55 research outputs found

    UPC contributions to GNSS monitoring of ionosphere in the frame of the IGS Iono-WG

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    UPC has been acting as Ionosphere Associate Analysis Center (IAAC) from the beginning of the IGS Iono-WG activities on 1st June, 1998, providing multiple products on GNSS monitoring of ionosphere and also assuming its chairmanship for 5 years (2002 to 2007), as the result of the common work of the co-authors of this presentation. The recently formed UPC-IonSAT research group has not only continued providing rapid, final and 2-days ahead predicted Global Ionospheric Maps (GIMs) at 2-hour time resolution in IONEX format labelled UPCG, UPRG and U2PG respectively) but also real time GIMs (labelled URTG) and 15-minute and 1-hour time resolution GIMs considering rapid latencies (labelled UQRG and UHRG, respectively). Such products have been generated using the TOMION SW for ionospheric modelling and precise positioning. TOMION has evolved from 1998 until nowadays in order to provide the above-mentioned recent products but also to improve the performance of the previously existing ones. This also has led to a reprocessing campaign. It is also worth mentioning that an improved Kriging interpolation technique, combined with the global tomographic modelling ([Orús et al., 2005 and Hernández-Pajares et al.1999]) has recently enabled a boost in the performance for all existing products.Postprint (published version

    AATR an ionospheric activity indicator specifically based on GNSS measurements

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    This work reviews an ionospheric activity indicator useful for identifying disturbed periods affecting the performance of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). This index is based in the Along Arc TEC Rate (AATR) and can be easily computed from dual-frequency GNSS measurements. The AATR indicator has been assessed over more than one Solar Cycle (2002–2017) involving about 140 receivers distributed world-wide. Results show that it is well correlated with the ionospheric activity and, unlike other global indicators linked to the geomagnetic activity (i.e. DST or Ap), it is sensitive to the regional behaviour of the ionosphere and identifies specific effects on GNSS users. Moreover, from a devoted analysis of different Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) performances in different ionospheric conditions, it follows that the AATR indicator is a very suitable mean to reveal whether SBAS service availability anomalies are linked to the ionosphere. On this account, the AATR indicator has been selected as the metric to characterise the ionosphere operational conditions in the frame of the European Space Agency activities on the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System (EGNOS). The AATR index has been adopted as a standard tool by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for joint ionospheric studies in SBAS. In this work we explain how the AATR is computed, paying special attention to the cycle-slip detection, which is one of the key issues in the AATR computation, not fully addressed in other indicators such as the Rate Of change of the TEC Index (ROTI). After this explanation we present some of the main conclusions about the ionospheric activity that can extracted from the AATR values during the above mentioned long-term study. These conclusions are: (a) the different spatial correlation related with the MOdified DIP (MODIP) which allows to clearly separate high, mid and low latitude regions, (b) the large spatial correlation in mid latitude regions which allows to define a planetary index, similar to the geomagnetic ones, (c) the seasonal dependency which is related with the longitude and (d) the variation of the AATR value at different time scales (hourly, daily, seasonal, among others) which confirms most of the well-known time dependences of the ionospheric events, and finally, (e) the relationship with the space weather events.Postprint (published version

    Methodology and consistency of slant and vertical assessments for ionospheric electron content models

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00190-017-1032-zA summary of the main concepts on global ionospheric map(s) [hereinafter GIM(s)] of vertical total electron content (VTEC), with special emphasis on their assessment, is presented in this paper. It is based on the experience accumulated during almost two decades of collaborative work in the context of the international global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) service (IGS) ionosphere working group. A representative comparison of the two main assessments of ionospheric electron content models (VTEC-altimeter and difference of Slant TEC, based on independent global positioning system data GPS, dSTEC-GPS) is performed. It is based on 26 GPS receivers worldwide distributed and mostly placed on islands, from the last quarter of 2010 to the end of 2016. The consistency between dSTEC-GPS and VTEC-altimeter assessments for one of the most accurate IGS GIMs (the tomographic-kriging GIM ‘UQRG’ computed by UPC) is shown. Typical error RMS values of 2 TECU for VTEC-altimeter and 0.5 TECU for dSTEC-GPS assessments are found. And, as expected by following a simple random model, there is a significant correlation between both RMS and specially relative errors, mainly evident when large enough number of observations per pass is considered. The authors expect that this manuscript will be useful for new analysis contributor centres and in general for the scientific and technical community interested in simple and truly external ways of validating electron content models of the ionosphere.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Precise ionospheric electron content monitoring from single- frequency GPS receivers

