21 research outputs found

    A platform approach for the production of Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease vaccines

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    Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) is an endemic childhood disease in Southeast Asia, with substantial disease burden affecting millions of children each year. Occasionally the central nervous system is involved causing serious and sometimes fatal neurological complications. HFMD outbreaks are also observed outside the Asia-Pacific countries. HFMD can be caused by multiple enteroviruses of which the best known virus is EVA71. However, also other enteroviruses such as CVA6, CVA10 and CVA16 can cause the disease. Inactivated EVA71 vaccines are registered in China, but in order to prevent all HFMD cases, multivalent vaccines are warranted. Intravacc is developing an HFMD combination vaccine. Here we used our rescue platform to generate the starting materials required for vaccine production. Infectious clones from EVA71_B4, EVA71_C4, CVA6, CVA10 and CVA16 were constructed and the corresponding enteroviruses were rescued. Virus seeds were produced on Vero cells in animal component free medium. Rescued enteroviruses could efficiently replicate, resulting in seed lots with high viral titers. This rescue platform has the major advantage that clinical isolates are not required to obtain the starting material to produce a vaccine, thus mitigating the risk that other, unwanted, viruses are also present. Next to that, the virus source is pre-designed, controlled and well documented. Please click Download on the upper right corner to see the full abstract

    Epstein-Barr Virus-Encoded BARF1 Protein is a Decoy Receptor for Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor and Interferes with Macrophage Differentiation and Activation

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), like many other persistent herpes viruses, has acquired numerous mechanisms for subverting or evading immune surveillance. This study investigates the role of secreted EBV-encoded BARF1 protein (sBARF1) in creating an immune evasive microenvironment. Wild-type consensus BARF1 was expressed in the human 293 cell line and purified. This native hexameric sBARF1 had inhibitory capacity on macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF)-stimulated, and not on granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-stimulated growth and differentiation of myeloid cells. Antibodies specific to hexameric sBARF1 were able to block this effect. M-CSF was shown to interact with sBARF1 via the protruding N-terminal loops involving Val38 and Ala84. Each BARF1 hexamer was capable of binding three M-CSF dimers. Mutations in the BARF1 loops greatly affected M-CSF interaction, and showed loss of growth inhibition. Analysis of the activation state of the M-CSF receptor c-fms and its downstream kinase pathways showed that sBARF1 prevented M-CSF-induced downstream phosphorylation. Since M-CSF is an important factor in macrophage differentiation, the effect of sBARF1 on the function of monocyte-derived macrophages was evaluated. sBARF1 affected overall survival and morphology and significantly reduced expression of macrophage differentiation surface markers such as CD14, CD11b, CD16, and CD169. Macrophages differentiating in the presence of sBARF1 showed impaired responses to lipopolysaccharide and decreased oxygen radical formation as well as reduced phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. In conclusion, EBV sBARF1 protein is a potent decoy receptor for M-CSF, hampering the function and differentiation of macrophages. These results suggest that sBARF1 contributes to the modulation of immune responses in the microenvironment of EBV-positive carcinoma

    Constitutively active GSK3 beta as a means to bolster dendritic cell functionality in the face of tumor-mediated immune suppression

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    In patients with cancer, the functionality of Dendritic Cells (DC) is hampered by high levels of tumor-derived suppressive cytokines, which interfere with DC development and maturation. Poor DC development can limit the efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade and in vivo vaccination approaches. Interference in intracellular signaling cascades downstream from the receptors of major tumor-associated suppressive cytokines like IL-10 and IL-6, might improve DC development and activation, and thus enhance immunotherapy efficacy. We performed exploratory functional screens on arrays consisting of >1000 human kinase peptide substrates to identify pathways involved in DC development and its inhibition by IL-10 or IL-6. The resulting alterations in phosphorylation of the kinome substrate profile pointed to glycogen-synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK3 beta) as a pivotal kinase in both DC development and suppression. GSK3 beta inhibition blocked human DC differentiation in vitro, which was accompanied by decreased levels of IL-12p70 secretion, and a reduced capacity for T cell priming. More importantly, adenoviral transduction of monocytes with a constitutively active form of GSK3 beta induced resistance to the suppressive effects of IL-10 and melanoma-derived supernatants alike, resulting in improved DC development, accompanied by up-regulation of co-stimulatory markers, an increase in CD83 expression levels in mature DC, and diminished release of IL-10. Moreover, adenovirus-mediated intratumoral manipulation of this pathway in an in vivo melanoma model resulted in DC activation and recruitment, and in improved immune surveillance and tumor control. We propose the induction of constitutive GSK3 beta activity as a novel therapeutic means to bolster DC functionality in the tumor microenvironment.Peer reviewe

    Construction of a Vero Cell Line Expressing Human ICAM1 for the Development of Rhinovirus Vaccines

