9 research outputs found


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    A study on spatial evaluation of mangrove resource was carried out in Pohuwato Regency, the province of Gorontalo, for 3 months. The mangrove resources in this area have been exploited to build ponds, houses and for firewood. As the result, there was a significant decrease in mangrove population. In this study, main data were gathered from Landsat TM Satellite Image 2000-2001 and 2009-2010, and others data collected from the field and interviews with local villagers. Aproximately 60 sampling points were observed and examined. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was applied to determine the extent of mangroves and its changes. In 2000-2001, the mangrove area was about 7,007.67 Ha, and reduced to 3,034.53 Ha in 2009-2010

    Analisis Perubahan Luas Lahan Mangrove di Kabupaten Pohuwato Propinsi Gorontalo dengan Menggunakan Citra Landsat

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    A study on spatial evaluation of mangrove resource was carried out in Pohuwato Regency, the province of Gorontalo, for 3 months. The mangrove resources in this area have been exploited to build ponds, houses and for firewood. As the result, there was a significant decrease in mangrove population. In this study, main data were gathered from Landsat TM Satellite Image 2000-2001 and 2009-2010, and others data collected from the field and interviews with local villagers. Aproximately 60 sampling points were observed and examined. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was applied to determine the extent of mangroves and its changes. In 2000-2001, the mangrove area was about 7,007.67 Ha, and reduced to 3,034.53 Ha in 2009-2010

    Morfologi Gisik Pantai Desa Kalasey Satu Kecamatan Pineleng Kabupaten Minahasa

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    Aktivitasmanusia di wilayah pantai terlihat sangat berpengaruh pada proses Perubahangaris pantai. Reklamasi, pertambahan penduduk, dan aktivitas manusia lainnyamemberikan dampak terhadap Perubahan wilayah pesisir, seperti terjadinyaabrasi, pembuangan limbah, erosi pantai, dan sedimentasi. Berdasarkan surveiawal, wilayah Pantai Kalasey mengalami abrasi dan mengakibatkan hilangnyasebagian lahan daratan yang disebabkan oleh proses laut berupa gelombang danarus. Berdasarkan informasi masyarakat, proses abrasi telah berlangsung kurang30 tahun dan diperkirakan telah terjadi kemunduran garis pantai 500 meter.Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan pada periode bulan purnama, 08 – 09 Maret 2012didapatkan, gisik pantai kalasey tergolong kriteria lereng pendek dan landaidengan tunggang air pasut sebesar 2,80 cm, sementara periode gelombang sebesar2,25 – 8,97 detik. Arus permukaan terukur, maksimum 0,298 knot. Materialsedimen umumnya tergolong mulai dari pasir halus hingga kerakal. Bentuk kurvadistribusi granulometri sedimen gisik adalah asimetris kuat ke ukuran kecil.Peruncingan memiliki kriteria pada sangat platikurtik, platikurtik,leptokurtic, sangat leptokurtic, dan mesokurtik. Sebagai informasi awal, hasilstudi morfologi gisik kawasan wisata Pantai Kalasey ini berpeluang diujikanuntuk periode waktu lainnya. Dengandemikian diharapkan upaya pengelolaan daerah ini ditopang dengan data daninformasi corak gisik dan daerah pantainya yang lebih memadai


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    Coastal area is defined as the interface point where sea and land meet. To the land the area is limited to the area influenced by the sea factors (wind, tide, and sea water infiltration), while to the sea is limited to the area influenced by the land factors. Special concern need to be addressed in regarding to the use of coastal area. As part of the coastal area, littoral zone is very dynamics due to factors of oceanography and human activities. The same fact is experienced by the littoral zone in Sindulang Satu. Physical change has been the fact in this littoral zone.  In relation to the change, it is considered of importance to describe and analysis the characteristics of the sediment and related oceanography factors.  Result of observation indicated that sediment in the littoral zone consist of fine sand, medium sand, very fine sand, coarse sand and pebbles. Silt and boulder were also found. Distribution of sediment granulometry showed that the littoral zone was dominated by fine sand material, bad sorted, asymetrical to small size and symmetrical granulometry, and mesokurtic. Tidal current is the type of current working in the littoral zone and it plays importance role in the sediment


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    Beach formation has an important role in protecting land from the action of the sea and it is useful for recreation, conservation and other uses. In “Wisata Bahari Sario” Kota Manado coastal area there is still a particular area of beach that is used for various purposes, so it is important to study its morphology. This research was conducted with the aim of describing morphology and analyzing oceanographic factors that affected the dynamic process of beach morphology. The results showed that the beach had an area of 422.69 m2, with the criteria for short slopes in the Northeast and long slopes in the Southwest. The shapes of the beach surface were in the form of gutters and shoots, their appearance was more visible towards the Southwest. In general, the deposition process took place more intensively in the Southwestern part of the beach. Keywords: Beach, Morphology, Slope, Depositio

