27 research outputs found

    Automatic Voltage Stabilizers (AVSs) Causes Of Failures And Solutions

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    · ::The· t~a~~~'s' of jdil~~'es -~ · ih"var.tolis-"- iJpes·~.·.(Jp ··automatic ·voltage .. : itbbilizeri''(AVS) nweref; invdstigated. ·.:Jt'-: was•>di$covere(JJ that th~ · m.ajor. .. cau~e offailure.was principally ove14ockling:whicli' resultet(:' '1t.YJ.riz"ilie11 Very idw powe~· 1siipply !jrdm fli'e supply>·authorlijl -tHereby ..· ··r'e}!uiHhg !h'e\ i{n~t's· ~·capacft)<1 T~e'·lpciwe'rJratingf of:'theTstabilizers · 'JeU iis1ithe'.'inpiit ifoltageYell"outside the:tn'o'mihal'voltage}range · .· .. ·• '2do·il-240 V: 1' 1t1~1#ds•orec'Om'me'nqedo.fthat.hmarlufaciurer.s improve on their design in selecting theCFappropriaie size winding conductors, · positioning of conductors (winding ... disposition) as well~ciif}'ofced cooUngithe\'Unit. ·consumers on the other hand are advised to purchase ,thrice the rating of th<? determined load capacity when planning to use or purchase product so as to prolong the lifespan and get maximum benefit

    Analysis of a Weaver, Hartley and Saw- Filter Based, Image Reject Architectures for Radio Receiver Design

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    This paper presents an analysis of the three popular image reject architectures used in radio receiver design. The SAW-filter based image reject architecture is the simplest to implement and has the lowest power consumption while the weaver is the most complex with the highest power consumption. The Hartley architecture which utilizes half the number of mixers used in the weaver architecture does not consume as much as the weaver architecture but is not as efficient due to the use of the 900 phase shifter. The three architectures are optimized for various design specifications. The receiver design with power constraints is better realized using the SAW filter while the receiver with portability as its highest priority is better realized using the weaver architecture. The architecture implemented for any particular radio design is determined by the receiver specification with the highest priorit


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    In order to preserve the life of water pumping machine as well as convenience of operation, an Electronic water level controller was designed, constructed and simulated to operate in two modes: manual and automatic. The design analysis was based on simple circuit theory leading to the specification I choice of components used for the construction of the controller. The technical features and cost of the unit are very encouraging. The unit can be easily maintained and is rugge

    Management of Existing Capacity of Electric Power with Energy Saving Devices

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    The strategy of management of the existing capacity by proper illumination design and the use of energy saving devices in the residential sector is reported. Improper installation design and the use of all sorts of devices at homes has led to a lot of electrical energy wastages resulting in · the need to increase the ·generation capacity. The study revealed that annual energy of 551.88kWh .could be saved for a three - bedroom flat when energy saving fluorescent lamps were used. The corresponding naira savings was 2,207.52 per annum. In addition, the sizes of cable, fuses/circuit breakers required are reduced and hence reduction in the cost of installation. The paper advocates the need for proper design and installation of energy saving devices in homes. The paper wi II be of relevance to lighting installation designers, power systems engineers, power utility managers, and the general public

    Pilot Solar-PV Rural Electrification Scheme for Isalu Community in Ota Nigeria

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    This paper discusses an overview and field experience of a pilot rural electrification project which took place at Isalu Community, Ota, Nigeria. This community is energy insufficient and rely mainly on self-generated power from mini – petrol engine and medium – diesel powered generators. They are not connected to the National grid and this may not happen in two decades from now. The first stage of the pilot project involved accessing the feasibility of the project and performing a load audit. This community wide initiative saw to the phasing out of kerosene lanterns, incandescent light bulbs and other fossil based energy sources. The community was enlightened about the different alternative (renewable) sources available to them. Furthermore, the community was introduced to different solar products that outperformed the currently exploited energy sources economically and environmentally. A well accepted flexible payment plan was developed for the community. Ninety - nine percent solar electrification was achieve

