6 research outputs found

    Antibacterial efficacy of crude and diluted honey on four wound isolates

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    The antimicrobials activities of crude and diluted honey were determined against four clinical isolates from surface and deep wounds. Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli were isolated from wounds by routine microbiological methods. Kirby- Bauer’s disc diffusion method was employed in determining the susceptibility of bacterial isolates to different concentrations of honey. The results from the zone of inhibition obtained (in mm) showed that the growth of all isolates was completely inhibited by 20-100% honey concentrations. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of honey for P. aeruginosa and S. aureus were at 10 % (v/v) while that of E.coli and K. pneumoniae were 20% (v/v). The degree of susceptibility of the wound isolates to honey was compared with that of ten commercially available antibiotic discs. The result obtained revealed that the susceptibility pattern of honey at 40% (v/v) compared favourably and better than amoxicillin, streptomycin, ceftriazone and erythromyci

    Prostate cancer awareness and screening among male public servants in Anambra State, Nigeria

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    Introduction and objectives: Early detection of prostate cancer (PCa) with prostate-specific antigen (PSA) has led to a stage migration with increased detection of early stage, potentially curable disease. Knowledge about PSA screening for PCa among men will lead to increased detection of potentially curable disease. Subjects and methods: Male public servants in Anambra State, Southeast, Nigeria, were invited to complete a self-administered questionnaire on their knowledge of PCa and PSA screening. Results were analyzed using Microsoft Excel® 2007. Results: A total of 652 men completed the questionnaire. Their mean age was 45.1 years (range 20–69). Overall, 74.1% of the respondents were aware of the existence of PCa, while 76.1% were able to identify one or more symptoms of the disease. Difficulty in passing urine was identified as the most common presenting symptom by 45.3% of the respondents, while 87% were able to identify risk factors for PCa. Whereas 56.7% were aware of PSA screening and 92% expressed interest in having PCa screening if recommended only 6.4% had undergone PSA screening in the preceding year. Conclusion: Despite a high awareness of PCa among public servants in Anambra State, Nigeria, a very small proportion of these men had undergone PSA screening. To achieve a stage migration in PCa detection in Nigeria, early detection using PSA screening should be actively driven by health personnel using the media

    Correlation between international prostate symptom score and uroflowmetry in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia

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    Objective: To determine the correlation between severity of symptoms using the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and uroflowmetry in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms-benign prostatic hyperplasia (LUTS-BPH).Patients and Methods: We prospectively collected data from 51 consecutive men, who presented with LUTS-BPH at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi, Nigeria, from January 2012 through December, 2014. Symptom severity was assessed using the self-administered IPSS questionnaire. We also performed uroflowmetry using the Urodyn 1000 (Dantec, serial no. 5534).Results: The mean age of the patients was 67.2 ± 9.7 years (range 40-89 years). The most common presenting IPSS-LUTS was nocturia (100%) followed by urinary frequency (98%), straining (92.0%), weak stream (84.3%), urgency (41.2%), incomplete voiding (39.2%), and intermittency (35.3%) Most of the patients had moderate symptoms (58.8%) on IPSS with a mean value of 13.5 ± 3.0. The mean Qmax was 15.6 ± 18.7 mL/s and the mean voided volume was 193.0 ± 79.2 mL. About onethird of the patients (39.2%) had an unobstructed flow pattern based on Qmax. Correlation analysis showed a weak correlation between IPSS and voiding time (r = 0.220, P > 0.05), flow time (r = 0.128, P > 0.05), and time to maximum flow (r = 0.246, P > 0.05). These correlations were not significant (P > 0.05). IPSS showed a negative correlation with maximum flow rate (r = 0.368; P < 0.0075), average flow rate (-0.203, P > 0.05), and voided volume (r = -0.164, P > 0.05). This negative correlation was significant for maximum flow rate.Conclusion: Correlation between IPSS and Qmax was negative but statistically significant. This implies that an inverse relationship exists between IPSS and Qmax, and remains the only important parameter in uroflowmetry. There was no statistically significant correlation between IPSS and the other variables of uroflowmetry.Keywords: Benign prostatic hyperplasia, lower urinary tract symptoms, uroflowmetry, symptom severit

    Ultrasound measurements of testicular volume: Comparing the three common formulas with the true testicular volume determined by water displacement

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    Objective: To determine the accuracy of various ultrasound formulas for measuring the testicular volume in humans by comparing the resultant measurements with the actual testicular volume. Subjects and methods: The testicular volume of 121 testes from 62 patients with prostate cancer (mean age 72.7 ± 9.4) was measured using ultrasonography before therapeutic bilateral orchidectomy. The ultrasound measurements of the testicular volume were calculated using the following three formulas: (a) length (L) × width (W) × height (H) × 0.52; (b) L × W2 × 0.52 and (c) L × W × H × 0.71. The actual testicular volume was determined by water displacement of the testis. Results: The mean actual testicular volume was 10.6 ± 3.5 ml. A strong correlation was found between the actual testicular volume and the volume calculated by the three-ultrasound formulas (r = 0.853–0.871, p = 0.0001). The smallest mean difference from the actual testicular volume was observed with the formula L × W × H × 0.71, which underestimated the actual volume by 0.4 ml (3.9%). Conclusion: The results of this study show that ultrasonography and the formula L × W × H × 0.71 are the most accurate method for the calculation of the testicular volume

    Synchronous bilateral ureteral ligation and urinary bladder injuries following emergency hysterectomies: Early surgical intervention is a resuscitatory measure.

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    Synchronous iatrogenic ureteral and bladder injuriesfollowing emergency pelvic surgeries, thoughuncommon, cause morbidities and mortalities. Theyare potential causes of severe and debilitatingobstructive nephropathies as well as avoidablelitigations in surgical practice. Delay at initiatingsurgical treatment worsens outcome. Management isextremely challenging with attendant complications.We report two cases of iatrogenic bilateral ureteralligation with synchronous posterior urinary bladderlacerations. Both patients developed anuria at theimmediate post-operative period, with worseningbilateral flank pains, abdominal distension, leakageof urine per vaginam and poor performance status.Both patients were uremic. Emergency exploratorylaparotomies were done, with release of ligatures,stenting of both ureters and repair of bladder wall.Accurate diagnosis with early surgical intervention islifesaving