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Gps solutions. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10291-018-0767-1The number of existing global positioning system (GPS) single-frequency receivers continues growing. More than 90% of GPS receivers are implemented as low-cost single-frequency chipsets embedded in smartphones. This provides new opportunities, in particular for ionospheric sounding. In this context, we present the new sidereal days ionospheric graphic (SIg) combination of single-frequency GNSS measurements. SIg is able to monitor, for each given GNSS transmitter–receiver pair, the vertical total electron content (VTEC) relative to the previous observation with the same or almost the same line-of-sight (LOS) vector. In such arrangements the SIg multipath error mostly cancels, thus increasing the accuracy of the ¿VTEC significantly. This happens for the GPS constellation after one sidereal day (about 23 h 56 m) and for Galileo after 10 sidereal days approximately. Moreover, we show that the required calibration of the corresponding carrier phase ambiguity can be accurately performed by means of VTEC global ionospheric maps (GIMs). The results appear almost as accurate as those based on the dual-frequency technique, i.e., about 1 TECU or better, and with much more precision and resolution than the GIM values in the ionospheric region sounded by each given single-frequency receiver. The performance is demonstrated using actual data from 9 permanent GPS receivers during a total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 over North America, where the corresponding ionospheric footprint is clearly detected in agreement with the total solar eclipse predictions. The advantages of extending SIg to lower carrier frequencies and the feasibility of applying it to other global navigation satellite system (GNSS) systems are also studied. This is shown in terms of a fully consistent VTEC depletion signature of the same eclipse phenomena, obtained with Galileo-only data in North America at mid and low latitude. Finally the SIg feasibility, including the cycle slip detection, is shown as well with actual mass-market single frequency GPS receivers at mid and high latitude.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Statistical characterization of strong and mid solar flares and sun EUV rate monitoring with GNSS

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    The global network of permanent Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receivers has become an useful and affordable way of monitoring the Solar EUV flux rate, especially -for the time being- in the context of Major and Mid geoeffective intensity Solar Flares (M. Hernandez-Pajares et al., SpaceWeather, doi:10.1029/2012SW000826, 2012). In fact the maturity of this technique (GNSS Solar FLAre Indicator, GSFLAI) has allowed to incorporate it in operational real-time (RT) conditions, thanks to the availability of global GNSS datastreams from the RT International GNSS Network (M. Caissy et al, GPS World, June 1, 2012), and performed in the context of the MONITOR and MONITOR2 ESA-funded projects (Y. Beniguel et al., NAVITEC Proc., 978-1-4673-2011-5 IEEE, 2012). The main goal of this presentation is to summarize a detailed recent study of the statistical properties of Solar Flares (E. Monte and M. Hernandez-Pajares, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1002/2014JA020206, 2014) by considering the GNSS proxy of EUV rate (GSFLAI parameter) computed independently each 30 seconds during the whole last solar cycle. An statistical model has been characterized that explains the empirical results such as (a) the persistence and presence of bursts of solar flares and (b) their long tail peak values of the solar flux variation, which can be characterized by: (1) A fractional Brownian model for the long-term dependence, and (2), a power law distribution for the time series extreme values. Finally, an update of the Solar Flares’ occurrence during the recent months of Solar Activity, gathered in RT within MONITOR2 project, will close the paper.Postprint (published version

    Assessing the quality of ionospheric models through GNSS positioning error: methodology and results

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    Single-frequency users of the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) must correct for the ionospheric delay. These corrections are available from global ionospheric models (GIMs). Therefore, the accuracy of the GIM is important because the unmodeled or incorrectly part of ionospheric delay contributes to the positioning error of GNSS-based positioning. However, the positioning error of receivers located at known coordinates can be used to infer the accuracy of GIMs in a simple manner. This is why assessment of GIMs by means of the position domain is often used as an alternative to assessments in the ionospheric delay domain. The latter method requires accurate reference ionospheric values obtained from a network solution and complex geodetic modeling. However, evaluations using the positioning error method present several difficulties, as evidenced in recent works, that can lead to inconsistent results compared to the tests using the ionospheric delay domain. We analyze the reasons why such inconsistencies occur, applying both methodologies. We have computed the position of 34 permanent stations for the entire year of 2014 within the last Solar Maximum. The positioning tests have been done using code pseudoranges and carrier-phase leveled (CCL) measurements. We identify the error sources that make it difficult to distinguish the part of the positioning error that is attributable to the ionospheric correction: the measurement noise, pseudorange multipath, evaluation metric, and outliers. Once these error sources are considered, we obtain equivalent results to those found in the ionospheric delay domain assessments. Accurate GIMs can provide single-frequency navigation positioning at the decimeter level using CCL measurements and better positions than those obtained using the dual-frequency ionospheric-free combination of pseudoranges. Finally, some recommendations are provided for further studies of ionospheric models using the position domain method.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Feasibility of precise navigation in high and low latitude regions under scintillation conditions

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    Scintillation is one of the most challenging problems in Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) navigation. This phenomenon appears when the radio signal passes through ionospheric irregularities. These irregularities represent rapid changes on the refraction index and, depending on their size, they can produce also diffractive effects affecting the signal amplitude and, eventually producing cycle slips. In this work, we show that the scintillation effects on the GNSS signal are quite different in low and high latitudes. For low latitude receivers, the main effects, from the point of view of precise navigation, are the increase of the carrier phase noise (measured by s¿) and the fade on the signal intensity (measured by S4) that can produce cycle slips in the GNSS signal. With several examples, we show that the detection of these cycle slips is the most challenging problem for precise navigation, in such a way that, if these cycle slips are detected, precise navigation can be achieved in these regions under scintillation conditions. For high-latitude receivers the situation differs. In this region the size of the irregularities is typically larger than the Fresnel length, so the main effects are related with the fast change on the refractive index associated to the fast movement of the irregularities (which can reach velocities up to several km/s). Consequently, the main effect on the GNSS signals is a fast fluctuation of the carrier phase (large s¿), but with a moderate fade in the amplitude (moderate S4). Therefore, as shown through several examples, fluctuations at high-latitude usually do not produce cycle slips, being the effect quite limited on the ionosphere-free combination and, in general, precise navigation can be achieved also during strong scintillation conditions.Postprint (published version