    The Optimization of Generating Plants in a Microgrid: The Covenant University Electric Power Network Experience

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    The use of fossil fuel in electricity generation has created three significant issues for the world to deal with. The issues are security (availability and reliability) of supply, climate change and the cost of fuel required for electricity generation. Covenant University, currently running a cluster of stand-alone diesel powered generating plants situated at different locations within the campus has a lot of unused available capacity within the system which invariably increases the operating (fuel) cost of power generation and also contributes to the environmental pollution through the emission of greenhouse gases within the campus. This research work, using a bottom- up approach, developed a new Electric Power network arrangement by integrating the power generators into a microgrid where there would be a common pool of energy sources for all the loads attached to the power network. The network operational functionality and a developed optimized dispatch algorithm were simulated in Matlab to select generators based on their operating parameters to serve the required loads. Hybrid System Optimization Model for Electric Renewables (HOMER 2.81) software was used as the simulation, sizing and optimization tool to evaluate the performance of the developed network. This method minimized the unused capacity being wasted by reducing power plant engagement and consequently reducing the cost of fuel and carbon-based environmental pollution from the power generators that are operated in the campus. This, in turn, should encourage greenness, curbed pollution, and enhances system security and reliability. The fuel cost and emission were reduced by as much as 44.3% and 51.8% respectively. Consequently, for the specific problem identified in the operation of the Covenant University Electric Power Network, a model was developed to solve it. The developed model, in all its intent and purposes, can be generalized; that is, it can be applied to any cluster of independent dissimilar power generating plants

    Power Supply Options and Suitability Assessment for Remote Oil and Gas Production Installations

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    This paper is aimed at analyzing the possible power options and configurations for remote locations in the oil and gas industry with the view of proposing a cost effect power supply option suitable for the different operational requirements at these remote locations. It reviews the different power options available and presents selection criteria for the optimum choice of power generation technology, transmission links and the generation topology. The extremely high reliability and availability requirement of power supply at oil and gas production installations, the remote nature of these locations and the high power requirements of these sites make it mandatory for the power supply system to be able to deliver power to remote locations with the required reliability and availability, minimal maintenance and high mean time between failures in a cost effective manner. Different power generation options and topologies were reviewed and the use of renewable energy sources was also considered. The combined cycle gas turbine due to its high capacity, high reliability, reduced footprint and maintenance cost, configured in a distributed generation topology was found to be the optimum option

    Finance Models for Rural Electrification from Renewable Energy Schemes

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    This paper explores different payment models for Renewable Energy (RE) schemes that have been implemented in different rural, urban and peri - urban areas in Sub-Saharan Africa. We discuss their mode of operations, successes accrued and challenges encountered. We give reasons why some have failed while others still exist and are growing stronger. The paper proffers solutions to the challenges and provides alternate models that could be adopted. The importance of providing sustainable payment models is that it would allow for the wide spread adoption/acceptability of renewable energy technologies and also ensure that RE service providers are well advised on the advantages involved in engaging with the rural poor, who are low income earners and at the bottom of the income pyramid

    Capacity Integration into a Microgrid, a Tool for Electrical Energy Supply Cost Reduction in Nigeria- Covenant University as a Case Study

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    The cost implication of running a cluster of stand-alone power generating plants was investigated using the generating capacities of the generators and consumption (load) profile obtained from a campus based substation. Analysis of the results revealed a lot of unused available capacity within the system which invariably increases the operating cost of power generation within the campus. Integrating the power generators into a microgrid was suggested where there will be a common pool of energy sources and all loads attached to the network. The proposed network model seeks to reduce power plant engagement by integrating the generating power plants into a microgrid system. To overcome the challenge of synchronization in the AC platform as the power generators are dissimilar, the network is designed to operate as a DC microgrid where the AC generating plants and loads will be interfaced by converters (rectifiers) and inverters respectively. This method reduced the unused capacity being wasted by reducing power plant engagement and consequently reducing the running cost of power generation in the campus