11 research outputs found

    The Contribution of Self-Esteem and Parenting towards Aggressive Behavior of Child Victims’ Domestic Violence

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    Children who live in violent environments have aggressive tendencies as a result of the interaction process. Aggressive behavior of children is influenced by several factors such as improper care, stress, low self-esteem, bad relationships and the display of violence in the mass media. This research aims at examining the contribution of self-esteem and parenting to the aggressive behavior of child victims of domestic violence. The research used a quantitative approach with a descriptive and correlation type. The research respondents  were the students of SMA Negeri Padang who were identified as 73 victims of domestic violence victims, selected by using a purposive sampling technique. The data were collected using the CFSEI-2 inventory for self-esteem and Likert model scale for aggressive behavior with a reliability level of 0.899 and 0.915 for parenting. The data processing used a multiple regression analysis technique with the help of SPSS for Windows Release 20. The findings of this research indicated that self-esteem and parenting together contributed to the aggressive behavior of child victims of domestic violence by 41.7%

    Gambaran Permasalahan Pasangan Muda di Kabupaten Kerinci

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    Young married couples are faced with various problems, as a consequence of not reaching psychological, physical, social, economic and cultural maturity. This study aims to describe the problems experienced married couples at a young age. Research respondents were 46 young married couples in Kerinci. The research data was collected using instruments arranged according to the Guttman scale model. The research findings indicate a problem in each indicator, that is related to the state of self; social relations with the community; economics and finance; work, religion, values and norms; circumstances in the family; and sexual intercourse. Based on the research findings, it is suggested to counselor to do counseling and guidance service to young married couples who will and have been married to prevent and alleviate the problem in an effort to realize happy family

    Fasilitas Yang Sesuai Untuk Anak Yang Ber Kebutuhan Khusus Di Sekolah Inklusi

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    The aim of this research is to determine the importance of appropriate facilities for children with special needs. The method used in this research is a literature review study or literature review. Literature study is a research design used to collect data sources related to a topic found in the field. Data collection for literature studies was carried out using the Google Scholar search tool. The appropriate and required screening results contained 3 National Journal articles based on the articles found and analyzed. The results of this research are. Educational facilities are all equipment, materials and furniture that are directly used in the educational process at school.In inclusive schools, schools must provide pedagogues who know and understand the education of children with special needs, educational teaching aids for children with special needs, and special spaces needed for children with special needs. To date, the Department of Education has not issued guidelines regarding standard room facilities for inclusive schools, but only has standard room facilities for public schools such as: study rooms, furniture rooms, landscaping rooms, learning equipment, decoration and classrooms and soon

    Jenis Keragaman Peserta Didik Dalam Pembelajaran

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    This research aims to determine the types of children's diversity in learning. The method used in the research is literature study or literature review. There are 2 journals that are suitable for this research. The results of this research show that children's diversity in learning is a phenomenon that is increasingly recognized as a key aspect in education. Children bring a variety of backgrounds, cultures, interests, and abilities to their learning environment. By embracing diversity, educators can create an inclusive environment and allow every child to develop to their potential

    Kerja Sama Antara Orang Tua dan Sekolah dalam Mendukung Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus ke Sekolah

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    Collaboration between parents and schools plays a very important role in supporting children with special needs in their educational process. This article explores the importance of effective collaboration between parents and educators in a joint effort to understand, plan, and provide appropriate support for children with special needs. This article uses survey and interview research methods at SD N 23/VI Rantau Panjang I. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the importance of cooperation between parents and schools in supporting children with special needs. The form of cooperation between educational institutions and parents in recognizing the character of early childhood children with special needs is by 1). Carrying out early detection of students, 2). Carrying out parent meeting classes, 3). Carrying out parent consultation days, 4). Collaborating with psychologists/therapists if necessary

    Aspirasi Guru Terhadap Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Dengan Minat Sekolah Rendah

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    The aim of this research is to find out about teachers' aspirations for ABK. The method used in this research is a literature review or literature review. Literature study is a research design used to collect data sources related to a topic found in the field. Data collection for the literature study was carried out using the Google Scholar search tool. The screening results were appropriate and needed, there were 3 National Journal articles based on the articles found and analyzed. The results of this research found that teachers are so important for ABK that they hope to be able to help them develop their potential despite the shortcomings they experience. Teachers' aspirations for children with special needs with low school interest are the key to educational success, with the right support, appropriate training, and close collaboration between all parties involved better inclusive education can be realized, ensuring that all children have the opportunity to learn and develop appropriately. its potential

    Model Teoritis Penyesuaian Kurikulum Bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus

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    The aim of this research is to determine the theoretical model of curriculum for children with special needs.  This type of research is qualitative in nature with data collection mainly through books and journals as data sources.  The data analysis technique is to use data triangulation.  The research objects are books and journals about children with special needs.  The research results concluded that the theoretical model in adapting the curriculum for children with special needs is quite good because the teaching models used are the regular education model, the open education/natural school model, as well as the home education service model in inclusive education

    Pelayanan Pendidikan Pada Anak Yang Mengalami Gangguan Emosi Dan Tingkah Laku

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    The aim of this research is to analyze disorders, confounding factors, approaches to dealing with them and educational service models for children with emotional and behavioral disorders. This research was motivated by various cases related to the low level of education of children with special needs, many of whom even experienced discriminatory treatment. The research method used is descriptive with data collection techniques in the form of a literature review of references relating to the various symptoms observed. The collected data was analyzed descriptively and qualitatively so that differences in the characteristics and models of educational services provided to children with special needs and emotional and behavioral disorders were visible. The research results show that children with emotional and behavioral disorders show characteristics such as intelligence and learning ability, social and emotional traits, as well as immature and withdrawn behavior. Models of educational services for children who experience emotional and behavioral disorders can be grouped into three, namely. differentiated education services, integrated/integrated education services, and inclusive education using individual and group approaches

    Tantangan Pendidikan Inklusi Berdasarkan Peraturan Perundangan Di Indonesia

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    Inclusive Education is one of the government's programs to realize justice in education. Inclusive education is a form of realizing equal distribution of education without discrimination, both children with special needs and normal children can receive the same education. This research method uses literature studies sourced from books, journals and others. The aim of this research is to find out the challenges faced, among others. ; lack of skills and attitudes of teachers in dealing with special needs children, limited facilities and infrastructure as well as low awareness of parents and the community regarding the rights of children with special needs. &nbsp

    Aspek -Aspek Lingkungan Ramah Pembelajaran Pada Sekolah Dasar Di Kabupaten Bungo

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    This article aims to find out learning-friendly aspects for children with special needs at Bungo Regency Elementary Schools. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research method. Data collection techniques include: observation and interviews. The research subjects or informants were the school principal and class teacher/homeroom teacher. The results of the research show that: (1) in this case the principal as the highest decision holder in an institution greatly influences the sustainability of children with special needs who wish to attend Normal School. (2) There are many problematic factors that exist regarding the implementation of a learning-friendly environment in the 3 elementary schools discussed in this article. However, the most basic and very influencing factor is the problem of the school not having special counselors for children with special needs but they accept children with special needs at the school. (3) The efforts made by the school to overcome the problems faced are that the school must first find a teacher who can specifically guide children with special needs so that these children can catch up with other normal children