15 research outputs found

    Tournament Mechanism in the Wine-Grape Contracts: Evidence from a French Wine Cooperative

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    This article analyzes the contractual relationship between a wine cooperative (winery) and its member (growers). This relationship is plagued by moral hazard and adverse selection problems in grape quality. Indeed, growers can be opportunistic since the cooperative is unable to observe: (i) their effort level due to imperfect monitoring technology; (ii) their productive abilities (types) due to adverse selection. Because the growers’ vineyard practices and efforts are one of the main determinants of grape quality, the cooperative implements an incentive compensation system to induce growers to provide the maximum effort towards quality. This compensation scheme is similar to that in tournaments (Lazear and Rosen, 1981; Green and Stokey, 1983; Knoeber, 1989; Prendergast, 1999). In our case, the cooperative promotes competition between growers by offering a promotion, while, at the same time, organizing the contest by creating homogenous groups of growers using a menu of contracts and monitoring through regular visits to the vineyard. Using a database of 1219 contracts, we test the effect of: (i) the cooperative’s tournament compensation scheme; (ii) the menu of contracts and monitoring mechanism. The results of our econometric estimations provide some confirmation of both effects. (JEL classification: L14, D82, Q13

    Tournament Mechanism in the Wine-Grape Contracts: Evidence from a French Wine Cooperative

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    This article analyzes the contractual relationship between a wine cooperative (winery) and its member (growers). This relationship is plagued by moral hazard and adverse selection problems in grape quality. Indeed, growers can be opportunistic since the cooperative is unable to observe: (i) their effort level due to imperfect monitoring technology; (ii) their productive abilities (types) due to adverse selection. Because the growers’ vineyard practices and efforts are one of the main determinants of grape quality, the cooperative implements an incentive compensation system to induce growers to provide the maximum effort towards quality. This compensation scheme is similar to that in tournaments (Lazear and Rosen, 1981; Green and Stokey, 1983; Knoeber, 1989; Prendergast, 1999). In our case, the cooperative promotes competition between growers by offering a promotion, while, at the same time, organizing the contest by creating homogenous groups of growers using a menu of contracts and monitoring through regular visits to the vineyard. Using a database of 1219 contracts, we test the effect of: (i) the cooperative’s tournament compensation scheme; (ii) the menu of contracts and monitoring mechanism. The results of our econometric estimations provide some confirmation of both effects. (JEL classification: L14, D82, Q13

    New Technologies and Firm Organization: The Case of Electronic Traceability Systems in French Agribusiness

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    This paper considers the relationship between the adoption of electronic traceability systems (ETSs) and the organization of firms. More precisely, it analyzes the respective roles of a firm's organizational structure, and organizational changes, in the process of ETS adoption in agribusiness. We use data from the French “Organizational Changes and Computerization” survey from 2006. We test a probit model to demonstrate the organizational structure and organizational changes underlying the firm's ETS adoption choice. Results show that ETS adoption is strongly favored by organizations with heavy hierarchical structures, standardized managerial practices and contractual mechanisms with external partners. This adoption process seems to coevolve with the organization: firms that implemented an ETS during the observed period (2003–2006) have experienced the most important organizational changes in terms of managerial practices, information systems and contractual relations, as well as the strengthening of the intermediate levels in the hierarchy

    Traceability systems adoption and organizational changes : french agribusiness facing information technologies

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    La thèse a pour objet l’analyse des déterminants de l’adoption des systèmes de traçabilité dans l’agro-alimentaire français et de ses interactions avec l’organisation des firmes. L’adoption des systèmes informatisés de traçabilité (SIT), basés sur des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC), dépend de la structure des organisations, mais entraine aussi des changements dans les organisations. La thèse offre tout d’abord une revue de la littérature économique s’intéressant aux systèmes de traçabilité, à l’adoption des TIC et au changement organisationnel. Elle propose ensuite une analyse empirique, sur données d’entreprises, de leurs interactions autour de trois éclairages. La première partie explore les déterminants micro-économiques de l’adoption des SIT à la fois pour les firmes de l’agro-alimentaire français et ses spécificités comparativement aux autres secteurs industriels en France. La seconde partie analyse les rôles respectifs de la structure des organisations et des changements organisationnels dans le processus d’adoption des SIT. Dans cette étape, on met en évidence que l’adoption des SIT est fortement explicative de l’intensité de changement organisationnel pour les firmes agro-alimentaires. Enfin, nous analysons les implications des systèmes de traçabilité dans les relations inter-entreprises avec une étude sur l’amont de la filière viti-vinicole. Le résultat principal est de montrer que l’adoption des SIT n’est pas seulement une réponse stratégique des firmes aux pressions de leur environnement, réglementaire et marchand, mais aussi un outil de gestion interne associé à un processus de changements organisationnels.The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the determinants of traceability systems adoption and their interactions with the organization of agro-food firms. The adoption of traceability systems based on information and communication technologies (ICT), i.e.electronic traceability systems (ETS), depend on the structure of organizations, but also associate adjustments, thus changes, to the organization. First, we review the economic works of traceability systems, ICT adoption and organizational change, and propose three empirical analyses on how these concepts are interrelated. The first explores the firm-level determinants of ETS adoption of both French agribusiness and the entire French industrialsectors. The second shows the respective roles of a firm’s organizational structure and that of organizational changes in the process of ETS adoption in agribusiness; we highlight that the adoption of ETS increases the intensity of firm-level organizational changes in agribusiness. Finally, we explore the inter-firm implications of traceability systems in the wine-grape supplychain. We consider the adoption of ETS to be not only a strategic reaction of firms tochanges in their external environment, mainly the demand of public authorities and markets,but also an instrument for the internal management of firms, which requires complementary organizational practices