    Assessment of centre national d'Études spatiales real-time ionosphere maps in instantaneous precise real-time kinematic positioning over medium and long baselines

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    Precise real-time kinematic (RTK) Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) positioning requires fixing integer ambiguities after a short initialization time. Originally, it was assumed that it was only possible at a relatively short distance from a reference station (<10 km), because otherwise the atmospheric effects prevent effective ambiguity fixing. Nowadays, through the use of VRS, MAC, or FKP corrections, the distances to the closest reference station have been increased to around 35 km. However, the baselines resolved in real time are not as far as in the case of static positioning. Further extension of the baseline requires the use of an ionosphere-weighted model with ionospheric delay corrections available in real time. This solution is now possible thanks to the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime (RTCM) stream of SSR corrections from, for example, Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES), the first analysis center to provide it in the context of the International GNSS Service. Then, ionospheric delays are treated as pseudo-observations that have a priori values from the CLK RTCM stream. Additionally, satellite orbit and clock errors are properly considered using space-state representation (SSR) real-time radial, along-track, and cross-track corrections. The following paper presents the initial results of such RTK positioning. Measurements were performed in various field conditions reflecting realistic scenarios that could have been experienced by actual RTK users. We have shown that the assumed methodology was suitable for single-epoch RTK positioning with up to 82 km baseline in solar minimum (30 March 2019) mid and high latitude (Olsztyn, Poland) conditions. We also confirmed that it is possible to obtain a rover position at the level of a few centimeters of precision. Finally, the possibility of using other newer experimental IGS RT Global Ionospheric Maps (GIMs), from Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) among CNES, is discussed in terms of their recent performance in the ionospheric delay domain.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Ionospheric corrections tailored to the Galileo High Accuracy Service

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    The Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS) is a new capability of the European Global Navigation Satellite System that is currently under development. The Galileo HAS will start providing satellite orbit and clock corrections (i.e. non-dispersive effects) and soon it will also correct dispersive effects such as inter-frequency biases and, in its full capability, ionospheric delay. We analyse here an ionospheric correction system based on the fast precise point positioning (Fast-PPP) and its potential application to the Galileo HAS. The aim of this contribution is to present some recent upgrades to the Fast-PPP model, with the emphasis on the model geometry and the data used. The results show the benefits of integer ambiguity resolution to obtain unambiguous carrier phase measurements as input to compute the Fast-PPP model. Seven permanent stations are used to assess the errors of the Fast-PPP ionospheric corrections, with baseline distances ranging from 100 to 1000 km from the reference receivers used to compute the Fast-PPP corrections. The 99% of the GPS and Galileo errors in well-sounded areas and in mid-latitude stations are below one total electron content unit. In addition, large errors are bounded by the error prediction of the Fast-PPP model, in the form of the variance of the estimation of the ionospheric corrections. Therefore, we conclude that Fast-PPP is able to provide ionospheric corrections with the required ionospheric accuracy, and realistic confidence bounds, for the Galileo HAS.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUECSIC agreement with Springer Nature. The present work was supported in part by the European Space Agency contract IONO4HAS 4000128823/19/NL/AS, by the project RTI2018-094295-B-I00 funded by the MCIN/AEI 10.13039/501100011033 which is co-founded by the FEDER programme and by the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Global Fellowship 797461 NAVSCIN.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Ionospheric scintillation models: An inter-comparison study using GNSS data

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    Existing climatological ionosphere models, for example, GISM, SCIONAV, WBMOD, and STIPEE, have known limitations that prevent their wide use. In the framework of ESA study “Radio Climatology Models of the Ionosphere: Status and Way Forward” their performance was assessed using experimental observations of ionospheric scintillation collected over the past years to evaluate their ability to properly support future missions, and eventually indicate their weaknesses for future improvements. Model limitations are more important in terms of the intensity scintillation parameter (S4). To improve them, the COSMIC model has been fit (scaling factor and offset) to the measured data, and it became the one better predicting the intensity scintillation in a statistical sense.This research was funded by the project “Radio Climatology Models of the Ionosphere: Status and Way Forward,” ESA/ESTEC, grant number 4000120868/17/NL/AF [https://nebula.esa.int/content/radio-climatology-models-ionosphere-status-and-way-forward]. Article processing charges were funded by the project “GENESIS: GNSS Environmental and Societal Missions – Subproject UPC,” AEI Grant PID2021-126436OB-C21.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version