30 research outputs found

    Hybrid leadership in African Neo-Pentecostal

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    Across institutions and professions, leadership philosophy is considered the driver of organisational culture in achieving the overall objectives. Although individuals’ leadership cultures may vary, intersections and hybridity are present in many spheres, including that of some African Neo-Pentecostal Leaders (ANPLs). To underscore the hybrid leadership of the ANPLs, qualitative research was conducted, with data collected from 20 participants through one-on-one interviews across Africa. The results revealed the hybridisation of African Neo-Pentecostal leadership styles visa-vis African monarchical and religious traditions based on four variables: accountability, ownership and succession plan, healing, and gerontocracy. The results also revealed the benefits and challenges of their hybridity. Subsequently, using Jesus’s model of servant leadership to analyse the four variables, the benefits and challenges were critiqued. The analysis identified culture, African spiritual worldview, gerontocracy, and submissive theology as factors influencing such syncretic or hybrid practices. The analysis also delineated the theological, socio-economic, legal, and transgenerational implications of such hybrid leadership. This article concludes with cautionary remarks regarding boundaries, servant leadership, and morality.https://www.mdpi.com/journal/religionsDogmatics and Christian EthicsNon

    Political and socio-economic convergence of religions in Nigeria : positive views and interests

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analysed in this study.Extensive review of academic writings on the convergence of religions (COR) in Nigeria shows that many online academic papers and related conversations gave more attention to its negative implications. Agreeably, Nigeria is the hotbed of religious crises in Africa. However, with the benefits of hindsight, filling the gap of insufficient capture of the positive impact of COR is considered in this exercise with three questions in view: (1) Where do religions meet? (2) Why do religions meet? (3) What are the positive implications of their convergence in Nigeria? Answers were adequately captured with examples, scenarios, case studies, historical evidence, and concomitant academic literature. Overall, this exercise projected three arguments. Firstly, it posited that commitment to religion is not at the heart of COR in Nigeria, rather, COR is premised on personal or group interests. Secondly, it argued that positive reflections on the COR can promote inter-religious tolerance, peace, and unity. Thirdly, it proposed that the COR has far-reaching positive implications socially, politically, and economically. Lastly, it made brief recommendations for improved co-existence and nation-building.http://www.hts.org.zaDogmatics and Christian Ethic

    Prophecies in politics : a review of integrity, impact on voter-behaviour and good governance

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : Data were collected from about 109 participants mostly in South Africa and Nigeria using the Google Survey Questionnaire. Details of the available database are at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15LrzjfhLxZfO4gvt1Ie ZK0oNzrgOGDCzJEjezaUzyZ8/edit or available from the corresponding author, D.O.O., on request.The author is participating in the research project, ‘Religion, Theology and Education’, directed by Prof. Dr Jaco Beyers, Head of Department Religion Studies, Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Pretoria.Special Collection: Interreligious Dialogue, sub-edited by Jaco Beyers (University of Pretoria, South Africa).This paper examined the integrity, impact and good governance value of election prophecies (EPs) in the last 20 years in selected African countries juxtaposed with President Donald Trump’s EPs in America. As a primary source, empirical research was conducted alongside a historical survey. The data collected from 519 respondents revealed that a majority believe in prophecies, but they queried the integrity, impact and value of EPs due to the inconsistency, inaccuracy, confusion and unhealthy public panics engendered. Despite the adverse effects, many adherents still subscribe to the phenomenon due to the psychological and emotional influence. Subsequently, this article critiqued the research outcome through Biblical Theology. It held that EPs remain vital in the public life of nations, but the current approach in Africa needs some review. These include: (1) the need to revisit the tasks of prophets as Hope givers, Reformers and those who speak truth to power in pre- and post-election seasons; (2) the scrutiny of EPs by the plurality of Prophets, ecumenical leaders and the public, with the four suggested evaluation indices; and (3) the need to curb the negative effect of EPs on healthy electoral processes using enacted public account policies. CONTRIBUTION : This article contributes to an interdisciplinary religious aspect of research covering Biblical theology, psephology and politics.http://www.hts.org.zaam2024Dogmatics and Christian EthicsNon

    A historical survey of the African Neo-Pentecostals’ response to digital transformation

