15 research outputs found

    Geophysical multidisciplinary investigation of the structure of an unstable flank: the NE sector of Mt. Etna.

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    Mount Etna is characterized by a complex regional tectonics with a N-S compression related to the Africa – Europe convergence that interacts with a WNW-ESE extension associated to the Malta Escarpment. A general eastward motion is present in the eastern flank. Although the existence of these phenomena is overt, the geometry of the sliding sector is still debated. The non-uniqueness of the geophysical inverse models and the different limitations in resolution and sensitivity of each technique spurred us to undertake, in the frame of the MEDiterranean Supersites Volcanoes (MED-SUV) project, a joint interpretation of independent data in order to better constrain the results. Seismic data come from the network run by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) – Osservatorio Etneo, Sezione di Catania. The relocated seismicity defines two main seismogenic volumes in the NE sector of the volcano: the first cluster is related to the known Pernicana Fault system, while the second one is located southwards, beneath the northern wall of the Valle del Bove. The resistivity models come from a MT survey carried out on the eastern flank of the volcano and consisting of thirty broad-band soundings along N-S and NW-SE oriented profiles. The resistivity modeling of MT profiles reveal three major layers in a resistive-conductive-resistive sequence. A low resistivity volume is clearly identified on the NE flank of the volcano, between The Pernicana fault and the northern wall of the Valle del Bove. Ground deformation studies (GPS and InSAR) revealed the segmentation of the unstable flank and define the NE sector as the most mobile one; this sector is perfectly bounded by the two seismic clusters and corresponds to the low resistivity volume. The sliding surface modeled by ground deformation data inversions well matches in depth with a resistivity transition and with two seismogenic layers


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    AbstractIn this work, we integrate artificial and natural seismic sources data to obtain high‐resolution images of the shallow inner structure of Stromboli Volcano. Overall, we used a total of 21,953 P readings from an active seismic experiment and an additional 2731 P and 992 S readings deriving from 269 local events. The well‐defined Vp, Vs, and Vp/Vs tomograms have highlighted the following: (i) the region where magma cumulates at shallow depths (2–4 km below sea level (bsl)), forming an elongated NE‐SW high‐velocity body (Vp ≥ 6.0 km/s and Vs ≥ 3.5 km/s), with a very fast velocity core (6.5 ≤ Vp < 7.0 km/s) of ~2 km3; (ii) the presence of some near‐vertical pipe‐like structures, characterized by relatively high P velocities values, mainly linked to past activity (e.g., Strombolicchio); and (iii) a near‐vertical pipe‐like volume with high Vp/Vs (1.78 ÷ 1.85), located beneath to the craters (down to ~1.0 km bsl), overlying a deeper region (1.0 to 3.0 km bsl) with low Vp/Vs (1.64 ÷ 1.69), interpreted as the actual and preferential pathway of magma toward the surface. Our results demonstrate the importance of combining passive and active seismic data to improve, in a tomographic inversion, the resolution of the volcanic structures and to discover where magma may be stored

    Seismological constraints for the dyke emplacement of the July-August 2001 lateral eruption at Mt. Etna volcano, Italy

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    In this paper we report seismological evidence regarding the emplacement of the dike that fed the July 18 - August 9, 2001 lateral eruption at Mt. Etna volcano. The shallow intrusion and the opening of the eruptive fracture system, which mostly occurred during July 12, and July 18, were accompanied by one of the most intense seismic swarms of the last 20 years. A total of 2694 earthquakes (1 £ Md £ 3.9) were recorded from the beginning of the swarm (July 12) to the end of the eruption (August 9). Seismicity shows the upward migration of the dike from the basement to the relatively thin volcanic pile. A clear hypocentral migration was observed, well constraining the upwards propagation of a near-vertical dike, oriented roughly N-S, and located a few kilometers south of the summit region. Earthquake distribution and orientation of the P-axes from focal mechanisms indicate that the swarm was caused by the local stress source related to the dike intrusion

    Automatic S-Phase Picking for Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes Using Spectral Dissimilarity Analysis

