4 research outputs found

    Modeling Airfield Ground Lighting Systems for Narrowband Power-Line Communications

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    Airfield ground lighting (AGL) systems are responsible for providing visual reference to aircrafts in the airport neighborhood. In an AGL system, a large number of lamps are organized in serial circuits and connected to current regulators that supply energy to the lamps. Controlling and monitoring lamps (including detection and location of burnt-out lamps) are critical for cost-saving maintenance and operation of AGL systems. Power-line Communications (PLC) is an attractive technology to connect elements of the AGL, reusing the power distribution cable as a transmission medium. PLC technologies avoid the installation of new wires throughout the airport infrastructure. This paper proposes a new model for power-line communication links in AGL systems. Every element (isolation transformer, primary circuit cable, and lamps) has been analyzed in laboratory and modeled using SPICE. The resulting models have been integrated to build a complete power-line link model. Simulation results are compared to experimental results obtained in real conditions in the Airport of Seville (Spain)

    Fe (III)-Mediated Antioxidant Response of the Acidotolerant Microalga Coccomyxa onubensis

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    Coccomyxa onubensis (C. onubensis) is an acidotolerant microalga isolated from Tinto River (Huelva), which contains high levels of metal cations in solution, mainly Fe (II) and (III), and Cu (II). Fe is more bioavailable at low pH, mainly because Fe (II) and Fe (III) are far more soluble, especially Fe (III). For this reason, this study aims to evaluate both physiological and biochemical responses of C. onubensis when subjected to Fe (III)-induced stress. Changes in growth, photosynthetic viability and antioxidant responses to the induced oxidative stress were determined. The results obtained suggest that the addition of moderate Fe (III) levels to C. onubensis cultures results in improved growth and photosynthetic viability. Increases in the intracellular levels of the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) and flavonoids, used as antioxidant response biomarkers, a point at Fe (III)-mediated oxidative stress induction. The apparent decrease in the content of other phenolic molecules and polyunsaturated fatty acids might be understood as a sign of antioxidant molecules' involvement in reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging. In conclusion, a noticeable antioxidant capacity displayed by C. onubensis allows the use of moderate Fe (III) levels to trigger the accumulation of valuable antioxidant molecules, allowing the production of cell extracts with potential anti-inflammatory activity.This work was funded by the Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan (Junta de Andalucía, Spain) with FEDER funds (Project P20_00930)

    «Redes y asociaciones de profesionales son contribución de gran importancia en la formación de nuevas generaciones de profesionales»

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    Cinta Aguaded Gómez y Silvia Oria Roy entrevistan en este volumen para Aularia a Fernando dos Santos Ramos, profesor catedrático del área de Ciencias y Tecnologías de la Comunicación y Arte y Coordinador Científico del Centro de Investigación en Media Digital e Interacción en la Universidad de Aveiro (Portugal)Cinta Aguaded Gómez, teacher in the University of Huelva, and Silvia Oria Roy, an educational psychologist, interview Fernando dos Santos Ramos, in this volume for Aularia. He is a professor in field of Science and Technology of Communication and Art, and Scientific Coordinator of the Research Centre on Digital Media and Interaction in the University of Aveiro (Portugal)

    RED visual : revista especializada en discapacidad visual

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave en español e inglésSe describe el taller de geología inclusiva «Ahora toca… la roca», realizado en el marco colaborativo entre la Universidad de Sevilla (US), la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) y la Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles (ONCE). Se realizó en el Centro de Recursos Educativos de la ONCE de Sevilla (CRE) para estudiantes con discapacidad visual de secundaria y bachillerato de Andalucía y Extremadura. La experiencia se desarrolló dentro del Servicio de Educación Combinada Grupal (SECG) «¡Ponte a punto!» que ofrece la ONCE. El taller trató sobre el ciclo de las rocas; en particular, los procesos geológicos por los que atraviesan las rocas para transformarse en alguno de los tres tipos básicos: ígneas, sedimentarias o metamórficas. El alumnado participante en el taller, a través de la manipulación sistemática y dirigida pudo afianzar mejor los conocimientos sobre la transformación que sufren las rocas.ES