Me4bpz]Cl2) with the cobalt chloride in concentrated aqueous HCl solution yielded block blue crystals and X-ray single crystal structure determination at 100K revealed that the molecule crystallized in the monoclinic system with a P21/n space group. The asymmetric units consist of tetrahedral [CoCl4]2- anions and tetramethyl bipyrazolium [H2Me4bpz]2+ dications and one water molecule which are connected through N—H····Cl and N—H····O hydrogen bond networks in the crystal lattice.Keywords: Crystal structure, Hydrogen bond and crystal engineerin

    Synthesis and Single Crystal X-Ray Structure Determination of 3,3',5,5'- tetramethyl-4,4'-bipyrazolium tetrachloromanganate(II) monohydrate ([H2Me4bpz]2[MnCl4]Cl2·H2O)

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    The title compound was synthesized mechanochemically by grinding MnCl2.4H2O and the protonated organic ligand [H2Me4bpz] resulting in the formation of [H2Me4bpz][MnCl4]. Suitable single crystal of this compound was analysed through X-ray diffraction technique to ascertain its composition and internal structure. Single crystal structure determination at 100 K revealed needle-like crystals in an orthorhombic crystal system. The asymmetric unit of the cell consists of an isolated chloride ion, one half of a tetrahedral [MnCl4]2- anion, a [H2Me4bpz]2+ dication and one half of a molecule of water.Keywords: Crystal Engineering, Hydrogen Bond, X-ray Crystallograph


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    Individu dalam proses pembelajarannya memiliki cara yang berbeda untuk mengembangkan berbagai kecerdasan yang ada dalam dirinya. Pada dasarnya, setiap peserta didik memiliki potensi dan minat untuk dikembangkan dalam menempuh pendidikannya sesuai kompetensi yang dimiliki. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana cara belajar Kelompok Petualang Belajar, membuat rancangan desain project based learning model melalui karya seni pertunjukan, mengimplementasikan rancangan, serta melakukan evaluasi terhadap keseluruhan proses dan hasil kegiatan seni berupa kreasi dan apresiasi. Penelitian ini dapat menjadi sebuah topik untuk diangkat dalam penelitian ilmiah. Dimana, peranan guru bukan semata-mata mengimplementasikan kurikulum saja melainkan mampu menafsirkan kata-kata dalam kurikulum yang bersifat normatif. Dengan kata lain, peranan guru disini harus menjadi pelaku yang kreatif dan interpretatif. Adapun penerapan model pembelajaran pada kelompok petualang belajar menjadi salah satu alternatif penerapan model yang tepat guna menghadapi generasi Z saat ini. Teori-teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diantaranya: (1) teori belajar, (2) teori pendidikan, (3) teori generasi, (4) teori pembelajaran holistik, dan (5) karya seni pertunjukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Project Based Research berdasarkan paradigma kualitatif dengan pendekatan multidisiplin. Adapun rancangan penelitian yang dilakukan ditempuh melalui diagnosis masalah, prescribe, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Project Based Learning Model Merupakan pembelajaran berbasis pada proyek dan pengalaman dengan mengembangkan minat dan potensi peserta didik. Hal ini ditujukan dengan adanya konsep pembelajaran seni terpadu yang diterapkan melalui karya seni pertunjukan.-----Individuals in the learning process have different ways to develop the various intelligences that exist in him. Basically, each learner has the potential and interest to be developed in his education according to the competence. The purpose of this paper is to describe how to learn Learning Group of Learners, to design the design of project based learning model through the works of performing arts, to implement the design, and to evaluate the whole process and the result of art activities in the form of creation and appreciation. This research can be a topic to be raised in scientific research. Where, the role of teachers is not merely to implement the curriculum alone but able to interpret the words in the curriculum that is normative. In other words, the role of the teacher here must be a creative and interpretive actor. The application of learning models in the group of learning adventurers to be an alternative application of appropriate models to face the current Z generation. Theories used in this research include: (1) learning theory, (2) educational theory, (3) generation theory, (4) holistic learning theory, and (5) works of performing arts. This research uses Research Based Research method based on qualitative paradigm with multidisciplinary approach. The research design is done through the diagnosis of problems, prescribe, implementation, and evaluation. Project Based Learning Model Merupakan pembelajaran berbasis pada proyek dan pengalaman dengan mengembangkan minat dan potensi peserta didik. Hal ini ditujukan dengan adanya konsep pembelajaran seni terpadu yang diterapkan melalui karya seni pertunjuka

    Metalloporphyrin intercalation in liposome membranes: ESR study

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    Liposomes characterized by membranes featuring diverse fluidity (liquid-crystalline and/or gel phase), prepared from egg yolk lecithin (EYL) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), were doped with selected metalloporphyrins and the time-related structural and dynamic changes within the lipid double layer were investigated. Porphyrin complexes of Mg(II), Mn(III), Fe(III), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), and the metal-free base were embedded into the particular liposome systems and tested for 350 h at 24°C using the electron spin resonance (ESR) spin probe technique. 5-DOXYL, 12-DOXYL, and 16-DOXYL stearic acid methyl ester spin labels were applied to explore the interior of the lipid bilayer. Only the 16-DOXYL spin probe detected evident structural changes inside the lipid system due to porphyrin intercalation. Fluidity of the lipid system and the type of the porphyrin complex introduced significantly affected the intermolecular interactions, which in certain cases may result in self-assembly of metalloporphyrin molecules within the liposome membrane, reflected in the presence of new lines in the relevant ESR spectra. The most pronounced time-related effects were demonstrated by the EYL liposomes (liquid-crystalline phase) when doped with Mg and Co porphyrins, whereas practically no spectral changes were revealed for the metal-free base and both the Ni and Zn dopants. ESR spectra of the porphyrin-doped gel phase of DPPC liposomes did not show any extra lines; however, they indicated the formation of a more rigid lipid medium. Electronic configuration of the porphyrin’s metal center appeared crucial to the degree of molecular reorganization within the phospholipid bilayer system

    Crystal Engineering: from Molecules to Materials

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    Secondary bonding as a potential design tool for crystal engineering

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