37 research outputs found

    Genotypic variability of morphological characteristics of English oak (Quercus robur L) acorn

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    This paper deals with the acorn morphology (length, diameter and mass) analyzed in seventeen English oak genotypes (Quercus robur L)from the English Oak Clonal Seed Orchard Banov Brod (Srem,Vojvodina). The highest values of acorn mass and length were measured in genotype 5. The largest diameters were measured in genotypes 6 and 21. Genotype 35 had the lowest acorn mass, length and diameter. The results from this study should serve as guidelines for the selection of trees yielding fruits possessing the desirable morphological characteristics

    Naftenske kiseline - alternativni stimulatori ožiljavanja kod mikroizbojaka bagrema

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    The study describes the rooting effect of naphthenates and their fractions on in vitro grown Robinia pseudoacacia L. shoots. Natural naphthenic acids have been isolated by alkaline extraction from middle fraction of crude oil type ā€œVelebitā€ from Vojvodina, characterized and fractionated. Black locust shoot bases were immersed in ACM medium [Ahuja, 1984] without agar supplemented with either 10, 50 or 100 ĀµM of basic naphthenate preparation, naphthenate fractions obtained by extraction at different pHs (pH 2, pH 4, pH 7 and pH 9), or indole3-butyric acid (IBA). Treated shoots have been then grown on hormone-free medium for four weeks. Significant differences among test treatments were recorded during the third and the fourth week of in vitro cultivation. Final evaluation was performed on the basis of rooting percentage after four weeks of cultivation. The highest rooting percentage (>70%) was achieved after the treatment with solution containing 50 ĀµM of IBA. However, treatment with 10 ĀµM of naphthenate preparation achieved also positive effect on rooting (>60%). Average rooting percentage in the control treatment was just 45%. Our results with black locust confirm previous results gained with some other agricultural and forest tree species that naphthenates have the potential to stimulate rooting in shoots and cuttings.Rad opisuje efekat naftenata na ožiljavanje mikroizbojaka bagrema in vitro. Naftenske kiseline su izolovane baznom ekstrakcijom iz srednje frakcije sirove nafte tipa ā€œVelebitā€, koja je opisana u ranijim radovima. Donji deo mikroizbojka je uronjen jedan minut u tečni ACM medijum [Ahuja, 1984] u koji je dodato 10, 50 ili 100 ĀµM osnovne meÅ”avine natrijum-naftenata ili njenih pojedinih frakcija dobijenih ekstrakcijom na različitim pH (pH 2, pH 4, pH 7 ili pH 9), odnosno 10, 50, 100 ĀµM ili 1g/l indol-3-buterne kiseline (IBA). Kontrolni tretman je činio ACM medijum bez ispitivanih aktivnih materija. Tretirani mikroizbojci su zatim gajeni na čvrstoj ACM podlozi bez hormona. Značajne razlike među ispitivanim tretmanima su zabeležene tokom treće i četvrte nedelje uzgoja u in vitro uslovima. Konačna ocena je izvedena na osnovu procenta ožiljavanja nakon četiri nedelje uzgoja. NajviÅ”i procenat ožiljavanja je postignut rastvorom sa 10 ĀµM natrijum naftenata, nakon čega je ostvaren značajan pozitivan efekat na procenat ožiljavanja (>60%) u odnosu na kontrolni tretman (oko 45%). Rezultati do kojih smo doÅ”li kod bagrema potvrđuju ranije rezultate koji su dobijeni kod poljoprivrednih i Å”umskih drvenastih vrsta o mogućnosti stimulacije ožiljavanja mikroizbojaka i reznica solima naftenskih kiselina

    Possibility of afforestation of halomorphic soils in Vojvodina

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    PoÅ”umljavanje halomorfnih tala u Vojvodini predstavlja poseban problem obzirom na vrlo nisku produktivnost kao posljedicu niza nepovoljnih svojstava toga staniÅ”nog tipa. Niska produktivnost određuje mogućnost, razinu i karakter koriÅ”tenja toga staniÅ”nog tipa u Å”umarstvu. U osnovi, poÅ”umljavanje na tome staniÅ”nom tipu predstavlja prostornu infrastrukturnu investiciju u smislu poboljÅ”anja strukture Å”umskog fonda i porasta ukupnog bioloÅ”kog potencijala. Osnivanje Å”umskih nasada u cilju dobivanja drvne mase nema ekonomskog opravdanja. Razlog tome je niska produktivnost, karakteristična mozaičnost, a time i nemogućnost koriÅ”tenja u Å”umarstvu, tako da je na ovom staniÅ”nom tipu osnovna funkcija ekoloÅ”ka.The afforestation of halomorphic soils in Vojvodina is a special problem considering the very low productivity, a consequence of a series of unfavourable properties of this site type. Low productivity determines the potential, level and character of this site type utilisation in forestry. The afforestation on this site type is basically a spatial infrasructural investment in the sense of improving the growing stock structure and the increase of the total biological potential. The establishment of forest plantations aimed at obtaining timber is not economically justified. The reasons for this are the low productivity, the characteristic mosaic pattern, and, through this, the inadequacy of using these sites forest exploitation. Accordingly, this site type should mainly have ecological functions

    Possibilities for using agricultural areas for the cultivation of poplars in the hilly and mountainous regions of the Republic of Serbia

