298 research outputs found


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    Based on the writer’s preliminary study, it was found that the students could not comprehend the meaning of texts in their text books at school. This problem was caused by some factors. For example, some students could not understand about the content of reading text and identify the detailed information of the text. So, the writer was interested in carrying out the research about this problem. The research was administered at Islamic Junior High School Ittihadul Muslimin Siak. The subject of the research was the second year students of Islamic Junior High School Ittihadul Muslimin Siak, and the object of this research was the effect of using Reader’s theater Strategy. The design of this research was quasi-experimental research with nonequivalent control group design. The population of this research was all of the second year students. The total number of population was 40 students. Because the number of population was not large, the researcher used total sampling by taking two classes only as sample; class VIII A, consisted of 20 students as an experimental group, and class VIII B which consisted of 20 students as a control group, so the numbers of sample from two classes were 40 students. To analyze the data, the researcher adopted Independent sample T-test formula by using SPSS. Finally, based on the analysis of T-test formula, H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. It means that there was a significant difference of using reader’s theater strategy on reading ability at the second year students of Islamic Junior High School Ittihadul Muslimin Siak

    Odjeci otkrića Jelenina epitafa u Solinu 1898. godine u hrvatskoj javnosti po izvješćima onodobnoga tiska

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    Autor opisuje novinsko izvješćivanje u godini 1898. o arheološkim radovima Frane Bulića na solinskom Gospinu otoku, kada je našao temelje ranosrednjovjekovne crkve i ulomke natpisa hrvatske kraljice Jelene, koje je u većem dijelu uspio sastaviti, pročitati i protumačiti

    Phosphorylation regulates the assembly of chloroplast import machinery

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    Chloroplast function depends on the translocation of cytosolically synthesized precursor proteins into the organelle. The recognition and transfer of most precursor proteins across the outer membrane depend on a membrane inserted complex. Two receptor components of this complex, Toc34 and Toc159, are GTPases, which can be phosphorylated by kinases present in the hosting membrane. However, the physiological function of phosphorylation is not yet understood in detail. It is demonstrated that both receptors are phosphorylated within their G-domains. In vitro, the phosphorylation of Toc34 disrupts both homo- and heterodimerization of the G-domains as determined using a phospho-mimicking mutant. In endogenous membranes this mutation or phosphorylation of the wild-type receptor disturbs the association of Toc34, but not of Toc159 with the translocation pore. Therefore, phosphorylation serves as an inhibitor for the association of Toc34 with other components of the complex and phosphorylation can now be discussed as a mechanism to exchange different isoforms of Toc34 within this ensemble

    Novel strategies to improve co-fermentation of pentoses with D-glucose by recombinant yeast strains in lignocellulosic hydrolysates

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    Economically feasible production of second-generation biofuels requires efficient co-fermentation of pentose and hexose sugars in lignocellulosic hydrolysates under very harsh conditions. Baker’s yeast is an excellent, traditionally used ethanol producer but is naturally not able to utilize pentoses. This is due to the lack of pentose-specific transporter proteins and enzymatic reactions. Thus, natural yeast strains must be modified by genetic engineering. Although the construction of various recombinant yeast strains able to ferment pentose sugars has been described during the last two decades, their rates of pentose utilization is still significantly lower than D-glucose fermentation. Moreover, pentoses are only fermented after D-glucose is exhausted, resulting in an uneconomical increase in the fermentation time. In this addendum, we discuss novel approaches to improve utilization of pentoses by development of specific transporters and substrate channeling in enzyme cascades. Addendum to: T Subtil, E Boles. Competition between pentoses and glucose during uptake and catabolism in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biotechnol Biofuels 2012; 5: 14 PMID: 22424089 DOI: 10.1186/1754-6834-5-1

    Bedeutung des Rhythmus beim tanzen

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    The relations between rhythmic abilities and dance performance have been established on the sample of 57 male and 47 female undergraduate physical education students. The data related to the rhythmic ability have been obtained by the test composed of three different rhythmic sequences, and the data related to the dance performance have been obtained by the standard procedure for the evaluation of practical and theoretical knowledge pertaining to the course subject Dance. The results of the research have shown that it is to a relatively high degree feasible to predict the dance performance on the basis of the evaluation of rhythmic abilities, while the remaining percentage of the dance performance is probably incorporated in other motor knowledge and abilities.Die Relationen zwischen dem Rhythmus und der Tanzeffektivität wurden auf dem Muster von 104 Studenten (57 Studentinnen und 47 Studenten) der Fakultät fiir Körperkultur in Zagreb festgestellt. Die Daten über die rhythmische Fähigkeit wurden mittels eines Rhythmus-Tests erzielt, der aus 3 Rhythmus-Beispiele bestand. Die Daten über die Tanzeffektivität wurden mittels eines Standardverfahrens für die Beurteilung sowohl der praktischen als auch der theoretischen Kenntnisse im Studienfach ’Tänze’ angesammelt. Die Forschungsergebnisse haben gezeigt, daß es zum größten Teil möglich ist, aufgrund der Beurteilung von rhythmischen Fähigkeiten, die Tanzeffektivität zu antizipieren. Der Rest der Tanzeffektivität ist vermutlich in anderen motorischen Fähigkeiten und Kenntnissen ausdauernd