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    We present an S-phase picking algorithm for volcano-tectonic earthquakes (VTs), based on the changes of frequency and amplitude expected in the plane transverse to the ray direction at S-phase arrival. A measure of these changes, called spectral dissimilarity, is proposed. Picking is performed in a particular waveform transformation that underlines such variations foreseen: horizontal instant power. Then, the algorithm provides a measure of its reliability, grounded on the low or high fluctuations of the picking instant obtained when applied to other horizontal components of the seismogram. Experiments are performed to test the algorithm with a challenging database of volcano seismic earthquakes from Mt. Etna, carefully picked and labeled by a human expert. The technique is compared to two well-known S-phase pickers: one based on the damped predominant period analysis and the other based on polarization and kurtosis rate analysis. The algorithm improves these techniques for the particular scenario of VTs, providing interesting results and possibilities of the application.Published874 - 8783T. Sorgente sismicaJCR Journa

    Geophysical multidisciplinary investigation of the structure of the unstable sector of Mt. Etna volcano

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    Mount Etna is characterized by a complex regional tectonics with a N-S compression related to the Africa - Europe convergence that interacts with a WNW-ESE extension associated to the Malta Escarpment. A general eastward motion is present in the eastern flank. Although the existence of these phenomena is overt, the geometry of the sliding sector is still debated. The non-uniqueness of the geophysical inverse models and the different limitations in resolution and sensitivity of each technique spurred us to undertake a joint interpretation of the independent datasets in order to better constrain the results. Seismic data come from the network run by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) - Osservatorio Etneo, Sezione di Catania. The relocated seismicity defines two main seismogenic volumes in the NE sector of the volcano: the first cluster is related to the known Pernicana Fault system, while the second one is located southwards, beneath the northern wall of the Valle del Bove. The resistivity models come from a MT survey carried out on the eastern flank of the volcano and consisting of thirty broad-band soundings along N-S and NW-SE oriented profiles. The resistivity modeling of MT profiles reveal three major layers in a resistive-conductive-resistive sequence. A low resistivity volume is clearly identified on the NE flank of the volcano, between The Pernicana fault and the northern wall of the Valle del Bove. Ground deformation studies (GPS and InSAR) revealed the segmentation of the unstable flank and define the NE sector as the most mobile one; this sector is perfectly bounded by the two seismic clusters and corresponds to the low resistivity volume. The sliding surface modeled by ground deformation data inversions well matches in depth with a resistivity transition and with two seismogenic layers.INGVPublished1V. Storia e struttura dei sistemi vulcaniciope

    Geophysical multidisciplinary investigation of the structure of an unstable flank: the NE sector of Mt. Etna.

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    Mount Etna is characterized by a complex regional tectonics with a N-S compression related to the Africa – Europe convergence that interacts with a WNW-ESE extension associated to the Malta Escarpment. A general eastward motion is present in the eastern flank. Although the existence of these phenomena is overt, the geometry of the sliding sector is still debated. The non-uniqueness of the geophysical inverse models and the different limitations in resolution and sensitivity of each technique spurred us to undertake, in the frame of the MEDiterranean Supersites Volcanoes (MED-SUV) project, a joint interpretation of independent data in order to better constrain the results. Seismic data come from the network run by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) – Osservatorio Etneo, Sezione di Catania. The relocated seismicity defines two main seismogenic volumes in the NE sector of the volcano: the first cluster is related to the known Pernicana Fault system, while the second one is located southwards, beneath the northern wall of the Valle del Bove. The resistivity models come from a MT survey carried out on the eastern flank of the volcano and consisting of thirty broad-band soundings along N-S and NW-SE oriented profiles. The resistivity modeling of MT profiles reveal three major layers in a resistive-conductive-resistive sequence. A low resistivity volume is clearly identified on the NE flank of the volcano, between The Pernicana fault and the northern wall of the Valle del Bove. Ground deformation studies (GPS and InSAR) revealed the segmentation of the unstable flank and define the NE sector as the most mobile one; this sector is perfectly bounded by the two seismic clusters and corresponds to the low resistivity volume. The sliding surface modeled by ground deformation data inversions well matches in depth with a resistivity transition and with two seismogenic layers.UnpublishedYogyakarta, Indonesia1V. Storia e struttura dei sistemi vulcaniciope

