9 research outputs found

    Along the Caravan Route of Great Chokan

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    The book is the follow up of Kashgaria research that started with expedition of the great Kazakh scientist-encyclopaedist, researcher and traveler of the XIX century, Chokan Valikhanov, whose 180-th birth anniversary is celebrated by the whole educated world in 2015. It is written on the basis of personal, live impressions of members of the current expedition arranged by Kazakhstan National Geographic Society in 2014, it contains many informative facts and it is easily and excitedly read. The photos and entertaining episodes of this unique expedition will leave nobody indifferent. It is written to reach the broadest audience

    Problematic issues of geographical education in Kazakhstan

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    Geographical education in the post-Soviet countries after independence is oriented to the Western model of teaching disciplines. What positive and negative results have been obtained to date are discussed in this article. In the last four years, the educational process in schools has been focused on an updated program. As a result, an interesting question arises: how do we teach students? And this question, what subject we are studying, is moved to the background. The mass transfer of school subjects to a new model of education led to disintegration. In this article, the authors try to analyze the state of geographical education in Kazakhstan, to characterize the process of studying geographical disciplines from the seventh to the eleventh grade. As the authors of the updated textbook, we found many inconsistencies and issues that need to be addressed immediately. There is a model of geographical education, using the material of the updated program to preserve the traditions accumulated over the years of geographical education and upbringing

    The great silk road as a factor of development of the tourism industry

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    This article discusses the Silk Road as a factor in the development of the tourism industry in the Kazakhstan section of the Road. The program of study and revival of the Kazakh section of the route of the Silk Road was repeatedly put forward as a priority for the development of science, culture and tourism in the country. For its implementation, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted a number of resolutions. The huge tourist potential creates the conditions for the development of various types of tourism and economic efficiency of tourism.Ministry of Information and Public AccordNational Program of Tourism DevelopmentUniversity of LondonQuad Cities Community FoundationMinistry of Education and Science of the Republic of KazakhstanMinistry of Education and Scienc

    Methodological approaches to the study of mineral resource potential of regions

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    The exploration industry of Ukraine is experiencing a protracted crisis. It is confirmed by the curtailment of funding for the development of country mineral resources by 60% last year which causes the closure of exploration companies. The range of problems traditionally solved by the geography of mineral resources is significantly reduced. These reasons encouraged us to consider the main methodological approaches to the study of mineral potential of specific regions. The studied approaches such as natural-geographical, economic-geographical, ecological-geographical, and complex structural-geographical lie in the domain of geographical science. The article emphasizes the urgency to develop structural and geographical course of research, which is based on the studies of mineral resources and the approaches mentioned above including geological one. The structural and geographical course of research is supposed to create real models of mineral resources of the country regions and to suggest specific measures of their structure optimization alongside prospects of their development following modern world tendencies. The research may result in the creation of a long-term concept of balanced development of the mineral complex of the region, the prevision of the use of mineral resources, the justification of resource-saving technologies. A systematic approach to such a concept will ensure the rational use of resources, the formation of new infrastructure, conditions for environmentally safe function of the economy, sustainable and balanced development of the economic complex of the region

    Pedagogical possibilities of tourist and local history activities

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    In the new socio-economic conditions in the education system, forms of organization of tourist and local history activities are developing, which are based on traditions, experience of extracurricular and extracurricular work, taking into account the changes that have occurred in the country. Life requires that the tasks facing educational institutions are resolved quickly and have not just any solution, but one that optimizes the pedagogical process. At the same time, these requirements come into conflict with the state of the education system, the limited ability of most parents to create conditions for the full development of the child. The tasks facing the education system can be implemented in tourism and local history activities. The main task is to create the necessary conditions for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, his social adaptation in the process of participation in various types of tourist and local history activities. However, the school teacher is not ready to organize and conduct tourist and local history activities at school, as he is not professionally prepared for this activity. Questions of the organization, forms and methods of teacher training for the organization of tourist and local history activities are practically not reflected in the educational and methodological literature. There are no scientific studies that would allow us to effectively solve the pedagogical tasks of preparing the organizers of tourist and local history activities in the school