Possibilities for using agricultural areas for the cultivation of poplars in the hilly and mountainous regions of the Republic of Serbia


Brojni manji ili već vodotoci rijeka i rječica u Republici Srbiji obrasli su fragmentima aluvijalno higrofilnih šuma i predstavljaju potencijal za proširenje šumskog fonda. Problem predstavlja usitnjenost parcela koje su korištene za uzgajanje poljoprivrednih kultura i u privatnom su vlasništvu. Poseban značaj podizanja aluvijalnih-higrofilnih šuma uz ove vodotoke je u povećanju ukupne površine pod šumama u Republici Srbiji, čime se posredno pospješuje održivi razvoj šumskih ekosistema, stabilnost poljoprivredne proizvodnje i zaštita životne sredine. Uz međe okolnih parcela od prirode se javljaju fragmenti nekadašnjih šuma, koji ukazuju na visok stupanj utjecaja antropogenog čimbenika, kao i na činjenicu da je na tim površinama bila autohtona šumska vegetacija. U radu su istraživana svojstva tala od značaja za uzgajanje selektiranih sorti crnih topola u plićaku rijeke Rasine. Izdvojena je pjeskovita i ilovasta forma fluvisola. Izdvojene sistematske jedinice tala su formirane u priobalnom genetičkom dijelu plićaka ove rijeke. Razlika između izdvojenih sistematskih jedinica tla je u sadržaju praha i gline, teksturnoj klasi i sadržaju odnosno tipu akumulacije organske tvari u tlu.Numerous smaller and larger river streams in Serbia are covered by the fragments of alluvial hygrophillous forests presenting a potential for an extension of the forest stock. Along with the private ownership of the land, there is also the problem of land fragmentation due to the use of the land for agriculture. The establishment of alluvial hygrophillous forests along these streams would enlarge the total forest area in the Republic, which would indirectly promote the sustainable development of the forest ecosystems, the stability of agriculture, and the protection of the environment. Along the margins of the surrounding land areas, the fragments of the past forests naturally return. This confirms a high degree of influence of the anthropogenetic factor, and the fact that autochthonous forest vegetation used to cover these areas. A special place in the enlargement of the growing stock of the Republic of Serbia is taken by the selected species of black poplars due to their fast growth, height increment and the multiple purpose of poplar timber. The many years of the research on the numerous factors influencing the production of the poplar wood mass resulted in the conclusion that a successful production requires the following most important steps: choice of species, choice of habitat (particularly soil), and the selection of the suitable technologies for the establishment, growth, and protection of the plantations

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