2 research outputs found

    Nasal carriage of panton valentine leukocidin-positive methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus in healthy preschool children

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    Objective Determining the prevalence of nasal carriage of S. aureus, both sensitive to methicillin and resistant to it, in preschool children and evaluating the presence of Panton-Valentine leukocidin genes in the isolates.Methods This was a cross-sectional study in which cultures from anterior nares were obtained from healthy preschool children. Isolates were identified as S. aureus based on morphological and biochemical tests. Antibiotic susceptibility profiles were determined by the disk diffusion method. All the isolates were further analyzed by multiplex PCR to determine the presence of mecA and PVL genes; methicillin-resistant isolates were also SCCmec typed by multiplex PCR.Results Overall S. aureus nasal colonization prevalence was 38.5 % and 4.8 % for methicillin-resistant strains. All the methicillin-resistant isolates carried the genes for PVL; two isolates possessed the SCCmec type IV, two were SCCmec type I and one was SCCmec type II.Conclusion This study revealed high PVL-positive, methicillin-resistant S. aureus colonization prevalence in healthy preschool children from Cartagena, which may play a key role in the epidemiology of community-associated infection by methicillin-resistant S. aureus in healthy children from this particular geographical area

    La farmacovigilancia como herramienta de promoción y prevención de los riesgos asociados con los medicamentos

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    Los problemas relacionados con medicamentos son una de las principales causas de los fallos terapéuticos, ocasionando que se comprometa la seguridad del paciente, lo que genera altos costos al sistema de salud, a la familia y al paciente que puede hasta perder la vida, estos procesos de dispensación, recepción y almacenamiento, que no se realizan bien por diversas situaciones, en las que las fallas más comunes son los errores humanos por falta de capacitación por querer hacer las con velocidad para evacuar usuario del servicio farmacéutico, por estrés o cansancio, ha forzado a que cada día se exija de manera más rigurosa el cumplimiento del programa de Farmacovigilancia, que tiene por objetivos adelantar acciones que se encaminen a prevención y promoción del uso de los medicamentos, mediante protocolos, planes y estrategias, con las que se logre la eficiencia, la eficacia y la calidad de la prestación del servicio. Por medio de esta investigación se realiza una búsqueda de referencia bibliográficas, con las que se pueda presentar la estructura de un programa de farmacovigilancia en el que se prevengan acciones que afecten al usuario, y con las que se fortalezcan los procesos que se deben realizar dentro de un servicio farmacéutico, anticipándose a los errores, disminuyendo los problemas de atención a la salud, documentando, implementando y gestionando las habilidades de quienes hacen parte del servicio.Drug-related problems are one of the main causes of therapeutic failures, causing patient safety to be compromised, which generates high costs for the health system, the family and the patient who may even lose their lives, these processes of dispensing, reception and storage, which are not carried out well due to various situations, in which the most common failures are human errors due to lack of training for wanting to do things quickly to evacuate the user from the pharmaceutical service, due to stress or fatigue, has forced to demand more rigorously every day compliance with the Pharmacovigilance program, whose objectives are to carry out actions aimed at preventing and promoting the use of medicines, through protocols, plans and strategies, with which the efficiency, effectiveness and quality of service provision. Through this research, a bibliographic reference search is carried out, with which the structure of a pharmacovigilance program can be presented in which actions that affect the user are prevented, and with which the processes that must be carried out within the framework are strengthened. of a pharmaceutical service, anticipating errors, reducing health care problems, documenting, implementing, and managing the skills of those who are part of the service