    Foraminifera On The Beach Of Malalayang Dua

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    Beach as one on the landform that reflects the work of hydro-oceanographic factors, generally in the form of loose sedimentary material. Loose sediment is a collection of organic and inorganic particles that accumulate widely and are irregular in shape. One example of organism in marine waters that contributes to the availability of organic particles in the beach landform is foraminifera. Foraminifera is a single-celled organism that has the ability to form shells from substances of CaCO3 which originate from itself or from the surrounding environment. This study was aimed to classify physical sediments on the Malalayang Dua beach according to the points of sediment sampling, and see how the composition of foraminifera in the beach area and analyze the presence of foraminifera in relation to the granulometry of beach sediments. From the result of the study, it is found that the composition of grain size of sediment on the beach of Malalayang Dua is different, in stasion 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B the sediment were mostly composed by fine grains while in station 3A and 3B were of coarse-grained sediment. A number of a species of foraminifera (dead test) was found in the study, and the number of tests was highes in fine sediments compared to coarse sediment.Keywords : Beach Landform, Malalayang Dua Coast, Foraminifera ABSTRAKGisik sebagai salah satu bentuklahan yang merefleksikan kerja faktor-faktor hidro-oseanografi, umumnya berwujud material sedimen lepas. Sedimen lepas adalah kumpulan partikel organik dan anorganik yang terakumulasi secara luas dan bentuknya tidak beraturan. Salah satu organisme di perairan laut yang berkontribusi terhadap ketersediaan partikel organik di gisik adalah foraminifera. Foraminifera merupakan organisme bersel tunggal yang mempunyai kemampuan membentuk cangkang dari zat-zat CaCO3yang berasal dari dirinya sendiri atau dari lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelompokkan sedimen gisik di pantai Malalayang Dua menurut titik-titik pengambilan sampel sedimen, dan melihat bagaimana komposisi foraminifera di kawasan gisik serta menganalisis keberadaan foraminifera dalam kaitannya dengan granulometri sedimen gisik. Dari hasil penelitian komposisi ukuran butir sedimen pada lahan gisik di pantai Malalayang Dua berbeda menurut stasiun yang ditetapkan, di ruang pantai ke arah Timur yaitu stasiun 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B komposisi sedimennya berukuran halus, sedangkan di ruang pantai ke arah Barat yaitu stasiun 3A dan 3B komposisi sedimennya berukuran kasar, komposisi sedimen di setiap stasiun gisik litoral dan sublitoral menampilkan adanya perbedaan tingkat kekasaran partikel sedimen. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan 9 cangkang foraminifera. Pada komposisi sedimen gisik yang berukuran halus ditemukan jumlah cangkang foraminifera yang lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan gisik yang komposisi sedimen berukuran kasar.Kata kunci : Lahan Gisik, Pantai Malalalayang Dua, Foraminifer

    Sediment Granulometry of the Beach at the Kalasey’s Groynes

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    Coastal areas have the potential to be developed and utilized for various purposes. However, the intensity of coastal use can result in the degradation of the coastal environment. Therefore, management of the coastal areas is often carried out by building shore protective structures, including groynes. The placement of a structure in the form of a groynes is primarily intended to block littoral flow in moving sediment out of certain places in the shore. Therefore, the placement of groynes on the shore needs to be followed by a study to find out the effectiveness of the groynes. The effectiveness of groynes can be determined, among others, by a study on the granulometry of sediments on the beach. This study was conducted to describe the composition of the sediment and to analyze granulometry distribution in several places at the beach around the groynes on the shore of Kalasey. The study of the physical sediments around the Kalasey groynes was carried out through a study of the sediment samples from October 30, 2020, to April 27, 2021. Sediment sampling was carried out at 6 stations which have been determined on the surface of the beach formed around the groynes. The results obtained through this research showed that the composition of the sediments in the beach around the Kalasey groynes consisted of size classes as follows: very fine sand, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, very coarse sand, granule, and pebble. Fine-sized materials at the beach which is located in the groynes on further east have increased in composition. Based on the granulometric analysis of the sediment, it is indicated that the erosion and deposition processes occur alternately in the beaches formed around the groynes.Keywords: Beach; Kalasey Groynes; Sediment Composition; Granulometric AnalysisAbstrakWilayah pantai memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan dan dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai kepentingan.  Walaupun demikian, intensivitas pemanfaatan pantai dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya degradasi lingkungan pantai.  Oleh karena itu, dalam rangka pengelolaan pantai seringkali dilakukan dengan cara membangun struktur pelindung pantai, diantaranya berupa groin. Penempatan struktur berupa groin di kawasan pantai, dimaksudkan utamanya untuk menghadang aliran litoral dalam memindahkan sedimen keluar dari tempat tertentu di kawasan pantai.  Oleh karena itu, penempatan groin di pantai perlu diikuti dengan kajian untuk melihat efektivitas fungsi groin pada kawasan pantai tersebut.  Salah satu cara untuk melihat efektivitas kerja groin di pantai adalah melalui kajian menyangkut granulometri sedimen gisik yang terhampar di sekitar groin yang ditempatkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mendeskripsikan komposisi sedimen dan menganalisis distribusi granulometri di beberapa tempat pada gisik sekitar groin di pantai Kalasey.  Kajian terhadap sedimen gisik sekitar groin Kalasey dilakukan melalui telaah terhadap sampel sedimen yang dicuplik mulai 30 Oktober 2020 sampai dengan 27 April 2021.  Pencuplikan sedimen dilaksanakan di 6 stasiun yang ditetapkan pada permukaan gisik yang terbentuk di sekitar groin Kalasey. Hasil yang diperoleh melalui penelitian ini adalah komposisi sedimen pada gisik di sekitar groin Kalasey terdiri dari kelas ukuran berupa pasir sangat halus, pasir halus, pasir sedang, pasir kasar, pasir sangat kasar, granul, dan kerakal.  Gisik yang terletak pada kawasan groin semakin ke arah Timur pada kawasan ini, komposisi sedimennya mengalami peningkatan jumlah material sedimen yang berukuran halus.  Berdasarkan analisis granulometri sedimen terindikasi bahwa proses erosi dan deposisi terjadi secara bergantian pada gisik-gisik yang terbentuk di sekitar groin.Kata kunci: Gisik; Groin Kalasey; Komposisi Sedimen; Analisis Granulometr