    Adoption de systèmes de traçabilité et changements organisationnels : l'industrie agro-alimentaire française face aux technologies de l'information et de la communication

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    La thèse a pour objet l’analyse des déterminants de l’adoption des systèmes de traçabilité dans l’agro-alimentaire français et de ses interactions avec l’organisation des firmes. L’adoption des systèmes informatisés de traçabilité (SIT), basés sur des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC), dépend de la structure des organisations, mais entraine aussi des changements dans les organisations. La thèse offre tout d’abord une revue de la littérature économique s’intéressant aux systèmes de traçabilité, à l’adoption des TIC et au changement organisationnel. Elle propose ensuite une analyse empirique, sur données d’entreprises, de leurs interactions autour de trois éclairages. La première partie explore les déterminants micro-économiques de l’adoption des SIT à la fois pour les firmes de l’agro-alimentaire français et ses spécificités comparativement aux autres secteurs industriels en France. La seconde partie analyse les rôles respectifs de la structure des organisations et des changements organisationnels dans le processus d’adoption des SIT. Dans cette étape, on met en évidence que l’adoption des SIT est fortement explicative de l’intensité de changement organisationnel pour les firmes agro-alimentaires. Enfin, nous analysons les implications des systèmes de traçabilité dans les relations inter-entreprises avec une étude sur l’amont de la filière viti-vinicole. Le résultat principal est de montrer que l’adoption des SIT n’est pas seulement une réponse stratégique des firmes aux pressions de leur environnement, réglementaire et marchand, mais aussi un outil de gestion interne associé à un processus de changements organisationnels.The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the determinants of traceability systems adoption and their interactions with the organization of agro-food firms. The adoption of traceability systems based on information and communication technologies (ICT), i.e.electronic traceability systems (ETS), depend on the structure of organizations, but also associate adjustments, thus changes, to the organization. First, we review the economic works of traceability systems, ICT adoption and organizational change, and propose three empirical analyses on how these concepts are interrelated. The first explores the firm-level determinants of ETS adoption of both French agribusiness and the entire French industrialsectors. The second shows the respective roles of a firm’s organizational structure and that of organizational changes in the process of ETS adoption in agribusiness; we highlight that the adoption of ETS increases the intensity of firm-level organizational changes in agribusiness. Finally, we explore the inter-firm implications of traceability systems in the wine-grape supplychain. We consider the adoption of ETS to be not only a strategic reaction of firms tochanges in their external environment, mainly the demand of public authorities and markets,but also an instrument for the internal management of firms, which requires complementary organizational practices

    New technologies and firm organization: the case of electronic traceability systems in French agribusiness

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    This paper considers the relationship between the adoption of electronic traceability systems (ETSs) and the organization of firms. More precisely, it analyzes the respective roles of a firm’s organizational structure, and of organizational changes, in the process of ETS adoption in agribusiness. We use data from the French "Organizational Changes and Computerization” survey from 2006. We test a probit model to demonstrate the organizational structure and organizational changes underlying the firm’s ETS adoption choice. Results show that ETS adoption is strongly favored by organizations with heavily hierarchical structures, standardized managerial practices and contractual mechanisms with external partners. This adoption process seems to co-evolve with the organization: firms that implemented an ETS during the observed period (2003-2006) have experienced the most important organizational changes in terms of managerial practices, information systems and contractual relations, as well as the strengthening of the intermediate levels in the hierarchy

    Desfinanciamiento de la Educación Superior en Colombia: La realidad de la crisis en el sistema de financiación de las Universidades Estatales

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    La Ley 30 de 1992 - Por la cual se organiza el servicio público de la Educación Superior en Colombia, creó el Sistema de Universidades del Estado, el cual está integrado por todas las Universidades estatales u oficiales con el fin de optimizar los recursos humanos, físicos, técnicos y financieros; crear condiciones de evaluación que permitan el mejoramiento de la calidad de la educación nacional, fomentar la cooperación entre estas Instituciones y garantizar el financiamiento del sistema. El Sistema Universitario Estatal (SUE) en el año 2009, conformó la Comisión Técnica de Vicerrectores Administrativos y Financieros, con el objeto de cuantificar el impacto del sistema de financiación de la educación superior pública en el quehacer de las Universidades. En este sentido, la comisión ha venido desarrollando una serie de análisis que permiten orientar un debate informado y técnico de la realidad de la Educación Superior en Colombia. Entre los análisis adelantados se cuenta con dos ejercicios importantes (Fase I y Fase II) que mediante un estudio presupuestario del período comprendido entre los años 1993 y 2011, reflejan el porqué de la insuficiencia del sistema de financiación establecido a través de la ley 30 para atender los requerimientos reales de operación de las Universidades

