426 research outputs found

    Risk-Informed design process of the IRIS reactor

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    Westinghouse is currently conducting the pre-application licensing of the International Reactor Innovative and Secure (IRIS). The design philosophy of the IRIS has been based on the concept of Safety-by-DesignTM and within this framework the PSA is being used as an integral part of the design process. The basis for the PSA contribution to the design phase of the reactor is the close iteration between the PSA team and the design and safety analysis team. In this process the design team is not only involved in the initial phase of providing system information to the PSA team, allowing in this way the identification of the high risk scenarios, but it is also receiving feedback from the PSA team that suggests design modification aimed at reaching risk-related goals. During the first iteration of this process, the design modifications proposed by the PSA team allowed reducing the initial estimate of Core Damage Frequency (CDF) due to internal events from 2E-6/ry to 2E-8/ry. Since the IRIS design is still in a development phase, a number of assumptions have to be confirmed when the design is finalized. Among key assumptions are the success criteria for both the accident sequences analyzed and the systems involved in the mitigation strategies. The PSA team developed the initial accident sequence event trees according to the information from the preliminary analysis and feasibility studies. A recent coupling between the RELAP and GOTHIC codes made possible the actual simulation of all LOCA sequences identified in the first draft of the Event Trees. Working in close coordination, the PSA and the safety analysis teams developed a matrix case of sequences not only with the purpose of testing the assumed success criteria, but also with the perspective of identifying alternative sequences developed mainly by relaxing the extremely conservative assumptions previously made. The results of these simulations, bounded themselves with conservative assumptions on the Core Damage definition, suggested two new versions of the LOCA Event Tree with two possible configurations of the Automatic Depressurization System. The new CDF has been evaluated for both configurations and the design team has been provided with an additional and risk-related perspective that will help choosing the design alternative to be implemented

    Six novel mutations in the proopiomelanocortin and melanocortin receptor 4 genes in severely obese adults living in southern Italy.

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    BACKGROUND: The genetic characterization of obese individuals could clarify the molecular mechanisms underlying body weight regulation and lead to targeted therapy. Here we report variants of the proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and melanocortin receptor 4 (MC4R) genes detected in severely obese adults living in southern Italy. METHODS: A total of 196 unrelated nondiabetic severely obese individuals [111 females and 85 males; mean (SD) age, 32.2 (11.5) years; mean body mass index, 48.8 (8.1) kg/m(2)] and 100 normal-weight healthy volunteers (34 males and 66 females) entered the study. POMC and MC4R were genotyped by sequencing analysis. Leptin, insulin, glucose, and the lipid profile were measured in fasting serum samples. We used the protein truncation test to verify the stop-codon mutation. Anthropometric measurements, sitting blood pressure, and heart rate were also recorded. RESULTS: Of the obese participants, 1.5% had mutations in POMC exon 3 (new mutations, P231L and E244X; known, R236G) and 2.5% had MC4R mutations (new mutations, W174C, Q43X, S19fsX51, and I317V; known, A175T). These mutations were not present in the controls. Gene polymorphisms were identified in similar percentages of severely obese and nonobese individuals, i.e., respectively, 52.5% and 51% (POMC) and 1% and 2% (MC4R). CONCLUSIONS: We detected 2 new POMC mutations and 4 new MC4R mutations in a large number of severely obese adults living in southern Italy. These mutations, not present in normal-weight individuals, are further evidence that defects in the melanocortin pathway are related to severe obesity

    Biodiversidad fitoplanctĂłnica en tres lagunas someras de la provincia de La Pampa, Argentina

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    The shallow lake system, Luan Lauquen of semi-permanent regime, it’s located in the eastern physiographic region, biogeographical Chaco domain, in La Pampa province. The aim of this contribution is to amplify the knowledge of the composition and distribution of algal species in the Pichi Luan, Ea. Ansin and Lonco-Che shallow lakes. The samples were collected in spring season 2010 and autumn 2011. The biological samples collected were set in formaldehyde at 4%. A total of 99 taxa were identified for the three shallow lakes of which 52% were Chlorophyta, 11 % Charophyta, 18% Cyanobacteria, 8% Ochrophyta and 11% remaining Euglenozoa. In autumn the algae species richness in the three shallow lakes, was higher in relation to the spring, where Chlorophyta of the Chlorococcales Order was found widely represented, corresponding the maximum number of species to the Pichi Luan shallow lake. In autumn for Lonco-Che, the Cyanobacteria species richness is stands out, while for the same date the Euglenozoa prevails in the Pichi Luan. The diatom species are equally distributed in spring at all sampling sites. Oscillatoria subbrevis, Pediastrum boryanum var. boryanum, Scenedesmus bijuga and Cyclotella meneghiniana taxa, were common in the three shallow lakes. The highest similarity S= 37%, according to Bray Curtis, was in spring between Pichi Luan and Lonco-Che shallow lakes.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Biodiversidad fitoplanctĂłnica en tres lagunas someras de la provincia de La Pampa, Argentina

