174 research outputs found

    Breaking it Down: Flipping Library Instruction for Non-Traditional Undergraduate Engineers

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    Supporting Oaxacan Youth Mental Health, Academic Achievement, and Cultural Connection

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    Oaxacan Indigenous youth in the U.S. experience generational, cultural, and social conflicts that impact their participation, performance, and well-being, yet there are no occupation-based programs that address their mental health, academic achievement, and cultural connection In San Diego. The purpose of the capstone project was to develop a culturally-informed occupational therapy program for Oaxacan indigenous youth that will motivate and provide the skills needed to navigate different cultures while encouraging belonging.https://soar.usa.edu/otdcapstonessummer2023/1040/thumbnail.jp

    Pizzagate and a slice of free speech: Media literacy outside of the classroom

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    Since 2016, the public eye has turned to the problems of mis- and disinformation. As a result, many librarians sprang into action to spread the good news about information and media literacies. At the University of Kansas (KU), we initially joined the rush and created a media literacy LibGuide

    Paralogous SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE (SPL) genes differentially regulate leaf initiation and reproductive phase change in petunia

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    Duplicated petunia clade-VISPLgenes differentially promote the timing of inflorescence and flower development, and leaf initiation rate. The timing of plant reproduction relative to favorable environmental conditions is a critical component of plant fitness, and is often associated with variation in plant architecture and habit. Recent studies have shown that overexpression of the microRNA miR156 in distantly related annual species results in plants with perennial characteristics, including late flowering, weak apical dominance, and abundant leaf production. These phenotypes are largely mediated through the negative regulation of a subset of genes belonging to the SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE (SPL) family of transcription factors. In order to determine how and to what extent paralogous SPL genes have partitioned their roles in plant growth and development, we functionally characterized petunia clade-VI SPL genes under different environmental conditions. Our results demonstrate that PhSBP1and PhSBP2 differentially promote discrete stages of the reproductive transition, and that PhSBP1, and possibly PhCNR, accelerates leaf initiation rate. In contrast to the closest homologs in annual Arabidopsis thaliana and Mimulus guttatus, PhSBP1 and PhSBP2 transcription is not mediated by the gibberellic acid pathway, but is positively correlated with photoperiod and developmental age. The developmental functions of clade-VI SPL genes have, thus, evolved following both gene duplication and speciation within the core eudicots, likely through differential regulation and incomplete sub-functionalization

    “A Supernova that Sparks in Every Direction”: A Long-Term Assessment of the Research Sprints Faculty Engagement Program

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    Article will be published in College & Research Libraries in March 2024. This is the accepted version of the manuscript prior to copyediting.PREPRINT: Article to be published in College & Research Libraries in March 2024. This is the accepted version of the manuscript prior to copyediting. The Research Sprints program offers faculty partners the opportunity to collaborate intensively and exclusively for one week with a team of librarians to achieve significant progress on research or teaching projects. This longitudinal study extends previous immediate and short-term assessments by interviewing Research Sprints participants at two research-intensive institutions 2-4 years after their concentrated week. The authors evaluate the enduring impact of the program on the participants’ projects, research/teaching practices, and relationships with the library. Participants report achieving project goals, improved skills and student success, and greater awareness and appreciation of librarians’ work

    Características, requisitos, efectos y formas de extición de los asientos registrales en la ley 698, ley general de los registro público

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    Los Asientos Registrales son aquellos datos resumidos o insertos de documentos o títulos de derechos, sean reales o personales, que mediante la seguridad jurídica basada en los principios procesales, tienen la función de salvaguardar el patrimonio, la identidad y los negocios lícitos realizados de una persona natural o jurídica, en el Registro Público correspondiente a determinada materia y circunscripción territorial. El Asiento de Presentación es el detonante del procedimiento registral, es muy importante debido a que demuestra el Principio de Rogación, marca la Prioridad, y de concluirse con éxito el procedimiento, la fecha de la Inscripción será para todos los efectos, la de este asiento. Siguiendo el orden establecido en la enumeración de los Asientos Registrales, tenemos a la Anotación Preventiva, la cual tiene diversas aplicaciones, como lo indica su nombre: previene a tercero de cualquier eventualidad que pueda perjudicar un derecho o título inscribible; y reserva la prioridad sobre un determinado bien o derecho. Un ejemplo: en el caso de embargo, impedir que el titular pueda enajenar sus bienes y evitar burlar a su acreedor. Las Notas Marginales son los asientos de fácil aplicación, y de gran utilidad a la hora de mantener bien organizado el Registro, eso permite un mejor acceso al contenido de los libros. Además tienen otras funciones relacionadas a la modificación de derechos inscritos y de notificación jurídica. El principal Asiento Registral es el de Inscripción, porque es aquí donde se completa el procedimiento registral: surten todos los efectos contra terceros, por publicidad; se establece el tracto sucesivo; queda perfeccionada la hipoteca; nacen las personas jurídicamente (sociedades), crece o decrece el patrimonio, pero se distribuyen las riquezas, se mueve el comercio, se desarrolla la socieda

    Morphological Trait Evolution in Solanum (Solanaceae): Evolutionary Lability of Key Taxonomic Characters

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    Solanum is one of the world\u27s largest and economically most important plant genera, including 1245 currently accepted species and several major and minor crops (e.g., tomato, potato, brinjal eggplant, scarlet eggplant, Gboma eggplant, lulo, and pepino). Here we provide an overview of the evolution of 25 key morphological traits for the major and minor clades of this giant genus based on stochastic mapping using a well-sampled recently published phylogeny of Solanum. The most evolutionarily labile traits (showing \u3e100 transitions across the genus) relate to plant structure (growth form and sympodial unit structure), herbivore defence (glandular trichomes), pollination (corolla shape and colour), and dispersal (fruit colour). Ten further traits show evolutionary lability with 50–100 transitions across the genus (e.g., specialised underground organs, trichome structure, leaf type, inflorescence position and branching, stamen heteromorphism). Our results reveal a number of highly convergent traits in Solanum, including tubers, rhizomes, simple leaves, yellow corollas, heteromorphic anthers, dioecy, and dry fruits, and some unexpected pathways of trait evolution that could be explored in future studies. We show that informally named clades of Solanum can be morphologically defined by trait combinations providing a tool for identification and enabling predictive phylogenetic placement of unsampled species