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    Human rhinoviruses (HRVs) are small non-enveloped RNA viruses that belong to the Enterovirus genus within the Picornaviridae family and are known for causing the common cold. Though symptoms are generally mild in healthy individuals, the economic burden associated with HRV infection is significant. A vaccine could prevent disease. The Vero-cell-based viral vaccine platform technology was considered for such vaccine development. Unfortunately, most HRV strains are unable to propagate on Vero cells due to a lack of the major receptor of HRV group A and B, intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM1, also known as CD54). Therefore, stable human ICAM1 expressing Vero cell clones were generated by transfecting the ICAM1 gene in Vero cells and selecting clones that overexpressed ICAM1 on the cell surface. Cell banks were made and expression of ICAM1 was stable for at least 30 passages. The Vero_ICAM1 cells and parental Vero cells were infected with four HRV prototypes, B14, A16, B37 and A57. Replication of all four viruses was detected in Vero_ICAM1, but not in the parental Vero cells. Altogether, Vero cells expressing ICAM1 could efficiently propagate the tested HRV strains. Therefore, ICAM1-expressing cells could be a useful tool for the development and future production of polyvalent HRV vaccines or other viruses that use ICAM1 as a receptor

    Hematopoietic Cancer Cell Lines Can Support Replication of Sabin Poliovirus Type 1

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    Viral vaccines can be produced in adherent or in suspension cells. The objective of this work was to screen human suspension cell lines for the capacity to support viral replication. As the first step, it was investigated whether poliovirus can replicate in such cell lines. Sabin poliovirus type 1 was serially passaged on five human cell lines, HL60, K562, KG1, THP-1, and U937. Sabin type 1 was capable of efficiently replicating in three cell lines (K562, KG1, and U937), yielding high viral titers after replication. Expression of CD155, the poliovirus receptor, did not explain susceptibility to replication, since all cell lines expressed CD155. Furthermore, we showed that passaged virus replicated more efficiently than parental virus in KG1 cells, yielding higher virus titers in the supernatant early after infection. Infection of cell lines at an MOI of 0.01 resulted in high viral titers in the supernatant at day 4. Infection of K562 with passaged Sabin type 1 in a bioreactor system yielded high viral titers in the supernatant. Altogether, these data suggest that K562, KG1, and U937 cell lines are useful for propagation of poliovirus

    A postmigrational switch among skin-derived dendritic cells to a macrophage-like phenotype is predetermined by the intracutaneous cytokine balance

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    Migration of dendritic cells (DC) to secondary lymphoid organs under proinflammatory conditions coincides with their maturation and acquisition of T cell stimulatory abilities. In contrast, impaired activation of DC, e.g., in tumor-conditioned environments, may hamper their activation and possibly their subsequent migration to lymph nodes, leading to either immunological tolerance or ignorance, respectively. In this study, the influence of cytokines in the peripheral skin microenvironment on the activation state of migrating cutaneous DC was assessed using an ex vivo human skin explant model. We observed a phenotypic shift from mature CD83(+) DC to immature CD14(+) macrophage-like cells within 7 days subsequent to migration from unconditioned skin. These macrophage-like cells displayed a poor T cell stimulatory ability and lacked expression of CCR7, thus precluding their migration to paracortical T cell areas in the lymph nodes. The balance of suppressive and stimulatory cytokines during the initiation of migration decided the postmigrational fate of DC with IL-10 accelerating and GM-CSF and IL-4 preventing the phenotypic switch, which proved irreversible once established. These observations indicate that, in immunosuppressed environments, a postmigrational DC-to-macrophage shift may hinder T cell activation, but also that it may be prevented by prior conditioning of the tissue microenvironment by GM-CSF and/or IL-4

    Intradermal Delivery of TLR Agonists in a Human Explant Skin Model: Preferential Activation of Migratory Dendritic Cells by Polyribosinic-Polyribocytidylic Acid and Peptidoglycans

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    TLR agonists are attractive candidate adjuvants for therapeutic cancer vaccines as they can induce a balanced humoral and T cell-mediated immune response. With a dense network of dendritic cells (DCs) and draining lymphatics, the skin provides an ideal portal for vaccine delivery. Beside direct DC activation, TLR agonists may also induce DC activation through triggering the release of inflammatory mediators by accessory cells in the skin microenvironment. Therefore, a human skin explant model was used to explore the in vivo potential of intradermally delivered TLR agonists to stimulate Langerhans cells and dermal DCs in their natural complex tissue environment. The skin-emigrated DCs were phenotyped and analyzed for T cell stimulatory capacity. We report that, of six tested TLR-agonists, the TLR2 and -3 agonists peptidoglycan (PGN) and polyribosinic-polyribocytidylic acid (Poly I:C) were uniquely able to enhance the T cell-priming ability of skin-emigrated DCs, which, in the case of PGN, was accompanied by Th1 polarization. The enhanced priming capacity of Poly I:C-stimulated DCs was associated with a strong upregulation of appropriate costimulatory molecules, including CD70, whereas that of PGN-stimulated DCs was associated with the release of a broad array of proinflammatory cytokines. Transcriptional profiling further supported the notion that the PGN- and Poly I:C-induced effects were mediated through binding to TLR2/nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 2 and TLR3/MDA5, respectively. These data warrant further exploration of PGN and Poly I:C, alone or in combination, as DC-targeted adjuvants for intradermal cancer vaccines. The Journal of Immunology, 2013, 190:3338-3345