5 research outputs found

    Microzonation study based on ground amplification for erzincan city

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    Erzincan İli 1. derece deprem bölgesi içinde yeralmaktadır. Zemin yüzeyinden ana kayaya kadar alüvyon kalınlığı 1 km’yi bulan yerleşim alanında zemin büyütmesinin ayrıntılı olarak incelenmesinin gerekliliği açıktır. Bu çalışmada, Erzincan İl merkezi için bir boyutlu kayma dalgası teorisine dayanan, eşdeğer-doğrusal zemin büyütme analizleri yapılmıştır. Çalışmada, zemin profillerini belirlemek amacıyla, 1960-1980 yılları arasında Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğünce (DSİ) açılmış ve derinlikleri 275 m’yi bulan sondaj kuyularına ait veriler kullanılmıştır. Eşdeğer-doğrusal büyütme analizleri EduShake/ProShake programı kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kuyu noktalarında oluşturulan profillerde, 8 farklı anakaya hareketi kullanılarak, zemin yüzeyinde oluşan ortalama hareketin ivme-zaman geçmişi ve ortalama PSA (görünür spektral ivme) grafikleri oluşturularak Türk Deprem Yönetmeliğinde (2007) verilen tasarım spektrumu ve ana kaya mostrası PSA ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Belirli periyotlar için, spektral ivme cinsinden büyütme oranları (ana kaya mostrası hareketine göre) hesaplanmıştır. Sondaj noktalarının temsil ettiği alanlarda, büyütmeye maruz kalması beklenen yapı periyotları haritada gösterilmektedir.Nearly all regions in Erzincan lie on a first degree earthquake zone. In the plains of the city, the thickness of the alluvial layer over the bedrock is about 1 km. In this regard, it is clear that a detailed ground amplification analysis is required for the city settlement area. In this research, soil amplification analyses based on equivalent linear one dimensional shear wave theory have been made for the province of Erzincan. For this purpose, borehole (max depth 275 m) data pertaining to DSI (State Water Works) drilled between 1960 and 1980 for ground water exploration are used. The equivalent linear ground motion analyses have been accomplished by EduShake/ProShake, a one dimensional shear wave analysis program. Eight different scaled real ground motion acceleration time histories are used to obtain surface motion PSA (Pseudo Spectral Acceleration). The average of PSA at each boring location is plotted together with bed rock outcrop PSA and 2007-Turkish Earthquake Code Design Spectrum. The amplification ratios for each period are computed by dividing surface PSA to bedrock outcrop PSA. The map of the city is divided into microzones, representing each boring log to display periods where computed amplifications are observed

    Structure estimation of vertical axis wind turbine using artificial neural network

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    Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTS) can be a suitable choice for usage in urban areas. Wind conditions and structural parameters are critical to power production. In this study, some variations of a darrieus vawt was attempted via wind tunnel testing. A modified naca4412 blade profile was selected for this investigation. The influence of aspect ratios, angle of attack, chord length, etc. were investigated experimentally. After taken more than 800 data artificial neural network (ANN) was applied to estimate the other range of scales using different algorithms that are utilized the aforementioned experimental parameters. This study focuses on the design criteria and application of VAWTS inbuilt real environments without testing. The results have been promising and will provide ease of design for similar designs. Moreover, this work will contribute to environmental cleanup and a more livable world by increasing renewable energy resources. (C) 2021 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University

    Cystic fibrosis in Turkey: First data from the national registry

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    Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF) care has been implemented in Turkey for a long time; however, there had been no patient registry. For this purpose, the Turkish National CF Registry was established. We present the first results of registry using data collected in 2017. Methods: The data were collected using a data-entry software system, which was accessed from the internet. Demographic and annually recorded data consisted of 15 and 79 variables, respectively. Results: There were 1170 patients registered from 23 centers; the estimated coverage rate was 30%. The median age at diagnosis was 1.7 years (median current age: 7.3 years); 51 (4.6%) patients were aged over 18 years. Among 293 patients who were under 3 years of age, 240 patients (81.9%) were diagnosed through newborn screening. Meconium ileus was detected in 65 (5.5%) patients. Genotyping was performed in 978 (87.4%) patients and 246 (25.2%) patients' mutations were unidentified. The most common mutation was deltaF508 with an allelic frequency of 28%, followed by N1303K (4.9%). The median FEV1% predicted was 86. Chronic colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa was seen in 245 patients. The most common complication was pseudo-Bartter syndrome in 120 patients. The median age of death was 13.5 years in a total of 15 patients. Conclusions: Low coverage rate, lack of genotyping, unidentified mutations, and missing data of lung functions are some of our greatest challenges. Including data of all centers and reducing missing data will provide more accurate data and help to improve the CF care in Turkey in the future. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc