3 research outputs found

    Conversion of bright magneto-optical resonances into dark at fixed laser frequency for D2 excitation of atomic rubidium

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    Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances on the hyperfine transitions belonging to the D2 line of rubidium were changed from bright to dark resonances by changing the laser power density of the single exciting laser field or by changing the vapor temperature in the cell. In one set of experiments atoms were excited by linearly polarized light from an extended cavity diode laser with polarization vector perpendicular to the light's propagation direction and magnetic field, and laser induced fluorescence (LIF) was observed along the direction of the magnetic field, which was scanned. A low-contrast bright resonance was observed at low laser power densities when the laser was tuned to the Fg=2 --> Fe=3 transition of Rb-87 and near to the Fg=3 --> Fe=4 transition of Rb-85. The bright resonance became dark as the laser power density was increased above 0.6mW/cm2 or 0.8 mW/cm2, respectively. When the Fg=2 --> Fe=3 transition of Rb-87 was excited with circularly polarized light in a second set of experiments, a bright resonance was observed, which became dark when the temperature was increased to around 50C. The experimental observations at room temperature could be reproduced with good agreement by calculations based on a theoretical model, although the theoretical model was not able to describe measurements at elevated temperatures, where reabsorption was thought to play a decisive role. The model was derived from the optical Bloch equations and included all nearby hyperfine components, averaging over the Doppler profile, mixing of magnetic sublevels in the external magnetic field, and a treatment of the coherence properties of the exciting radiation field.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Mask-aligner Talbot lithography using a 193nm CW light source

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    El programa nuclear iraní y los desafíos políticos y geoestratégicos: tres enfoques

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    We present a mask-aligner lithographic system operated with a frequency-quadrupled continuous-wave diode laser emitting at 193 nm. For this purpose, a 772 nm diode laser is amplified by a tapered amplifier in the master-oscillator power-amplifier configuration. The emission wavelength is upconverted twice, using LBO and KBBF nonlinear crystals in second-harmonic generation enhancement cavities. An optical output power of 10 mW is achieved. As uniform exposure field illumination is crucial in mask-aligner lithography, beam shaping is realized with optical elements made from fused silica and CaF2 featuring a diffractive non-imaging homogenizer. A tandem setup of shaped random diffusers, one static and one rotating, is used to control speckle formation. We demonstrate first experimental soft contact and proximity prints for a field size of 1 cm2 with a standard binary photomask and proximity prints with a two-level phase mask, both printed into 120 nm layers of photoresist on unstructured silicon substrates