    Analiz dostovernosti nekotoryh dvigatel\u27nyh testov gibkosti

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    Z baterijo dvanajstih motoričnih kompozitnih testov gibljivosti ki so bili razdeljeni v tri akupine po štiri teste, s katerimi naj bi merili hipotetične dimenzie gibljivosti: gibljivost rok in ramenskog obroča, gibljivost trupa ter gibljivost nog in medeničnog obroča, smo izmerili 123 učenik Gostinskog školskog centra v Ljubljani. Zanesljivost je bila ocenjena tako s klasičnim kot s sodobnim postopki. Katerakoli mera zanesljivosti, ne gleda na način, po katerom je bila izpeljana, dokazuje, da so testi gibljivosti izjemno zanesljivi morski instrumenti.The sample involved 123 female students aged 15, 16 and 17. Twelve flexibility tests of multi-item type were analyzed. All measures of reliability, regardless of how they were arrived at, indicated that flexibility tests are exceptionally reliable measuring instruments

    Kako funkcioniraju klubovi liječenih alkoholičara? Razlike u perspektivama članova s problemom ovisnosti i članova njihovih obitelji

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    Support groups for persons with alcohol addiction can be based on the self-help principle (AA model) or led by a professional, as is the case in Clubs of Alcoholics in Treatment (CAT). In the CAT model it is important to include the person with an addiction and close family members. In this quantitative research we compared these two perspectives to detect the differences in their views on the functioning of the support group. Research was conducted using stratified random sampling in 40 CATs in Croatia with 653 participants: 453 members with an addiction and 200 supporting or accompanying family members. Research instruments for assessing different aspects of CAT as a support group were developed by the authors. Data were analysed using MANOVA analysis to detect differences in the two perspectives. The results show that both groups demonstrate a significant level of satisfaction with different aspects of group work. However, MANOVA indicated the following differences: the accompanying family members are usually women, accompanying family members attend meetings less frequently and have lower insight into the professional’s work, group relations and CAT’s contribution to their personal development. The research is one of the rare empirical insights into CAT’s functioning as a treatment group, with an attempt to distinguish heterogeneity in a membership. Since family members are somewhat more critical towards some features of CATs, in the future more emphasis should be placed on their active engagement in the group’s processes.Grupe podrške za osobe s problemom ovisnosti o alkoholu mogu biti temeljene na načelu samopomoći (AA grupe) ili mogu biti stručno vođene kao što je slučaj s klubovima liječenih alkoholičara (KLA). U modelu klubova liječenih alkoholičara važno je istovremeno uključiti članove s problemom ovisnosti i članove njihovih obitelji. U ovom kvantitativnom istraživanju usporedili smo ove dvije perspektive kako bi detektirali razlike u njihovom viđenju KLA kao tretmanske grupe. Istraživanje je provedeno na stratificiranom slučajnom uzorku od 40 KLA u Hrvatskoj sa ukupno 653 sudionika: 453 članova liječenih od ovisnosti o alkoholu i 200 članova koji dolaze kao podrška. Instrumentarij za procjenu različitih aspekata KLA kao grupe podrške razvili su autori istraživanja. Podaci su analizirani MANOVA analizom kojom se utvrđuju razlike između dvije grupe sudionika. Rezultati pokazuju da obje grupe iskazuju zadovoljstvo različitim aspektima grupnog rada. Međutim, MANOVA analiza ukazala je na sljedeće statistički značajne razlike: članovi koji dolaze kao podrška uglavnom su žene, u prosjeku dolaze rjeđe na grupne sastanke te imaju nešto niže procjene rada stručnjaka, odnosa u grupi i doživljenog doprinosa KLA njihovom osobnom razvoju. Istraživanje pruža jedno od rijetkih empirijskih uvida u funkcioniranje KLA kao tretmanske grupe s pokušajem da se dobije uvid u heterogenost članstva. S obzirom da su članovi koji dolaze kao podrška nešto kritičniji prema radu KLA, u daljnjoj praksi bi trebalo staviti više naglaska na njihovo aktivno uključivanje u grupne procese

    Analiz dostovernosti nekotoryh dvigatel\u27nyh testov gibkosti

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    Z baterijo dvanajstih motoričnih kompozitnih testov gibljivosti ki so bili razdeljeni v tri akupine po štiri teste, s katerimi naj bi merili hipotetične dimenzie gibljivosti: gibljivost rok in ramenskog obroča, gibljivost trupa ter gibljivost nog in medeničnog obroča, smo izmerili 123 učenik Gostinskog školskog centra v Ljubljani. Zanesljivost je bila ocenjena tako s klasičnim kot s sodobnim postopki. Katerakoli mera zanesljivosti, ne gleda na način, po katerom je bila izpeljana, dokazuje, da so testi gibljivosti izjemno zanesljivi morski instrumenti.The sample involved 123 female students aged 15, 16 and 17. Twelve flexibility tests of multi-item type were analyzed. All measures of reliability, regardless of how they were arrived at, indicated that flexibility tests are exceptionally reliable measuring instruments