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    Brojni manji ili već vodotoci rijeka i rječica u Republici Srbiji obrasli su fragmentima aluvijalno higrofilnih Å”uma i predstavljaju potencijal za proÅ”irenje Å”umskog fonda. Problem predstavlja usitnjenost parcela koje su koriÅ”tene za uzgajanje poljoprivrednih kultura i u privatnom su vlasniÅ”tvu. Poseban značaj podizanja aluvijalnih-higrofilnih Å”uma uz ove vodotoke je u povećanju ukupne povrÅ”ine pod Å”umama u Republici Srbiji, čime se posredno pospjeÅ”uje održivi razvoj Å”umskih ekosistema, stabilnost poljoprivredne proizvodnje i zaÅ”tita životne sredine. Uz međe okolnih parcela od prirode se javljaju fragmenti nekadaÅ”njih Å”uma, koji ukazuju na visok stupanj utjecaja antropogenog čimbenika, kao i na činjenicu da je na tim povrÅ”inama bila autohtona Å”umska vegetacija. U radu su istraživana svojstva tala od značaja za uzgajanje selektiranih sorti crnih topola u plićaku rijeke Rasine. Izdvojena je pjeskovita i ilovasta forma fluvisola. Izdvojene sistematske jedinice tala su formirane u priobalnom genetičkom dijelu plićaka ove rijeke. Razlika između izdvojenih sistematskih jedinica tla je u sadržaju praha i gline, teksturnoj klasi i sadržaju odnosno tipu akumulacije organske tvari u tlu.Numerous smaller and larger river streams in Serbia are covered by the fragments of alluvial hygrophillous forests presenting a potential for an extension of the forest stock. Along with the private ownership of the land, there is also the problem of land fragmentation due to the use of the land for agriculture. The establishment of alluvial hygrophillous forests along these streams would enlarge the total forest area in the Republic, which would indirectly promote the sustainable development of the forest ecosystems, the stability of agriculture, and the protection of the environment. Along the margins of the surrounding land areas, the fragments of the past forests naturally return. This confirms a high degree of influence of the anthropogenetic factor, and the fact that autochthonous forest vegetation used to cover these areas. A special place in the enlargement of the growing stock of the Republic of Serbia is taken by the selected species of black poplars due to their fast growth, height increment and the multiple purpose of poplar timber. The many years of the research on the numerous factors influencing the production of the poplar wood mass resulted in the conclusion that a successful production requires the following most important steps: choice of species, choice of habitat (particularly soil), and the selection of the suitable technologies for the establishment, growth, and protection of the plantations

    Chemical parameters of oxidative stress adaptability in beech

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    e antioxidant activity, lipid peroxidation, and contents of free proline and soluble proteins were investigated on six-year-old beech plants. Provenance Avala, in Serbia, had the best adaptability to environmental factors on locality Fruska Gora due to low lipid peroxidation, high FRAP value, and free proline and soluble proteins contents. Provenances Scharnstein and Mitterndorf, in Austria, had the best adaptability to environmental factors on locality Debeli Lug due to high FRAP value and free proline and soluble proteins contents. FRAP values in majority of provenances from locality Debeli Lug were higher. Correlations parameters were much higher between provenances in locality Debeli Lug, situated at higher altitude, which is the consequence of better adaption to environmental factors inļæ½uence

    Possibilities for using agricultural areas for the cultivation of poplars in the hilly and mountainous regions of the Republic of Serbia

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    Brojni manji ili već vodotoci rijeka i rječica u Republici Srbiji obrasli su fragmentima aluvijalno higrofilnih Å”uma i predstavljaju potencijal za proÅ”irenje Å”umskog fonda. Problem predstavlja usitnjenost parcela koje su koriÅ”tene za uzgajanje poljoprivrednih kultura i u privatnom su vlasniÅ”tvu. Poseban značaj podizanja aluvijalnih-higrofilnih Å”uma uz ove vodotoke je u povećanju ukupne povrÅ”ine pod Å”umama u Republici Srbiji, čime se posredno pospjeÅ”uje održivi razvoj Å”umskih ekosistema, stabilnost poljoprivredne proizvodnje i zaÅ”tita životne sredine. Uz međe okolnih parcela od prirode se javljaju fragmenti nekadaÅ”njih Å”uma, koji ukazuju na visok stupanj utjecaja antropogenog čimbenika, kao i na činjenicu da je na tim povrÅ”inama bila autohtona Å”umska vegetacija. U radu su istraživana svojstva tala od značaja za uzgajanje selektiranih sorti crnih topola u plićaku rijeke Rasine. Izdvojena je pjeskovita i ilovasta forma fluvisola. Izdvojene sistematske jedinice tala su formirane u priobalnom genetičkom dijelu plićaka ove rijeke. Razlika između izdvojenih sistematskih jedinica tla je u sadržaju praha i gline, teksturnoj klasi i sadržaju odnosno tipu akumulacije organske tvari u tlu.Numerous smaller and larger river streams in Serbia are covered by the fragments of alluvial hygrophillous forests presenting a potential for an extension of the forest stock. Along with the private ownership of the land, there is also the problem of land fragmentation due to the use of the land for agriculture. The establishment of alluvial hygrophillous forests along these streams would enlarge the total forest area in the Republic, which would indirectly promote the sustainable development of the forest ecosystems, the stability of agriculture, and the protection of the environment. Along the margins of the surrounding land areas, the fragments of the past forests naturally return. This confirms a high degree of influence of the anthropogenetic factor, and the fact that autochthonous forest vegetation used to cover these areas. A special place in the enlargement of the growing stock of the Republic of Serbia is taken by the selected species of black poplars due to their fast growth, height increment and the multiple purpose of poplar timber. The many years of the research on the numerous factors influencing the production of the poplar wood mass resulted in the conclusion that a successful production requires the following most important steps: choice of species, choice of habitat (particularly soil), and the selection of the suitable technologies for the establishment, growth, and protection of the plantations