3,138 research outputs found

    On the Limitations of the Theory of the Positron

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    In a recent paper Dirac has suggested a further development of his theory of the positron. Dirac here considers the operators corresponding to charge and current density for a system of electrons in which nearly all the negative energy states are full, and shows that in the presence of an arbitrary external electromagnetic field these operators may be divided into two terms: one of these is infinite, and depends on the field but not on the state of the electrons; the other is finite and determinate, and depends on the field and on the electron state. Dirac makes the suggestion that these second terms be regarded as giving the charge and current density of the electron-positron distribution (epd): i.e., that the formalism of his theory of the electron be modified by the subtraction from the operators for charge and current density of the infinite and field-dependent terms. This modification leaves unaltered the Lorentz and gauge invariance of the theory and the validity of the conservation law for charge and current. Because, however, the way in which the operators are to be modified depends upon the value of the electromagnetic field, the method is not readily extended to take account of the field produced by the epd; on the other hand, it gives for the charge and current induced in the epd by an external field finite and definite results, and thus constitutes in this respect a true theoretical advance

    A Budget and Accounting of Metals at z~0: Results from the COS-Halos Survey

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    We present a budget and accounting of metals in and around star-forming galaxies at z0z\sim 0. We combine empirically derived star formation histories with updated supernova and AGB yields and rates to estimate the total mass of metals produced by galaxies with present-day stellar mass of 109.310^{9.3}--1011.6M10^{11.6} M_{\odot}. On the accounting side of the ledger, we show that a surprisingly constant 20--25% mass fraction of produced metals remain in galaxies' stars, interstellar gas and interstellar dust, with little dependence of this fraction on the galaxy stellar mass (omitting those metals immediately locked up in remnants). Thus, the bulk of metals are outside of galaxies, produced in the progenitors of today's LL^* galaxies. The COS-Halos survey is uniquely able to measure the mass of metals in the circumgalactic medium (to impact parameters of <150< 150 kpc) of low-redshift L\sim L^* galaxies. Using these data, we map the distribution of CGM metals as traced by both the highly ionized OVI ion and a suite of low-ionization species; combined with constraints on circumgalactic dust and hotter X-ray emitting gas out to similar impact parameters, we show that 40\sim 40% of metals produced by M1010MM_{\star}\sim 10^{10}M_{\odot} galaxies can be easily accounted for out to 150 kpc. With the current data, we cannot rule out a constant mass of metals within this fixed physical radius. This census provides a crucial boundary condition for the eventual fate of metals in galaxy evolution models.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables. ApJ, in pres

    Black hole formation in perfect fluid collapse

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    We construct here a special class of perfect fluid collapse models which generalizes the homogeneous dust collapse solution in order to include non-zero pressures and inhomogeneities into evolution. It is shown that a black hole is necessarily generated as end product of continued gravitational collapse, rather than a naked singularity. We examine the nature of the central singularity forming as a result of endless collapse and it is shown that no non-spacelike trajectories can escape from the central singularity. Our results provide some insights into how the dynamical collapse works, and into the possible formulations of the cosmic censorship hypothesis, which is as yet a major unsolved problem in black hole physics.Comment: Revtex4, To appear in Physical Review

    Juan de Fuca slab geometry and its relation to Wadati-Benioff zone seismicity

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    A new model of the subducted Juan de Fuca plate beneath western North America allows first-order correlations between the occurrence of Wadati-Benioff zone earthquakes and slab geometry, temperature, and hydration state. The geo-referenced 3D model, constructed from weighted control points, integrates depth information from earthquake locations and regional seismic velocity studies. We use the model to separate earthquakes that occur in the Cascadia forearc from those that occur within the underlying Juan de Fuca plate and thereby reveal previously obscured details regarding the spatial distribution of earthquakes. Seismicity within the slab is most prevalent where the slab is warped beneath northwestern California and western Washington suggesting that slab flexure, in addition to expected metamorphic dehydration processes, promotes earthquake occurrence within the subducted oceanic plate. Earthquake patterns beneath western Vancouver Island are consistent with slab dehydration processes. Conversely, the lack of slab earthquakes beneath western Oregon is consistent with an anhydrous slab. Double-differenced relocated seismicity resolves a double seismic zone within the slab beneath northwestern California that strongly constrains the location of the plate interface and delineates a cluster of seismicity 10 km above the surface that includes the 1992 M7.1 Mendocino earthquake. We infer that this earthquake ruptured a surface within the Cascadia accretionary margin above the Juan de Fuca plate. We further speculate that this earthquake is associated with a detached fragment of former Farallon plate. Other subsurface tectonic elements within the forearc may have the potential to generate similar damaging earthquakes

    Evolving Einstein's Field Equations with Matter: The ``Hydro without Hydro'' Test

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    We include matter sources in Einstein's field equations and show that our recently proposed 3+1 evolution scheme can stably evolve strong-field solutions. We insert in our code known matter solutions, namely the Oppenheimer-Volkoff solution for a static star and the Oppenheimer-Snyder solution for homogeneous dust sphere collapse to a black hole, and evolve the gravitational field equations. We find that we can evolve stably static, strong-field stars for arbitrarily long times and can follow dust sphere collapse accurately well past black hole formation. These tests are useful diagnostics for fully self-consistent, stable hydrodynamical simulations in 3+1 general relativity. Moreover, they suggest a successive approximation scheme for determining gravitational waveforms from strong-field sources dominated by longitudinal fields, like binary neutron stars: approximate quasi-equilibrium models can serve as sources for the transverse field equations, which can be evolved without having to re-solve the hydrodynamical equations (``hydro without hydro'').Comment: 4 postscript figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. D15 as a Brief Repor

    On the Role of Initial Data in the Gravitational Collapse of Inhomogeneous Dust

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    We consider here the gravitational collapse of a spherically symmetric inhomogeneous dust cloud described by the Tolman-Bondi models. By studying a general class of these models, we find that the end state of the collapse is either a black hole or a naked singularity, depending on the parameters of the initial density distribution, which are ρc\rho_{c}, the initial central density of the massive body, and R0R_0, the initial boundary. The collapse ends in a black hole if the dimensionless quantity β\beta constructed out of this initial data is greater than 0.0113, and it ends in a naked singularity if β\beta is less than this number. A simple interpretation of this result can be given in terms of the strength of the gravitational potential at the starting epoch of the collapse.Comment: Original title changed, numerical range of naked singularity corrected. Plain Tex File. 14 pages. To appear in Physical Review