1 research outputs found

    Financial education and its impact on the management capacity of merchants of the municipal public company Agricultural Producers Market Riobamba麓s San Pedro (EP-EMMPA)

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    La presente investigaci贸n tuvo como objetivo determinar los niveles de educaci贸n financiera de los comerciantes de la empresa p煤blica Mercado de Productores Agr铆colas San Pedro de Riobamba EP-EMMPA, y su incidencia en la capacidad de gesti贸n; de un universo de 946 comerciantes arrendatarios permanentes, se obtuvo una muestra representativa de 195 a quienes se aplic贸 una encuesta mediante el m茅todo aleatorio   sobre aspectos relacionados con: nivel de formaci贸n y conocimientos financieros; comportamiento y actitudes  en relaci贸n a la  inversi贸n, el financiamiento, el  ahorro y manejo de herramientas financieras b谩sicas. Los hallazgos relevantes evidenciaron el manejo emp铆rico de las finanzas por parte de los comerciantes del mercado mayorista de la ciudad de Riobamba, debido al bajo nivel de educaci贸n financiera que incide en la capacidad de gesti贸n y manejo de sus recursos econ贸micos. Al mismo tiempo generan graves dificultades tales como: sobre endeudamiento, falta de inversi贸n, deficiente ahorro y financiamiento de la actividad comercial a trav茅s de fuentes informales con elevados costos financieros y sociales. La investigaci贸n concluye la necesidad de trasferencia de conocimientos que permita en el mediano y largo plazo fortalecer la cultura financiera de los comerciantes mediante programa de formaci贸n y educaci贸n financiera con participaci贸n directa de las Universidades y Escuelas Polit茅cnicas de la localidad a trav茅s de sus Facultades de Administraci贸n de Empresas y unidades de vinculaci贸n con la comunidadThe objective of this research was to determine the levels of financial education of the merchants of the public company Agricultural Producers Market Riobamba麓s San Pedro EP-EMMPA, and its impact on management capacity; from a universe of 946 permanent tenant merchants, a representative sample of 195 was obtained, to whom a survey was applied using the random method on aspects related to: level of education and financial knowledge; behavior and attitudes in relation to investment, financing, saving and management of basic financial tools. The relevant findings evidenced the empirical management of finances by the merchants of the Riobamba wholesale market, due to the low level of financial education that affects the ability to manage and manage their economic resources. At the same time, they generate serious difficulties such as: over-indebtedness, lack of investment, poor savings and financing of commercial activity through informal sources with high financial and social costs. The research concludes the need for knowledge transfer that allows in the medium and long term to strengthen the financial culture of merchants through financial training and education programs with direct participation of the Universities and Polytechnic Schools of the town through their Management Faculties. Companies and community engagement units