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    The shallow lake system, Luan Lauquen of semi-permanent regime, it’s located in the eastern physiographic region, biogeographical Chaco domain, in La Pampa province. The aim of this contribution is to amplify the knowledge of the composition and distribution of algal species in the Pichi Luan, Ea. Ansin and Lonco-Che shallow lakes. The samples were collected in spring season 2010 and autumn 2011. The biological samples collected were set in formaldehyde at 4%. A total of 99 taxa were identified for the three shallow lakes of which 52% were Chlorophyta, 11 % Charophyta, 18% Cyanobacteria, 8% Ochrophyta and 11% remaining Euglenozoa. In autumn the algae species richness in the three shallow lakes, was higher in relation to the spring, where Chlorophyta of the Chlorococcales Order was found widely represented, corresponding the maximum number of species to the Pichi Luan shallow lake. In autumn for Lonco-Che, the Cyanobacteria species richness is stands out, while for the same date the Euglenozoa prevails in the Pichi Luan. The diatom species are equally distributed in spring at all sampling sites. Oscillatoria subbrevis, Pediastrum boryanum var. boryanum, Scenedesmus bijuga and Cyclotella meneghiniana taxa, were common in the three shallow lakes. The highest similarity S= 37%, according to Bray Curtis, was in spring between Pichi Luan and Lonco-Che shallow lakes.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Nutritional controlled preparation and administration of different tomato purées indicate increase of β-carotene and lycopene isoforms, and of antioxidant potential in human blood bioavailability: A pilot study

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    The isoforms of lycopene, carotenoids, and their derivatives including precursors of vitamin A are compounds relevant for preventing chronic degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Tomatoes are a major source of these compounds. However, cooking and successive metabolic processes determine the bioavailability of tomatoes in human nutrition. To evaluate the effect of acute/chronic cooking procedures on the bioavailability of lycopene and carotene isoforms in human plasma, we measured the blood levels of these compounds and of the serum antioxidant potential in volunteers after a meal containing two different types of tomato sauce (rustic or strained). Using a randomized cross-over administration design, healthy volunteers were studied, and the above indicated compounds were determined by HPLC. The results indicate an increased bioavailability of the estimated compounds and of the serum antioxidant potential with both types of tomato purée and the subsequently derived sauces (the increase was greater with strained purée). This study sheds light on the content of nutrient precursors of vitamin A and other antioxidant compounds derived from tomatoes cooked with different strategies. Lastly, our study indicates that strained purée should be preferred over rustic purée

    A bibliometric review of financial market integration literature

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    We undertake a meta-literature review on the topic of financial market integration (FMI), covering 260 articles from 1981 to 2021. Our review consists of quantitative analysis of bibliometric citations concomitant with qualitative analysis of content, towards a goal of identifying primary research streams and proposing directions for future research. We identify five research groups: (1) portfolio diversification with financial market integration; (2) general equity market integration; (3) financial market linkage with respect to crises and events; (4) time-varying financial market integration; and (5) co-movements and spillovers between commodities and financial markets; as well as present a wide array of future research directions. We conduct an extensive review of FMI literature, answering several questions: (1) What is the domain of FMI research?; (2) What are the influential aspects of top journals and authors, and the characteristics of the most studied topics?; (3) What are the past and current key research streams in FMI literature?; and (4) What are the substantial future relevant research questions to explore regarding FMI? Given the ongoing attention on financial market integration by both academicians and policy makers, our results should be of great interest

    Body composition in Italian and Danish women

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    Summary The objective of this cross-sectional study was to compare the body composition and fat distribution measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DPX, Lunar) in different age decades of agematched Danish and Italian women. The subjects comprised 133 healthy Italian women (age 20± 60 years) age-matched to a representative sub-sample of healthy Danish women (n 375). Total and abdominal body fat tissue mass were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Italian women were shorter and fatter compared with age-matched Danish women, but in middle-age, had a less abdominal fat distribution. There was no difference in total body bone mineral density

    A prospective, double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial comparing standard wound care with adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to standard wound care only for the treatment of chronic, non-healing ulcers of the lower limb in patients with diabetes mellitus: a study protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has been suggested that the use of adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves the healing of diabetic foot ulcers, and decreases the risk of lower extremity amputations. A limited number of studies have used a double blind approach to evaluate the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of diabetic ulcers. The primary aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy plus standard wound care compared with standard wound care alone in preventing the need for major amputation in patients with diabetes mellitus and chronic ulcers of the lower limb.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>One hundred and eighteen (59 patients per arm) patients with non-healing diabetic ulcers of the lower limb, referred to the Judy Dan Research and Treatment Centre are being recruited if they are at least 18 years of age, have either Type 1 or 2 diabetes with a Wagner grading of foot lesions 2, 3 or 4 on lower limb not healing for at least 4 weeks. Patients receive hyperbaric oxygen therapy every day for 6 weeks during the treatment phase and are provided ongoing wound care and weekly assessments. Patients are required to return to the study centre every week for an additional 6 weeks of follow-up for wound evaluation and management. The primary outcome is freedom from having, or meeting the criteria for, a major amputation (below knee amputation, or metatarsal level) up to 12 weeks after randomization. The decision to amputate is made by a vascular surgeon. Other outcomes include wound healing, effectiveness, safety, healthcare resource utilization, quality of life, and cost-effectiveness. The study will run for a total of about 3 years.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The results of this study will provide detailed information on the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of non-healing ulcers of the lower limb. This will be the first double-blind randomized controlled trial for this health technology which evaluates the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in prevention of amputations in diabetic patients.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00621608">NCT00621608</a></p
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