150 research outputs found

    Classical optics representation of the quantum mechanical translation operator via ABCD matrices

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    The ABCD matrix formalism describing paraxial propagation of optical beams across linear systems is generalized to arbitrary beam trajectories. As a by-product of this study, a one-to-one correspondence between the extended ABCD matrix formalism presented here and the quantum mechanical translation operator is established

    Generalized Bessel beams with two indices

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    We report on a new class of exact solutions of the scalar Helmholtz equation obtained by carefully engineering the form of the angular spectrum of a Bessel beam. We consider in particular the case in which the angular spectrum of such generalized beams has, in the paraxial zone, the same radial structure as Laguerre-Gaussian beams. We investigate the form of these new beams as well as their peculiar propagation properties

    Goos-Haenchen and Imbert-Fedorov shifts for bounded wave packets of light

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    We present precise expressions of the spatial and angular Goos-Haenchen and Imbert-Fedorov shifts experienced by a longitudinally and transversally limited beam of light (wave packet) upon reflection from a dielectric interface, as opposed to the well-known case of a monochromatic beam which is bounded in transverse directions but infinitely extended along the direction of propagation. This is done under the assumption that the detector time is longer than the temporal length of the wave packet (wave packet regime). Our results will be applied to the case of a Gaussian wave packet and show that, at the leading order in the Taylor expansion of reflected-field amplitudes, the results are the same of the monochromatic case

    Goos-H\"anchen and Imbert-Fedorov shifts for astigmatic Gaussian beams

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    In this work we investigate the role of the beam astigmatism in the Goos-H\"anchen and Imbert-Fedorov shift. As a case study, we consider a Gaussian beam focused by an astigmatic lens and we calculate explicitly the corrections to the standard formulas for beam shifts due to the astigmatism induced by the lens. Our results show that astigmatism may enhance the angular part of the shift

    Radially Self-Accelerating Optical Pulses

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    We generalise the concept of radially self-accelerating beams, to the domain of optical pulses. In particular, we show, how radially self-accelerating optical pulses (RSAPs) can be constructed by suitable superpositions of X-waves, which are a natural extension of Bessel beams in the pulsed domain. Moreover, we show, that while field rotating RSAPs preserve their self-acceleration character, intensity rotating RSAPs only possess pseudo self-acceleration, as their transverse intensity distribution is deformed during propagation, due to their propagation-dependent angular velocity
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