1,184 research outputs found

    Structure of 5-nitro-2-tosylaminobenzaldehyde di(morpholin-4-yl)aminal Complex with Carbon Tetrachloride

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    The 5-nitro-2-tosylaminobenzaldehyde di(morpholin-4-yl)aminal forms a stable complex with carbon tetrachloride in the crystal phase. X-ray structural study of this complex indicates an essentially shortened intermolecular contact of 2.89 Å between the oxygen atom of the nitro group and one of the chlorine atom of the CCI4 molecule. Quantum-chemical calculations by semiempirical AMI method showed that the formation of such complex did not cause considerable decrease of system energy or change of charge distribution in molecules. It was supposed that this associate has van der Waals character

    Assessment of capitalization as a management tool of economic development of a region

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    The article suggests the authors' definition of capitalization of regional economy as a process of effective business usage, increase of revenues and values of complex capital assets of regional economic agents. The functions of capitalization are systematized and peculiarities of their implementation at the regional level are revealed. The authors define and structure the objects of capitalization of regional economyyesBelgorod State Universit

    Primary dismernoria among teenager girls on the background of non-differentiated dysplasia of connecting tissue

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    Objective of the study: to identify the features of the primary dysmenorrhea clinic among adolescent girls with connective tissue dysplasia. The mean value of the rank index of pain in the main group is higher than in the comparison group. The emotional component prevailed in the inner picture of the perception of pain. Psycho-emotional status was distinguished by a high level of average score of reactive and personal anxiety. Summary. Systemic pathology associated with connective tissue dysplasia increases the clinical course of primary dysmenorrhea among adolescents, which gives grounds to differentiate the treatment and diagnostic algorith

    Assessment of the Level of Economic Security in the Conditions of Uncertainty

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    The article is devoted to assessing the economic security of the state, projecting the resulting efficiency factor of socio-economic development in general. Assessment of economic security is presented as a set of socio-economic development indicators based on those parameters that reflect the impact of uncertainty on the conditions of economy security of the state. The values of economy security indicators of the Russian Federation are calculated for the period 2009-201

    Regional Resources Capitalization: Theoretical and Methodological Basis

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    The article substantiates the holistic theoretical approach to the definition of the economic content, dominant characteristics, the structure and features of the regional resource potential as the basis of the regional economy capitalization. The methodological platform, an updated and expanded conceptual and categorical apparatus of capitalization of the regional economy is presented in the paper. The authors conducted identification, classification and structural-functional decomposition of the elements of the resource potential, objectives, subjects, objects and mechanisms of capitalization of the territory taking into account the differentiation of their role, scale and impact on the proces

    Podzol development on different aged coastal bars of Lake Ladoga

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    This paper presents the result of the studies of soil formation on different aged coastal bars in the transgression zone of Lake Ladoga in the Nizhnesvirsky Nature Reserve (Leningrad region, North-West of the Russian Federation). The investigation presents the data on soil chronoseries, located on four Ladoga coastal bars of different ages from 70±25 to 1590±25 years BP. We estimated the trends of accumulation and transformation of organic matter, elemental composition of humic acids (HAs), development of plant communities and the influence of soil formation factors on the formation rate of soil horizons. We assessed the degree of soil organic matter stabilization using modern instrumental methods (spectroscopy of nuclear magnetic resonance CP/MAS 13C-NMR). An integral indicator of the hydrophobicity of HAs, which represents the total fraction of unoxidized carbon atoms, is proposed. The Ladoga Holocene transgression is one of the most informative and applicable models for pedogenesis; successional processes occurring in young and mature areas can be traced here. We identified local processes of soil formation such as podzolization, gleyfication, peat formation and humus accumulation. Physical, physical-chemical and biological soil properties with a detailed description of the morphology of soil of different aged coastal bars are presented