18 research outputs found

    Predicting rice phenotypes with meta and multi-target learning

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    The features in some machine learning datasets can naturally be divided into groups. This is the case with genomic data, where features can be grouped by chromosome. In many applications it is common for these groupings to be ignored, as interactions may exist between features belonging to different groups. However, including a group that does not influence a response introduces noise when fitting a model, leading to suboptimal predictive accuracy. Here we present two general frameworks for the generation and combination of meta-features when feature groupings are present. Furthermore, we make comparisons to multi-target learning, given that one is typically interested in predicting multiple phenotypes. We evaluated the frameworks and multi-target learning approaches on a genomic rice dataset where the regression task is to predict plant phenotype. Our results demonstrate that there are use cases for both the meta and multi-target approaches, given that overall, they significantly outperform the base case

    An evaluation of machine-learning for predicting phenotype: studies in yeast, rice, and wheat

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    Abstract: In phenotype prediction the physical characteristics of an organism are predicted from knowledge of its genotype and environment. Such studies, often called genome-wide association studies, are of the highest societal importance, as they are of central importance to medicine, crop-breeding, etc. We investigated three phenotype prediction problems: one simple and clean (yeast), and the other two complex and real-world (rice and wheat). We compared standard machine learning methods; elastic net, ridge regression, lasso regression, random forest, gradient boosting machines (GBM), and support vector machines (SVM), with two state-of-the-art classical statistical genetics methods; genomic BLUP and a two-step sequential method based on linear regression. Additionally, using the clean yeast data, we investigated how performance varied with the complexity of the biological mechanism, the amount of observational noise, the number of examples, the amount of missing data, and the use of different data representations. We found that for almost all the phenotypes considered, standard machine learning methods outperformed the methods from classical statistical genetics. On the yeast problem, the most successful method was GBM, followed by lasso regression, and the two statistical genetics methods; with greater mechanistic complexity GBM was best, while in simpler cases lasso was superior. In the wheat and rice studies the best two methods were SVM and BLUP. The most robust method in the presence of noise, missing data, etc. was random forests. The classical statistical genetics method of genomic BLUP was found to perform well on problems where there was population structure. This suggests that standard machine learning methods need to be refined to include population structure information when this is present. We conclude that the application of machine learning methods to phenotype prediction problems holds great promise, but that determining which methods is likely to perform well on any given problem is elusive and non-trivial

    Predicting rice phenotypes with meta and multi-target learning

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    Abstract: The features in some machine learning datasets can naturally be divided into groups. This is the case with genomic data, where features can be grouped by chromosome. In many applications it is common for these groupings to be ignored, as interactions may exist between features belonging to different groups. However, including a group that does not influence a response introduces noise when fitting a model, leading to suboptimal predictive accuracy. Here we present two general frameworks for the generation and combination of meta-features when feature groupings are present. Furthermore, we make comparisons to multi-target learning, given that one is typically interested in predicting multiple phenotypes. We evaluated the frameworks and multi-target learning approaches on a genomic rice dataset where the regression task is to predict plant phenotype. Our results demonstrate that there are use cases for both the meta and multi-target approaches, given that overall, they significantly outperform the base case

    Transformative Machine Learning

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    The key to success in machine learning (ML) is the use of effective data representations. Traditionally, data representations were hand-crafted. Recently it has been demonstrated that, given sufficient data, deep neural networks can learn effective implicit representations from simple input representations. However, for most scientific problems, the use of deep learning is not appropriate as the amount of available data is limited, and/or the output models must be explainable. Nevertheless, many scientific problems do have significant amounts of data available on related tasks, which makes them amenable to multi-task learning, i.e. learning many related problems simultaneously. Here we propose a novel and general representation learning approach for multi-task learning that works successfully with small amounts of data. The fundamental new idea is to transform an input intrinsic data representation (i.e., handcrafted features), to an extrinsic representation based on what a pre-trained set of models predict about the examples. This transformation has the dual advantages of producing significantly more accurate predictions, and providing explainable models. To demonstrate the utility of this transformative learning approach, we have applied it to three real-world scientific problems: drug-design (quantitative structure activity relationship learning), predicting human gene expression (across different tissue types and drug treatments), and meta-learning for machine learning (predicting which machine learning methods work best for a given problem). In all three problems, transformative machine learning significantly outperforms the best intrinsic representation

    Protein-ligand binding affinity prediction exploiting sequence constituent homology

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    MOTIVATION: Molecular docking is a commonly used approach for estimating binding conformations and their resultant binding affinities. Machine learning has been successfully deployed to enhance such affinity estimations. Many methods of varying complexity have been developed making use of some or all the spatial and categorical information available in these structures. The evaluation of such methods has mainly been carried out using datasets from PDBbind. Particularly the Comparative Assessment of Scoring Functions (CASF) 2007, 2013, and 2016 datasets with dedicated test sets. This work demonstrates that only a small number of simple descriptors is necessary to efficiently estimate binding affinity for these complexes without the need to know the exact binding conformation of a ligand. RESULTS: The developed approach of using a small number of ligand and protein descriptors in conjunction with gradient boosting trees demonstrates high performance on the CASF datasets. This includes the commonly used benchmark CASF2016 where it appears to perform better than any other approach. This methodology is also useful for datasets where the spatial relationship between the ligand and protein is unknown as demonstrated using a large ChEMBL-derived dataset. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: Code and data uploaded to https://github.com/abbiAR/PLBAffinity

    Gene expression code

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    Batched Bayesian Optimization for Drug Design in Noisy Environments.

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    The early stages of the drug design process involve identifying compounds with suitable bioactivities via noisy assays. As databases of possible drugs are often very large, assays can only be performed on a subset of the candidates. Selecting which assays to perform is best done within an active learning process, such as batched Bayesian optimization, and aims to reduce the number of assays that must be performed. We compare how noise affects different batched Bayesian optimization techniques and introduce a retest policy to mitigate the effect of noise. Our experiments show that batched Bayesian optimization remains effective, even when large amounts of noise are present, and that the retest policy enables more active compounds to be identified in the same number of experiments