329 research outputs found

    Encoding simplicial quantum geometry in group field theories

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    We show that a new symmetry requirement on the GFT field, in the context of an extended GFT formalism, involving both Lie algebra and group elements, leads, in 3d, to Feynman amplitudes with a simplicial path integral form based on the Regge action, to a proper relation between the discrete connection and the triad vectors appearing in it, and to a much more satisfactory and transparent encoding of simplicial geometry already at the level of the GFT action.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX, references adde

    A quantum field theory of simplicial geometry and the emergence of spacetime

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    We present the case for a fundamentally discrete quantum spacetime and for Group Field Theories as a candidate consistent description of it, briefly reviewing the key properties of the GFT formalism. We then argue that the outstanding problem of the emergence of a continuum spacetime and of General Relativity from fundamentally discrete quantum structures should be tackled from a condensed matter perspective and using purely QFT methods, adapted to the GFT context. We outline the picture of continuum spacetime as a condensed phase of a GFT and a research programme aimed at realizing this picture in concrete terms.Comment: 10 pages, no figures; to appear in the Proceedings of the DICE 2006 Workshop (Piombino, Italy), uses IOP Conf style; v2: typos corrected, added preprint number

    Group field theory with non-commutative metric variables

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    We introduce a dual formulation of group field theories, making them a type of non-commutative field theories. In this formulation, the variables of the field are Lie algebra variables with a clear interpretation in terms of simplicial geometry. For Ooguri-type models, the Feynman amplitudes are simplicial path integrals for BF theories. This formulation suggests ways to impose the simplicity constraints involved in BF formulations of 4d gravity directly at the level of the group field theory action. We illustrate this by giving a new GFT definition of the Barrett-Crane model.Comment: 4 pages; v3 published versio

    Quantum gravity as a group field theory: a sketch

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    We give a very brief introduction to the group field theory approach to quantum gravity, a generalisation of matrix models for 2-dimensional quantum gravity to higher dimension, that has emerged recently from research in spin foam models.Comment: jpconf; 8 pages, 9 figures; to appear in the Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting on Constrained Dynamics and Quantum Gravity, Cala Gonone, Italy, September 12-16, 200

    The Bronstein hypercube of quantum gravity

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    We argue for enlarging the traditional view of quantum gravity, based on "quantizing GR", to include explicitly the non-spatiotemporal nature of the fundamental building blocks suggested by several modern quantum gravity approaches (and some semi-classical arguments), and to focus more on the issue of the emergence of continuum spacetime and geometry from their collective dynamics. We also discuss some recent developments in quantum gravity research, aiming at realising these ideas, in the context of group field theory, random tensor models, simplicial quantum gravity, loop quantum gravity, spin foam models

    Bounding bubbles: the vertex representation of 3d Group Field Theory and the suppression of pseudo-manifolds

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    Based on recent work on simplicial diffeomorphisms in colored group field theories, we develop a representation of the colored Boulatov model, in which the GFT fields depend on variables associated to vertices of the associated simplicial complex, as opposed to edges. On top of simplifying the action of diffeomorphisms, the main advantage of this representation is that the GFT Feynman graphs have a different stranded structure, which allows a direct identification of subgraphs associated to bubbles, and their evaluation is simplified drastically. As a first important application of this formulation, we derive new scaling bounds for the regularized amplitudes, organized in terms of the genera of the bubbles, and show how the pseudo-manifolds configurations appearing in the perturbative expansion are suppressed as compared to manifolds. Moreover, these bounds are proved to be optimal.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figures. Few typos fixed. Minor corrections in figure 6 and theorem

    Emergent non-commutative matter fields from Group Field Theory models of quantum spacetime

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    We offer a perspective on some recent results obtained in the context of the group field theory approach to quantum gravity, on top of reviewing them briefly. These concern a natural mechanism for the emergence of non-commutative field theories for matter directly from the GFT action, in both 3 and 4 dimensions and in both Riemannian and Lorentzian signatures. As such they represent an important step, we argue, in bridging the gap between a quantum, discrete picture of a pre-geometric spacetime and the effective continuum geometric physics of gravity and matter, using ideas and tools from field theory and condensed matter analog gravity models, applied directly at the GFT level.Comment: 13 pages, no figures; uses JPConf style; contribution to the proceedings of the D.I.C.E. 2008 worksho

    The universe as a quantum gravity condensate

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    This is an introduction to the approach to the extraction of cosmological dynamics from full quantum gravity based on group field theory condensates. We outline its general perspective, which sees cosmology as the hydrodynamics of the fundamental quantum gravity degrees of freedom, as well as its concrete implementation within the group field theory formalism. We summarise recent work showing the emergence of a bouncing cosmological dynamics from a fundamental group field theory model, and provide a brief but complete survey of other results in the literature. Finally, we discuss open issues and directions for further research

    Recent Progress in Group Field Theory

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    We introduce the key ideas behind the group field theory approach to quantum gravity, and the basic elements of its formalism. We also briefly report on some recent results obtained in this approach, concerning both the mathematical definition of these models, and possible avenues towards extracting interesting physics from them

    Matter in Toy Dynamical Geometries

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    One of the objectives of theories describing quantum dynamical geometry is to compute expectation values of geometrical observables. The results of such computations can be affected by whether or not matter is taken into account. It is thus important to understand to what extent and to what effect matter can affect dynamical geometries. Using a simple model, it is shown that matter can effectively mold a geometry into an isotropic configuration. Implications for "atomistic" models of quantum geometry are briefly discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, paper presented at DICE 200