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    This research is part of the project, ‘African Christianity and Development’, directed by Prof. Jerry Pillay, Department of Historical and Systematic Theology, Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Pretoria.DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data were collected from about 109 participants mostly in South Africa and Nigeria using the Google Survey Questionnaire. Details of the available database are available at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15LrzjfhLxZfO4gvt1IeZK0oNzrgOGDCzJEjezaUzyZ8/edit.The ongoing digital transformation (DT) in our world has not only brought change to secular systems but also to how things are done in the mission and ministry of the Christian faith. Although before the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, some churches were interacting with DT, the post COVID-19 experience has shown that many more Christian organisations, especially, the African Neo-Pentecostal Churches (ANPC), have carved their niche in the digital space. With South Africa and Nigeria in view, this article investigated how the ANPC interacts with DT to improve missional work and the possible implications of doing so in the last 15 years. In the process, three strategies were applied. Firstly, a literature review and some online investigations were undertaken to articulate how the ANPC have engaged with DT in the past. Secondly, as a primary source, a quantitative empirical survey was conducted through data collection from 109 Neo-Pentecostal leaders to assess the current development in the use of digital technology (DTECH) by the ANPC. Thirdly, the article applied Albert Humphrey’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) framework to analyse the implications of the interaction. The outcome showed that the strengths and opportunities of digital interaction such as the wider and easier reach of audience, online training, online giving, improved sound and light technology and advertisements among others are helpful in missional assignments. Nevertheless, some observed Weaknesses and Threats need attention. Most importantly, the lesson from the findings is that ‘techno church’ practices come with gains; however, interaction with DT is not sufficient for missional services.http://www.hts.org.zaDogmatics and Christian Ethic

    Between African and American Neo-Pentecostalism : an examination of the link, influence, merits and demerits

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    This article is based on a research study that investigated the influence, merits and demerits of the link between African and American Neo-Pentecostalism. The study employed a qualitative research method through which 40 contemporary African Neo-Pentecostal leaders (drawn from South Africa and Nigeria) were interviewed. Additionally, given that most charismatic faith and miracle African Neo-Pentecostal leaders in focus took their roots from American Neo-Pentecostalism, two medical doctors (who equally serve as African Neo-Pentecostal lay ministers), were interviewed to investigate a mother-child link. This was done to ascertain the possibility of existing traits being passed on. Alongside the historical link, the interview findings show that African Neo-Pentecostal leaders display a continuous link and traits from their American Neo-Pentecostals mentors. Thus, they exhibit such traits in theology and other practices. Subsequently, the research study established that the influence of American Pentecostalism engenders more demerits, and the researchers proposed the need to constantly de-emphasise the Americanisation of the gospel in Africa. In order to achieve this, some relevant recommendations were made, proposing that African Neo-Pentecostals need to be separated from a toxic foreign culture and should “self-exist,” thereby making room for African uniqueness in contemporary Neo-Pentecostal practices.https://upjournals.co.za/index.php/SHE/indexdm2022Dogmatics and Christian Ethic

    Neo-Pentecostal political activism vis-a-vis good governance in Nigeria : a theological analysis

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    This article presented the Nigerian neo-Pentecostal political activism (NNPA) in the last two decades and its impact on good governance. A brief historical analysis shows that pulpit political activism (PPA) may have catalysed some civil actions by civil society, socio-cultural groups, adherents, and the masses; however, the resistance from the government may imply that the struggle is counterproductive. Subsequently, the situation calls for a theological examination of the activists’ praxis through the lens of three sub-theological disciplines, namely social gospel, political and public theologies. It is argued that the NNPA is neither based on any of the three theological sub-disciplines nor any other specific theology. Thus, this article upheld that where a struggle for good governance from a Christian perspective lacks a solid theological foundation, its approach may be counterproductive. The article then recommended the need for NNPA to evolve through a constructive theology with the adoption of some concepts from the three theological sub-disciplines, especially public theology. INTRADISCIPLINARY AND/OR INTERDISCIPLINARY IMPLICATIONS : This article aligns with the scope of Verbum et Ecclesia as it created a conversation around dogmatic and historical theologies, socio-political interaction and African neo-Pentecostalism.https://verbumetecclesia.org.za/index.php/veDogmatics and Christian Ethic

