126 research outputs found

    Algebraic extensions of Gaudin models

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    We perform a In\"on\"u--Wigner contraction on Gaudin models, showing how the integrability property is preserved by this algebraic procedure. Starting from Gaudin models we obtain new integrable chains, that we call Lagrange chains, associated to the same linear rr-matrix structure. We give a general construction involving rational, trigonometric and elliptic solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation. Two particular examples are explicitly considered: the rational Lagrange chain and the trigonometric one. In both cases local variables of the models are the generators of the direct sum of NN e(3)\mathfrak{e}(3) interacting tops.Comment: 15 pages, corrected formula

    B\"acklund transformations for the rational Lagrange chain

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    We consider a long--range homogeneous chain where the local variables are the generators of the direct sum of NN e(3)\mathfrak{e}(3) interacting Lagrange tops. We call this classical integrable model rational ``Lagrange chain'' showing how one can obtain it starting from su(2)\mathfrak{su}(2) rational Gaudin models. Moreover we construct one- and two--point integrable maps (B\"acklund transformations).Comment: 12 page

    Quantum Deformations and Superintegrable Motions on Spaces with Variable Curvature

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    An infinite family of quasi-maximally superintegrable Hamiltonians with a common set of (2N-3) integrals of the motion is introduced. The integrability properties of all these Hamiltonians are shown to be a consequence of a hidden non-standard quantum sl(2,R) Poisson coalgebra symmetry. As a concrete application, one of this Hamiltonians is shown to generate the geodesic motion on certain manifolds with a non-constant curvature that turns out to be a function of the deformation parameter z. Moreover, another Hamiltonian in this family is shown to generate geodesic motions on Riemannian and relativistic spaces all of whose sectional curvatures are constant and equal to the deformation parameter z. This approach can be generalized to arbitrary dimension by making use of coalgebra symmetry.Comment: This is a contribution to the Proc. of the O'Raifeartaigh Symposium on Non-Perturbative and Symmetry Methods in Field Theory (June 2006, Budapest, Hungary), published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA

    Superintegrable Deformations of the Smorodinsky-Winternitz Hamiltonian

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    A constructive procedure to obtain superintegrable deformations of the classical Smorodinsky-Winternitz Hamiltonian by using quantum deformations of its underlying Poisson sl(2) coalgebra symmetry is introduced. Through this example, the general connection between coalgebra symmetry and quasi-maximal superintegrability is analysed. The notion of comodule algebra symmetry is also shown to be applicable in order to construct new integrable deformations of certain Smorodinsky-Winternitz systems.Comment: 17 pages. Published in "Superintegrability in Classical and Quantum Systems", edited by P.Tempesta, P.Winternitz, J.Harnad, W.Miller Jr., G.Pogosyan and M.A.Rodriguez, CRM Proceedings & Lecture Notes, vol.37, American Mathematical Society, 200

    Exact Solution of the Quantum Calogero-Gaudin System and of its q-Deformation

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    A complete set of commuting observables for the Calogero-Gaudin system is diagonalized, and the explicit form of the corresponding eigenvalues and eigenfunctions is derived. We use a purely algebraic procedure exploiting the co-algebra invariance of the model; with the proper technical modifications this procedure can be applied to the qq-deformed version of the model, which is then also exactly solved.Comment: 20 pages Late

    Classical Dynamical Systems from q-algebras:"cluster" variables and explicit solutions

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    A general procedure to get the explicit solution of the equations of motion for N-body classical Hamiltonian systems equipped with coalgebra symmetry is introduced by defining a set of appropriate collective variables which are based on the iterations of the coproduct map on the generators of the algebra. In this way several examples of N-body dynamical systems obtained from q-Poisson algebras are explicitly solved: the q-deformed version of the sl(2) Calogero-Gaudin system (q-CG), a q-Poincare' Gaudin system and a system of Ruijsenaars type arising from the same (non co-boundary) q-deformation of the (1+1) Poincare' algebra. Also, a unified interpretation of all these systems as different Poisson-Lie dynamics on the same three dimensional solvable Lie group is given.Comment: 19 Latex pages, No figure

    Gaudin models with {\CU}_q(\mathfrak{osp}(1 | 2)) symmetry

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    We consider a Gaudin model related to the q-deformed superalgebra {\CU}_q(\mathfrak{osp}(1 | 2)). We present an exact solution to that system diagonalizing a complete set of commuting observables, and providing the corresponding eigenvectors and eigenvalues. The approach used in this paper is based on the coalgebra supersymmetry of the model.Comment: 10 page

    The spin 1/2 Calogero-Gaudin System and its q-Deformation

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    The spin 1/2 Calogero-Gaudin system and its q-deformation are exactly solved: a complete set of commuting observables is diagonalized, and the corresponding eigenvectors and eigenvalues are explicitly calculated. The method of solution is purely algebraic and relies on the co-algebra simmetry of the model.Comment: 15 page