724 research outputs found

    Relationship between bullet diameter and bullet defect diameter in human calvariums

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    Existing literature on the relationship between bullet diameter and bullet defect diameter in the human calvarium is summarized and discussed. The hypothesis, derived from the literature, that bullet deformation influences bullet defect diameter was studied in a small controlled experiment. The mean defect size caused by non-deforming projectiles was found to be smaller than the mean defect size caused by deforming projectiles of equal original mass and size. The p value of the difference between the two means, measured in two different ways, was found to be 0.002 for both in a Mann-Whitney U test and was significant if the confidence level is set at 5%

    Back-translation for discovering distant protein homologies

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    Frameshift mutations in protein-coding DNA sequences produce a drastic change in the resulting protein sequence, which prevents classic protein alignment methods from revealing the proteins' common origin. Moreover, when a large number of substitutions are additionally involved in the divergence, the homology detection becomes difficult even at the DNA level. To cope with this situation, we propose a novel method to infer distant homology relations of two proteins, that accounts for frameshift and point mutations that may have affected the coding sequences. We design a dynamic programming alignment algorithm over memory-efficient graph representations of the complete set of putative DNA sequences of each protein, with the goal of determining the two putative DNA sequences which have the best scoring alignment under a powerful scoring system designed to reflect the most probable evolutionary process. This allows us to uncover evolutionary information that is not captured by traditional alignment methods, which is confirmed by biologically significant examples.Comment: The 9th International Workshop in Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI), Philadelphia : \'Etats-Unis d'Am\'erique (2009

    Absence of the spleen(s) in conjoined twins: a diagnostic clue of laterality defects? Radiological study of historical specimens

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    Laterality defects are quite common in thoracoileopagus and parapagus dicephalus but rare in other types of conjoined twins. To present the presumed laterality defects in cephalothoracoileopagus and prosopothoracoileopagus conjoined twins, based on the unilateral or bilateral absence or duplication of the spleen. Three human anatomical specimens of craniothoracoileopagus (CTIP) twins and one of prosopothoracoileopagus (PTIP) twins were investigated. The specimens were part of the Museum Vrolik collection of the Department of Anatomy and Embryology of the Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The specimens were taken out of their jars and scanned with multidetector CT and volumetric T2-weighted MRI at 1.5 T. The internal anatomy of the specimens was largely in accordance with previous reports. However, there was no recognisable spleen in the right twin in one CTIP specimen, in the left twin in one other CTIP specimen, and in both twins in the third CTIP specimen and in the PTIP specimen. Asplenia and polysplenia are considered reliable indicators of right and left isomerism, respectively. However, three of our four specimens had laterality patterns that did not correspond with those previously reported. Since no other parameters of laterality defects could be verified in these specimens, we concluded that asplenia was unlikely to be caused by laterality defect

    When the Right (Drug) Should Be Left:Prenatal Drug Exposure and Heterotaxy Syndrome

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    Background: Recent studies reported an association between prenatal propylthiouracil exposure and birth defects, including abnormal arrangement across the left-right body axis, suggesting an association with heterotaxy syndrome. Methods: This case-control and case-finding study used data from 1981 to 2013 from the EUROCAT birth defect registry in the Northern Netherlands. First, we explored prenatal exposures in heterotaxy syndrome (cases) and Down syndrome (controls). Second, we describe the specific birth defects in offspring of mothers using propylthiouracil (PTU) prenatally. RESULTS: A total of 66 cases with heterotaxy syndrome (incidence 12.1 per 100,000 pregnancies) and 783 controls with Down syndrome (143.3 per 100,000 pregnancies) were studied. No differences in intoxication use during pregnancy were found between cases and controls, including smoking (28.0% vs. 22.7%; p = 0.40), alcohol (14.0% vs. 26.9%; p = 0.052), and recreational drugs (0 vs. 0.3%; p = 1.00). We found an association between heterotaxy syndrome and prenatal drug exposure to follitropin-alfa (5.6% vs. 1.1%; p = 0.04), and drugs used in nicotine dependence (3.7% vs. 0.2%; p = 0.02). Five mothers used PTU during pregnancy and gave birth to a child with trisomy 18, renal abnormalities, or hypospadias and cardiac defects. Conclusion: This study identified follitropin-alfa and drugs used in nicotine dependence as possible teratogens of heterotaxy syndrome. Our data suggest the possibility that there is an increased risk of birth defects (including renal, urological, and cardiac abnormalities) in children born among mothers taking PTU prenatally, but not for heterotaxy syndrome. (C) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.</p

    Generation and Characterization of Fmr1 Knockout Zebrafish

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    Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is one of the most common known causes of inherited mental retardation. The gene mutated in FXS is named FMR1, and is well conserved from human to Drosophila. In order to generate a genetic tool to study FMR1 function during vertebrate development, we generated two mutant alleles of the fmr1 gene in zebrafish. Both alleles produce no detectable Fmr protein, and produce viable and fertile progeny with lack of obvious phenotypic features. This is in sharp contrast to published results based on morpholino mediated knock-down of fmr1, reporting defects in craniofacial development and neuronal branching in embryos. These phenotypes we specifically addressed in our knock-out animals, revealing no significant deviations from wild-type animals, suggesting that the published morpholino based fmr1 phenotypes are potential experimental artifacts. Therefore, their relation to fmr1 biology is questionable and morpholino induced fmr1 phenotypes should be avoided in screens for potential drugs suitable for the treatment of FXS. Importantly, a true genetic zebrafish model is now available which can be used to study FXS and to derive potential drugs for FXS treatment

    Imaging fetal anatomy.

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    Due to advancements in ultrasound techniques, the focus of antenatal ultrasound screening is moving towards the first trimester of pregnancy. The early first trimester however remains in part, a 'black box', due to the size of the developing embryo and the limitations of contemporary scanning techniques. Therefore there is a need for images of early anatomical developmental to improve our understanding of this area. By using new imaging techniques, we can not only obtain better images to further our knowledge of early embryonic development, but clear images of embryonic and fetal development can also be used in training for e.g. sonographers and fetal surgeons, or to educate parents expecting a child with a fetal anomaly. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of the past, present and future techniques used to capture images of the developing human embryo and fetus and provide the reader newest insights in upcoming and promising imaging techniques. The reader is taken from the earliest drawings of da Vinci, along the advancements in the fields of in utero ultrasound and MR imaging techniques towards high-resolution ex utero imaging using Micro-CT and ultra-high field MRI. Finally, a future perspective is given about the use of artificial intelligence in ultrasound and new potential imaging techniques such as synchrotron radiation-based CT to increase our knowledge regarding human development

    Ecdysteroid Hormones Link the Juvenile Environment to Alternative Adult Life Histories in a Seasonal Insect

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    The conditional expression of alternative life strategies is a widespread feature of animal life and a pivotal adaptation to life in seasonal environments. To optimally match suites of traits to seasonally changing ecological opportunities, animals living in seasonal environments need mechanisms linking information on environmental quality to resource allocation decisions. The butterfly Bicyclus anynana expresses alternative adult life histories in the alternating wet and dry seasons of its habitat as endpoints of divergent developmental pathways triggered by seasonal variation in preadult temperature. Pupal ecdysteroid hormone titers are correlated with the seasonal environment, but whether they play a functional role in coordinating the coupling of adult traits in the alternative life histories is unknown. Here, we show that manipulating pupal ecdysteroid levels is sufficient to mimic in direction and magnitude the shifts in adult reproductive resource allocation normally induced by seasonal temperature. Crucially, this allocation shift is accompanied by changes in ecologically relevant traits, including timing of reproduction, life span, and starvation resistance. Together, our results support a functional role for ecdysteroids during development in mediating strategic reproductive investment decisions in response to predictive indicators of environmental quality. This study provides a physiological mechanism for adaptive developmental plasticity, allowing organisms to cope with variable environments.European Union’s FP6 Programme (Network of Excellence LifeSpan FP6/036894), FCT fellowship (SFRH/BD/45486/2008)
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