20 research outputs found


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    Michèle Oriol Le tremblement de terre de janvier 2010 a amené sur nos rives une multitude d’acteurs soucieux d’apporter leur contribution, dans le grand élan de générosité qui a soulevé le monde à l’annonce de l’ampleur du deuil de la famille haïtienne. La Fondation de France aussi a voulu aider. Aider dans les moments où l’humanitaire devait donner des réponses immédiates aux questions d’urgence : soins médicaux, eau, nourriture, abris. Mais aussi aider à dépasser le quotidien des débris à ..

    L’indivision en Haïti. Droits, temps et arrangements sociaux

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    En Haïti, l’indivision, en tant que modalité d’appropriation de la terre transmise de génération en génération, renvoie à des pratiques et à des représentations très différentes des pratiques et des représentations françaises. En effet, la plupart du temps, les héritiers haïtiens se partagent la terre familiale à l’amiable, sans formaliser ce partage. Les parcelles en résultant, seront cependant individualisées et le bénéficiaire de chacune pourra en user comme bon lui semble y compris pour vendre ses droits sur sa terre, sous certaines conditions.Cette catégorie juridique reprenant le terme du Code Civil français (adopté par le gouvernement haïtien en 1825), se décline donc sur le terrain en des arrangements sociaux qui ne sont pris en charge par aucun texte législatif ou réglementaire. Cependant, ce sont les titres de propriété originels, couvrant les droits des héritiers indivis de plusieurs générations, qui restent le seul recours en cas de conflit. L’insécurité foncière qui en découle, aggravée par l’absence d’application de la prescription, a des conséquences importantes sur les possibilités de mise en valeur effective de ces terres.In Haiti, the joint ownership, in its modality of land appropriation passed from generation to generation, raises the issues of local practices and representations which are very different from the French ones. Indeed the Haitian heirs are in most cases dividing the ancestor’s land amicably, without formalization. This agreement will however be considered as binding as far as the individualized plots of land are concerned. The beneficiary can use this piece of land as he/she thinks best, including selling his/her right on the piece of land under certain conditions. This legal arrangement, originating from the French Civil Code which was adopted by the Haitian government in 1825, has translated on the ground onto social compromises which are not covered by either the legislation or regulatory textbook. However the original deed covering the joint ownership of heirs (across generations) will remain the basis for any conflict resolution. The land insecurity which derives from this practice is aggravated by the lack of statute limitations. These two issues have important consequences on the effective valorisation of these lands


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    Potential of European wild strains of Agaricus subrufescens for productivity and quality on wheat straw based compost

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    International audienceThe Brazilian almond mushroom is currently cultivated for its medicinal properties but cultivars are suspected all to have a common origin. The objective of this work was to assess the potential of wild isolates of Agaricus subrufescens Peck (Agaricus blazei, Agaricus brasiliensis) as a source of new traits to improve the mushroom yield and quality for developing new cultures under European growing conditions. The wild European strains analysed showed a good ability to be commercially cultivated on wheat straw and horse manure based compost: shorter time to fruiting, higher yield, similar antioxidant activities when compared to cultivars. They have a valuable potential of genetic and phenotypic diversity and proved to be interfertile with the original culture of the Brazilian almond mushroom. Intercontinental hybrids could be obtained and combine properties from both Brazilian and European germplasm for increasing the choice of strains cultivated by the mushroom growers

    Generation, Characterization and Application of Antibodies Directed against HERV-H Gag Protein in Colorectal Samples

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    <div><p>Introduction</p><p>A substantial part of the human genome originates from transposable elements, remnants of ancient retroviral infections. Roughly 8% of the human genome consists of about 400,000 LTR elements including human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) sequences. Mainly, the interplay between epigenetic and post-transcriptional mechanisms is thought to silence HERV expression in most physiological contexts. Interestingly, aberrant reactivation of several HERV-H loci appears specific to colorectal carcinoma (CRC).</p><p>Results</p><p>The expression of HERV-H Gag proteins (Gag-H) was assessed using novel monoclonal mouse anti Gag-H antibodies. In a flow cytometry screen four antibody clones were tested on a panel of primary CRC cell lines and the most well performing ones were subsequently validated in western blot analysis. Finally, Gag-H protein expression was analyzed by immune histology on cell line cytospins and on clinical samples. There, we found a heterogeneous staining pattern with no background staining of endothelial, stromal and infiltrating immune cells but diffuse staining of the cytoplasm for positive tumor and normal crypt cells of the colonic epithelium.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>Taken together, the Gag-H antibody clone(s) present a valuable tool for staining of cells with colonic origin and thus form the basis for future more detailed investigations. The observed Gag-H protein staining in colonic epithelium crypt cells demands profound analyses of a potential role for Gag-H in the normal physiology of the human gut.</p></div

    Epitope mapping.

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    <p>Representative bar charts for epitope mapping are depicted. Upper left: clone 1B3H7, upper right: clone 1D7D11, lower left: clone 14H11G1 and lower right: clone 2H2D6.</p

    Examples of Gag-H immunohistochemistry in two representative clinical MSI cases.

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    <p>The upper row represents the tumor and the bottom row the normal tissue of the cases. Both cases: No. 8 (A-F) and No. 11 (G-L) showed strong cytoplasmic immunostaining of Gag-H in tumor and in normal tissue (B, E, H, K by x20 objective; C, F, I, L by x40 objective). Negative immunostaining was achieved with the control antibody 3D8C6E7 (A, D, G, and J by x20 objective).</p