    First 2-D intrinsic and scattering attenuation images of Mt Etna volcano and surrounding region from active seismic data

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Geophysical Journal International ©: The Authors 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Uploaded in accordance with the publisher's self-archiving policy.We present 2-D attenuation images of the Mt Etna volcanic region on the basis of separation of intrinsic and scattering effects. The analysis presented here exploits a large active seismic database that fully covers the area under study. We observe that scattering effects dominate over intrinsic attenuation, suggesting that the region is very heterogeneous. Comparison with analyses conducted at other volcanoes reveals that the Mt Etna region is characterized by high intrinsic attenuation, resulting from the presence of large volcanoclastic deposits at shallow depth. The 2-D distributions of intrinsic and scattering anomalies show the presence of regions characterized by high and low attenuation effects, corresponding to several tectonic and volcanic features. In particular, we identify a high attenuation region in the SW sector of the Mt Etna volcanic complex, which is correlated with high seismicity rates and volcanism. This work supports the hypothesis of a link between the dynamics of the SW flank and the recharge of the volcano in the last decades, occurring under the summit crater and, secondarily, the upper South rift zone.Published267-2772V. Struttura e sistema di alimentazione dei vulcaniJCR Journa

    Seismic and volcanic activity during 2014 in the region involved by TOMO-ETNA seismic active experiment

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    This paper presents an overview of the seismic and volcanic activity occurred during 2014 in the region involved by the TOMO-ETNA seismic active experiment (Mt. Etna, Aeolian Islands and Peloritani-Messina Strait areas). To better characterize the seismicity over the year, three-dimensional hypocenter locations and focal mechanism solutions of a dataset of 678 selected small-to-moderate magnitude earthquakes (0.5 ≤ ML ≤ 4.3) were analyzed. In the framework of the TOMO-ETNA experiment, a temporary seismic network was installed on-land from June to November 2014, both to acquire seismic signals produced by shots and to record the local seismicity. Data collected by the temporary network were used to integrate those deriving from the permanent seismic network operated by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)-Osservatorio Etneo (Etna Observatory), thus obtaining a numerically more robust dataset. In agreement with previous analysis and studies, the distribution of the hypocentral locations is well representative of the seismicity that typically characterizes this area. The selected well-constrained 42 fault plane solutions evidence two domains characterized by different motions and style of deformation. In particular, an extensional domain in the northeastern Sicily and a strike-slip regime in the northernmost part of the studied region have been observed

    Earthquake monitoring in Italy: integration of a temporary seismic experiment into national real-time surveillance, the example of FocusX temporary land-network

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    The INGV is the operational center for earthquake monitoring in Italy, https://www.ingv.it/en/monitoraggio-e-infrastrutture/sorveglianza/servizio-di-sorveglianza-sismica, it operates the Italian National Seismic Network and other networks at different scales and is a primary node of EIDA for archiving and distributing seismic recordings. INGV provides earthquake information to the Department of Civil Protection and to the public. In the frame of the FOCUS (Fiber Optic Cable Use for seafloor studies of earthquake hazard and deformation) project, https://www.geo-ocean.fr/Recherche/Projets-de-Recherche/ERC-FOCUS, we deployed a temporary seismic network, FXLand (1J), for a passive seismological experiment to record regional seismicity and teleseismic events. This experiment aims to improve the detection of seismicity; the accuracy of earthquake locations, and to define the crustal structure of the region. The seismicity in the Ionian area is possibly the result of two types of tectonic activity at different depths: a gently NW dipping subduction interface of the Calabrian subduction zone, and the strike-slip fault systems in the Ionian Sea, well expressed in the morpho-bathymetry and observed in previous seismic profiles