46 research outputs found
The influence of individual cognitive style on performance in management education
This paper reports the outcomes of an empirical study undertaken to explore the possibility that cognitive style may be an important factor influencing performance on certain types of task in management education. Four hundred and twelve final-year undergraduate degree students studying management and business administration were tested using the Allinson-Hayes Cognitive Style Index. Their cognitive styles were then compared with assessment grades achieved for academic modules, the task categories of which were deemed to be consonant with either the wholist/intuitive or the analytic style of working. Overall ability defined by final degree grades was also tested against individuals’ cognitive styles. As expected, students whose dominant cognitive styles were analytic attained higher grades for long term solitary tasks involving careful planning and analysis of information. However, contrary to expectations, performance on tasks believed to be more suited to the wholist/intuitive style was also higher for analytic individuals, as was overall ability defined by final degree grades. The results were discussed in terms of the nature of the tasks and the need for methods of performance assessment that are independent of an orientation bias. Without this, it is argued, employment selection criteria may favour the wrong type of candidate in some circumstances
Displaying a boundary in graphic and symbolic “wait” displays: Duration estimates and users’ preferences
Amino Acid and Lipid Relationships in Component 6 of Diethylstilbestrol-Treated Cockerel Serum ,
Tempo curves considered harmful
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74833.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)In the literature of musicology, computer music research and the psychology of music, timing or tempo measurements are mostly presented in the form of continuous curves. The notion of these tempo curves is dangerous, despite its widespread use, because it lulls its users into the false impression that a continuous concept of temporal flow has an independent existence, a musical or psychological reality, and that time can be perceived independent of events carrying it. But if one bases a transformation or manipulation of timing on the implied characteristics of such a notion, one is doomed to fail.Special issue: J. D. Kramer (ed.), Time in contemporary musical though