    Assessment of Anthropogenic Activities on Water Quality of Benin River

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    Assessment of water quality was conducted from June to December, 2011 in five stations along the stretch of the Benin River between Ajimele and Koko town in attempt to assess and determine the source of anthropogenic activities affecting the river. Twentyfour parameters have been monitored on 5 sampling stations on a monthly-day-trip. Inter station comparisons and locations of significant differences were carried out using parametric ANOVA and Duncan multiple range tests. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Water Quality Index (WQI) were used to establish relationship among water quality parameters and determine the water quality status. First six components of PCA accounted for 90.96% of observed variations and showed similarity between the sampling stations indicating different anthropogenic activities and pollution levels of sampled sites. Factors identified as responsible for variability in the sampling stations are organic pollution, industrial effluent, soil erosion, nutrient loading and human activities, especially in station 4 and 5. WQI for sampling stations 1 and 3 was very poor for drinking (201 - 300) and stations 2, 4 and 5 was unsuitable (> 301) for human consumptions. In the final analysis, this investigation presents the usefulness of PCA and WQI in assessing complex datasets of surface water quality and as well as a call to action for the state and federal ministry of environment to take this issue of water quality degradation in Benin River into consideration, by reducing organic pollution and effluent discharge into the river. An intense and continuous water quality monitoring is highly recommended. © JASEMKeywords: Organic pollution, Industrial effluent, Water Quality Index (WQI), Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

    Poverty, corruption, and religious opportunism in Africa : a neo-pentecostal perspective

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    In an ideal context, religious tenets are perceived as antithetical to corruption on all fronts. Sadly, Africa takes a frontline in religious activities, yet is bedevilled by corruption aided poverty. Viewing some Neo-Pentecostal practices with the lens of contemporary Marxism hypothesis, and philosophical consciencism of Kwame Nkrumah and Fela Anikulapo, this article examined the role of religion in the spread of poverty in Africa. It further held that while a few religious leaders speak against corruption aided poverty, institutionalised and deliberate strategic plans have not been set up to combat corruption aided poverty. Subsequently, through strategic and implementable recommendations, this article serves as a wake-up call for Africa’s religious institutions to jettison alliance with corrupt political entities and support anticorruption crusades in Africa. CONTRIBUTION : Employing the multi-play of Sociology, Economics, Philosophy and Theology, this article contributes to the interdisciplinary and international research of HTS Theological Studies.http://www.hts.org.zaam2022Dogmatics and Christian Ethic

    Empirical Models for Estimation of Rain Rate in the Fifteen ITU Rain Zones

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    Rain rate data are essential for the computation of rain attenuation that can be experienced by wireless signal passing through a given area. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) divided the world into fifteen rain zones and for each rain zone ITU published rain rate data for just seven different link percentage availability, namely: 99%, 99.7%, 99.9%, 99.97%, 99.99%, 99.997% and 99.999%. In this paper, two empirical models are developed for estimating the rain rate for any given link percentage availability in all the fifteen ITU rain zones. The goodness of fit of the models are indicated in terms of coefficient of determination (otherwise called r^2 ), root mean square error and prediction accuracy. In all, 90.3777% is the lowest prediction accuracy recorded for Model 1 for rain zone C and 91.6306% is the lowest prediction accuracy recorded for Model 2 for rain zone B. The best prediction accuracy recorded for Model 1 is 98.2456% for rain zone Q and best prediction accuracy  recorded for Model  2 is 95.3553% for rain zone H. The models are useful for the estimation of rain rate and hence rain attenuation for any given link percentage availability in all the fifteen ITU rain zones

    Empirical Models for Estimation of Rain Rate in the Fifteen ITU Rain Zones

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    Rain rate data are essential for the computation of rain attenuation that can be experienced by wireless signal passing through a given area. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) divided the world into fifteen rain zones and for each rain zone ITU published rain rate data for just seven different link percentage availability, namely: 99%, 99.7%, 99.9%, 99.97%, 99.99%, 99.997% and 99.999%. In this paper, two empirical models are developed for estimating the rain rate for any given link percentage availability in all the fifteen ITU rain zones. The goodness of fit of the models are indicated in terms of coefficient of determination (otherwise called r^2 ), root mean square error and prediction accuracy. In all, 90.3777% is the lowest prediction accuracy recorded for Model 1 for rain zone C and 91.6306% is the lowest prediction accuracy recorded for Model 2 for rain zone B. The best prediction accuracy recorded for Model 1 is 98.2456% for rain zone Q and best prediction accuracy  recorded for Model  2 is 95.3553% for rain zone H. The models are useful for the estimation of rain rate and hence rain attenuation for any given link percentage availability in all the fifteen ITU rain zones