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    Beach slope and sediment granulometry  is one of the importat aspect in coastal management.  Beach offers a variety of functions and potential to be utilized. In the interests of phisical use in the beach, coastal structure in the form of groynes has been built. Actually, the groin has been used as a dock. This research was conducted with the aim of revealing the slope and granulometry sediment in Tanjung Merah beach. The results obtained, the beach slope is considered sloping and very sloping, the composition of the sediment consists mainly  of medium sand, fine sand and very fine sand. Sediment distribution analysis obtained results, the main grain size was mainly in the form of medium sand, sorting was mainly classified as poor, skewness was mostly asymmetrie strong to large size, most curtosis was mesokurtic. The results of the study indicate the occurrence of the process of erosion and deposition ia certain spaces on the beach studied.Keywords: Tanjung Merah, beach slope, sediment granulometryKemiringan lereng dan granulometri sedimen gisik merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam pengelolaan pantai. Gisik menawarkan beragam fungsi dan potensi untuk dimanfaatkan. Dalam kepentingan pemanfaatan lahan gisik, berbagai modifikasi dilakukan oleh manusia. Pada gisik di Tanjung Merah, telah dibangun struktur pantai berupa groin. Secara aktual, groin tersebut telah difunsikan sebagai dermaga. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengungkapkan kemiringan dan granulometri sedimen di gisik Tanjung Merah. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, lereng gisik terkriteria miring dan sangat miring, komposisi sedimen terutama terdiri dari pasir sedang, pasir halus, dan pasir sangat halus. Analisis distribusi memperoleh hasil, rataan empirik terutama berupa pasir sedang, penyortiran terutama terklasifikasi buruk, kemencengan terbanyak berupa asimetris kuat ke ukuran besar, peruncingan terbanyak berupa mesokurtik. Hasil studi mengindikasikan terjadi proses erosi dan deposisi pada ruang-ruang tertentu di gisik yang ditelaah.Kata kunci : Tanjung Merah, kemiringan lereng, granulometri sedime


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    Peningkatan emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK) antara lain karbondioksida (CO2)  yang terjadi terus menerus mengakibatkan terjadinya pemanasan global dan perubahan iklim yang berdampak pada  pola cuaca dan mempengaruhi kehidupan di bumi. Ekosistem padang lamun diketahui memiliki kemampun dalam menyerap karbondioksida dan menyimpannya dalam waktu yang lama. Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis lamun, presentasi tutupan dan kandungan karbon pada padang lamun di perairan Pulau Manado Tua. Untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis dilakukan pengamatan secara langsung pada setiap stasiun penelitian dan untuk mengetahui presentase tutupan lamun menggunakan metode line transek kuadran dengan mengadopsi Seagrass Watch dimana sampel lamun juga diperoleh dari line transek kuadran pada keseluruhan stasiun kemudian dianalisis selanjutnya menggunakan metode Loss on ignition (LOI). Didapatkan hasil penelitian pada keseluruhan stasiun indeks keanekaragaman H’ 1 kategori sedang dengan presentase penutupan dan status kondisi pada stasiun negri 36% kurang kaya/kurang sehat, stasiun pangalingan  69% kaya/sehat, stasiun papindang 51% kurang kaya/kurang sehat : kandungan karbon pada keseluruhan stasiun yang didapat sebesar 222,85gC Kata Kunci :  Keanekaragaman Lamun, Presentase Penutupan, Kandungan Karbon, Line Transek,  Kuadran,  LOI (Loss On Ignition), Pulau Manado Tua