469 research outputs found

    Extracellular vesicles as masters of endothelial plasticity:bridging the gap between health and disease

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    Chronic non-communicable diseases contribute to over 70% of global deaths, and vascular alterations play a pivotal role in development and severity of these. Cells communicate in multiple ways, including secretion of extracellular vesicles (EVs). EVs transport regulatory factors that can alter the phenotype of target cells. This thesis focuses on the impact of pathological cancer cell-derived EVs (CA-EVs) on angiogenesis, contrasting with the pro-angiogenic capacity of therapeutical adipose tissue-derived stem cell-EVs (ASCs-EVs). We investigated the EV components influencing angiogenesis, the effect of hypoxia on EV's characteristics, composition, and function; and the extracellular matrix (ECM) influence in the EV effect. Both CA-EVs and ASCs-EVs promoted sprouting angiogenesis, stabilized the sprouts and displayed differential effects in response to ECM stiffness. Hypoxia i) induced high enrichment in the already pro-angiogenic proteome of CA-EVs, ii) increased EV rigidity, proteins related to membrane rigidity, and endothelial EV uptake, and iii) increased EV enrichment of molecules associated with the angio-metabolic switch activation and tip cell phenotype. In contrast, hypoxia did not greatly influence the EVs-miRNAome. We described a set of angiogenesis regulators and tested the pro-angiogenic effect of miR23b-3p. CA-EVs and ASCs-EVs shared ∼75-94% of their miRNAome, and more than 80% of it was represented in 10 shared families/clusters. We identified redundant co-regulatory cross-talkers in angiogenesis activation and emphasized the need for a holistic understanding of EV biology beyond individual molecules. Results suggest a potent regulatory role of EVs in fine-tuning paracrine signaling. Pathological and therapeutical EVs might be on the same side of the river and may not need a bridge in terms of angiogenesis (largely overlapping). However, other influences were not studied, and further research is needed for effective EV-based therapy

    A program evaluation of a CLIL course at IED Sofía Camargo de Lleras

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    Content and Language Integrated Language Learning (CLIL) is considered as a dual focused methodology in which a second or foreign language is used as a medium in the teaching and learning of content. The syllabus and programs designed focusing on the CLIL of frameworks have their objectives articulated with goals and outcomes for teaching and learning. There has been evidence that a curriculum based upon content and topics rather than language functions and structure is efficacious in helping students develop their English in a significant and stimulating manner. In 2010, in the IED Sofia Camargo de Lleras, a public school for girls located in Barranquilla, Colombia, there was a curriculum evaluation process that determined that the English curriculum was articulated nor with the Institution`s vision or students’ needs. For instance, in the EFL classrooms, students’ declarative knowledge enabled them describe a rule of grammar and apply it in pattern practice drills and not in meaningful context of use. Worrying about this situation, actions started to be taken to face it. In 2012, a needs analysis was conducted to 10th graders. The results obtained from the data collected called for a Content and Language Integrated language program dealing with those contents that students study in their Personal Development classes. A Content Based pilot course was designed and implemented. The methodological strategies for the design and implementation were the ones proposed by Marsh (2006), Ball (2010), O’Malley & Chamot (1999) and Levelt (1993). To analyze the program’s coherence and effectiveness, it was necessary to move to the field of evaluation research using qualitative methods to collect and analyze the data (Stufflebeam & Shinkfiel, 2007).MaestríaMagister en la Enseñanza del Ingle

    Efecto del consumo de las algas Undaria pinnatifida sobre el perfil lípidico y medidas antropométricas de adulto sanos

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    Objective: To investigate the effect of a dose of 6g/d as a liquid suspension of Undaria pinnatifida (wakame) on the lipid profile, blood pressure, glucose, fat percentage, waist circumference y weight in Ecuadorian healthy people. Methods: A double bind, randomized clinical trial was conducted with to groups, the intervention group (6g/day de Undaria pinnatifida) and a placebo group. Each group had 30 people. Blood samples were taken during week 0, week 4 and week 8, to analyze total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, glucose and triglycerides. At the same time, weight, fat percentage, BMI, waist circumference and blood pressure were measured. Height was measured just once at the beginning of the trial, week 0.Objetivo: Determinar los cambios antropométricos (IMC, circunferencia abdominal y porcentaje de grasa) y de bioquímica sanguínea debido al consumo de 6g/d de Undaria pinnatifida o placebo en sujetos adultos, sanos. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio clínico, doble ciego, aleatorizado con dos grupos, grupo de intervención (6g/día de Undaria pinnatifida) y placebo. Cada grupo se formó por 30 sujetos. Se tomó una muestra de sangre para analizar colesterol total, HDL, LDL, glucosa y triglicéridos a la semana 0 (basal), 4 y 8. Al mismo tiempo se midieron peso, talla, porcentaje de grasa, IMC, circunferencia de cintura y la presión arterial

    Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease as Predictors of Cardiomotor Profiles in Hispanic-Latinos Living with HIV

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    Background: People living with HIV are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease negatively impact cardiovascular and muscular function. Therefore, this study aims to determine if cardiovascular disease risk factors are predictors of cardiomotor profiles in Hispanic-Latinos living with HIV. Subjects: A total of 176 participants were enrolled in this study. There were 134 males and 42 females with a mean age of 53.34 +/- 10.31 years old. Methods: Data was collected retrospectively from people living with HIV in San Juan, Puerto Rico from 2000-2020. Cardiovascular disease risk factors were collected by interview. In addition, the cardiovascular and locomotor components were collected using the Ross submaximal exercise test. Results: Hyperlipidemia was a significant predictor of treadmill time (B= -1.882, p=.034) and heart rate (B= -6.878, p<.001), whereas hypertension was a predictor of heart rate (B= -12.903, p=.026) and systolic blood pressure (B=12.263, p<.001). Hyperlipidemia was also a significant predictor of inclination (B= -1.707, p=.034). In addition, 57.4 % of the sample had at least one cardiovascular disease risk factor. Conclusion: Hyperlipidemia and hypertension should be considered in managing people living with HIV. This study indicated that hyperlipidemia and hypertension negatively affect cardiovascular and locomotor performance during exercise. Clinicians should be aware that exercise tolerance may be reduced in people with HIV and CVD risk factors; therefore, exercise prescription should be tailored and monitored accordingly

    Differences in Temporal Gait Parameters When Walking on Even Surface Walkway, Treadmill, and Pushing a Constant Resistant Sled

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    Motorized treadmills and weighted sleds are employed in clinical settings to improve lower extremity strength, power, and endurance. However, little is known about how the spatio-temporal parameters compare when walking on an even surface walkway, walking on a treadmill, or pushing a sled. This study aimed to examine the variations in spatial and temporal gait parameters when walking on an even surface walkway (EW), on a treadmill (TW), and while pushing a sled (SP). Forty healthy subjects participated in this pilot study. The mean age and BMI of all participants were 24.39 (± 2.86) years and 68.26 (± 13.92) kg/m^2, respectively. Spatio-temporal parameters were gathered using the Mobility Lab ADPM software and six sensors containing accelerometers and gyroscopes. Participants were directed to walk at a normal and comfortable speed for 7 m on an even surface walkway for two trials. Next, the subjects walked on the treadmill for two trials at a speed based on age. For males aged <30 and females 20-40 years of age, the speed was 1.3 m/s. While for males aged 30 or older, the speed was set to 1.4 m/s. Finally, participants were instructed to walk at their normal pace while pushing a 60 lb sled for 9.1 meters (m). Treadmill walking provoked a significant increase in temporal variables, whereas pushing a sled significantly reduced the temporal variables. Treadmill walking resulted in a decrease in double limb support time and an increase in single-limb support time compared with even surface walking. Although cadence was greater when walking on a treadmill versus an even surface walkway, the difference may be attributed to a fixed speed on the treadmill, which was determined by age. Treadmill gait training is recommended for subjects that could benefit from an increase single limb support time to improve dynamic balance such as Parkinson patients. On the other hand, for those participants that dynamic activities are challenging, such as concussion and vestibular patients, pushing the sled will slow down gait parameters allowing gait training with an added resistance benefit. Finally, it has been proposed that further investigation should focus on the differences in lower extremity muscle activation and recruitment patterns under various walking conditions

    Autophagy and Lipid Metabolism – A Cellular Platform where Molecular and Metabolic Pathways Converge to Explain Dengue Viral Infection

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    Dengue virus (DENV) is one of the most prevalent human pathogens worldwide. It causes a huge socioeconomic burden with approximately 400 million infections per year, but yet there is no vaccine or antiviral that is currently effective against the disease. DENV is spread by the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, and viral replication within the mosquito vector is required for transmission to human host. During its replication cycle, the virus cause significant changes to the host transcriptome profile, especially in the metabolic and trafficking pathways. Recent studies have shown a strong association between autophagy and lipid metabolism modulation
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