    . 29 Tomo I (1939-1940) Sexta Época (1939-1966). Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia

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    Publicación que recopila y difunde cien años de trabajo de la antropología en México (1877-1977), integrada por documentos y manuscritos arqueológicos, antropológicos, históricos, geológicos, botánicos y lingüísticos.- Expedición a la Sierra Azul, Ocampo, Tamps. por Juan Valenzuela y Javier Romero. - Ruinas de Cebadilla por Eduardo Noguera. - Excavaciones en el estado de Puebla por Eduardo Noguera. - Descripción del esqueleto No. 3 encontrado en la Barranca del Águila, distrito de Tepeaca por Luis G. Cabrera. - La segunda temporada de exploraciones en la región de Los Tuxtlas, estado de Veracruz por Juan Valenzuela. - Las ruinas de Tulum II por Miguel Ángel Fernández. - Exploraciones arqueológicas en la Isla de Cozumel, Quintana Roo por Miguel Ángel Fernández. - Estudio arquitectónico de los edificios huaxtecas por Wilfrido Du Solier Massieu. - Estudio del Códice Mixteco post-cortesiano núm. 36 por Vladimiro Rosado Ojeda. - La fiesta azteca de la cosecha ochpanistli por Carlos R. Margain Araujo. - Juegos precoloniales por Marcos Becerra. - Idioma quiché por Alfredo Barrera Vázquez. - Memoriales del obispo de Tlaxcala Fray Alonso de la Mota y Escobar por Federico Gómez de Orozco. - Documentos para la biografía del historiador Clavijero por Jesús Romero Flores. - Juventino Rosas y la música popular de su época (1880-1890) por Rubén M. Campos

    Conceptos clave de la gestión cultural. Volumen I

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    Esta obra tiene como objetivo brindar un primer acercamiento al lenguaje de la gestión cultural en Latinoamérica. Un intento de poner en palabras, de realizar una reflexión de lo que se hace y se piensa desde diversos luga res de nuestras múltiples y extensas realidades que nos caracterizan. Como tal, estos conceptos que presentamos están abiertos y en movimiento, y a partir de ello se pueden armar y desarmar, construir y deconstruir, diversos enfoques y tendencias que buscan dar sentido a una gestión cultural latinoamericana que se encuentra en la búsqueda de sí misma. En gran parte de la historia de nuestra práctica, hemos recibido las influencias externas de las formas de hacer, pensar y nombrar la acción cultural. Por tal motivo, y como resultado de múltiples procesos de formalización o profesionalización, nos vemos en la necesidad de tener claridad de los conceptos y diseñar formas posibles de deslindar campos respecto a las importaciones, en muchos casos mecánicas y fuera de lugar, al mismo tiempo que nos llevan a revisar críticamente la forma en que nos vemos y somos vistos. Los términos aquí expuestos buscan dar sentido a una práctica que se viene realizando desde hace muchos años y que necesita ser pensada. No pretenden ser homogéneos ni hegemónicos, sino contribuir a la reflexión de una gestión cultural que cada vez más se perfila como la posibilidad de constituirse en un referente de la acción cultural en Latinoamérica

    The Nutrition in Early Life and Asthma (NELA) birth cohort study: Rationale, design, and methods.

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    This document is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0/ This document is the accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1111/ppe.12826Background: Primary prevention strategies for asthma are lacking. Its inception probably starts in utero and/or during the early postnatal period as the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) paradigm suggests. Objectives: The main objective of Nutrition in Early Life and Asthma (NELA) cohort study is to unravel whether the following factors contribute causally to the developmental origins of asthma: (1) maternal obesity/adiposity and foetal growth; (2) maternal and child nutrition; (3) outdoor air pollution; (4) endocrine disruptors; and (5) maternal psychological stress. Maternal and offspring biological samples are used to assess changes in offspring microbiome, immune system, epigenome and volatilome as potential mechanisms influencing disease susceptibility. Population: Randomly selected pregnant women from three health areas of Murcia, a south-eastern Mediterranean region of Spain, who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were invited to participate at the time of the follow-up visit for routine foetal anatomy scan at 19–22 weeks of gestation, at the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Unit of the “Virgen de la Arrixaca” University Clinical Hospital over a 36-month period, from March 2015 to April 2018. Design: Prospective, population-based, maternal-child, birth cohort study. Methods: Questionnaires on exposures and outcome variables were administered to mothers at 20–24 gestation week; 32–36 gestation week; and delivery. Children were surveyed at birth, 3 and 18 months of age and currently at 5 years. Furthermore, physical examinations were performed; and different measurements and biological samples were obtained at these time points. Preliminary results: Among the 1350 women invited to participate, 738 (54%) were finally enrolled in the study and 720 of their children were eligible at birth. The adherence was high with 612 children (83%) attending the 3 months’ visit and 532 children (72%) attending the 18 months’ visit. Conclusion: The NELA cohort will add original and unique knowledge to the developmental origins of asthma