2,275 research outputs found

    Critical thermodynamics of two-dimensional N-vector cubic model in the five-loop approximation

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    The critical behavior of the two-dimensional N-vector cubic model is studied within the field-theoretical renormalization-group (RG) approach. The beta-functions and critical exponents are calculated in the five-loop approximation, RG series obtained are resummed using Pade-Borel-Leroy and conformal mapping techniques. It is found that for N = 2 the continuous line of fixed points is well reproduced by the resummed RG series and an account for the five-loop terms makes the lines of zeros of both beta-functions closer to each another. For N > 2 the five-loop contributions are shown to shift the cubic fixed point, given by the four-loop approximation, towards the Ising fixed point. This confirms the idea that the existence of the cubic fixed point in two dimensions under N > 2 is an artifact of the perturbative analysis. In the case N = 0 the results obtained are compatible with the conclusion that the impure critical behavior is controlled by the Ising fixed point.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Toward equilibrium ground state of charge density waves in rare-earth tritellurides

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    We show that the charge density wave (CDW) ground state below the Peierls transition temperature, TCDWT_{CDW}, of rare-earth tritellurides is not at its equilibrium value, but depends on the time where the system was kept at a fixed temperature below TCDWT_{CDW}. This ergodicity breaking is revealed by the increase of the threshold electric field for CDW sliding which depends exponentially on time. We tentatively explain this behavior by the reorganization of the oligomeric (Tex_x)2^{2-} sequence forming the CDW modulation.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted in PR

    Single-electron latch with granular film charge leakage suppressor

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    A single-electron latch is a device that can be used as a building block for Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) circuits. It consists of three nanoscale metal "dots" connected in series by tunnel junctions; charging of the dots is controlled by three electrostatic gates. One very important feature of a single-electron latch is its ability to store ("latch") information represented by the location of a single electron within the three dots. To obtain latching, the undesired leakage of charge during the retention time must be suppressed. Previously, to achieve this goal, multiple tunnel junctions were used to connect the three dots. However, this method of charge leakage suppression requires an additional compensation of the background charges affecting each parasitic dot in the array of junctions. We report a single-electron latch where a granular metal film is used to fabricate the middle dot in the latch which concurrently acts as a charge leakage suppressor. This latch has no parasitic dots, therefore the background charge compensation procedure is greatly simplified. We discuss the origins of charge leakage suppression and possible applications of granular metal dots for various single-electron circuits.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Assembling nanostructures from DNA using a composite nanotweezers with a shape memory effect

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    The article demonstrates a technique for fabricating a structure with the inclusion of suspended DNA threads and manipulating them using composite nanotweezers with shape memory effect. This technique could be suitable for stretching of nanothin DNA-like conductive threads and for measuring their electrical conductivity, including the I-V characteristic directly in the electron microscope chamber, where the nanotweezers provide a two-sided clamping of the DNA tip, giving a stable nanocontact to the DNA bundle. Such contact, as a part of 1D nanostructure, is more reliable during manipulations with nanothreads than traditional measurements when a nanothread is touched by a thin needle, for example, in a scanning tunnel microscope.Comment: To be presented on IEEE 3M-NANO 201

    Dynamics and configurations of galaxy triplets

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    The purpose is to infer the probable dynamical states of galaxy triplets by the observed data on their configurations. Two methods are proposed for describing the distributions of the triplet configuration parameters characterizing a tendency to alignment and hierarchy: (1) obtaining a representative sample of configurations and determining its statistical parameters (moments and percentages); and (2) dividing the region of possible configurations of triple systems (Agekian and Anosova, 1967) into a set of segments and finding the probabilities for the configurations to find themselves in each of them. Both these methods allow representation of the data by numerical simulations as well as observations. The effect of projection was studied. It rather overestimates the alignment and hierarchy of the triple systems. Among the parameters of interest there are found some parameters that are least sensitive to projection effects. The samples consist of simulated galaxy triplets (with hidden mass) as well as of 46 probably physical triple galaxies (Karachentseva et al., 1979). The observed triples as well as numerical models show a tendency to alignment. The triple galaxies do not show any tendency to hierarchy (formation of the temporary binaries), but this tendency may be present for simulated triplets without significant dark matter. The significant hidden mass (of order ten times the total mass of a triplet) decreases the probability of forming a binary and so weakens the hierarchy. Small galaxy groups consisting of 3 to 7 members are probably the most prevalent types of galaxy aggregate (Gorbatsky, 1987). Galaxy triplets are the simplest groups, but dynamically nontrivial ones