1,235 research outputs found

    AAA architectures applied in multi-domain IMS (IP multimedia subsystem)

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    There is a group of communication services that use\ud resources from multiple domains in order to deliver their service.\ud Authorization of the end-user is important for such services,\ud because several domains are involved. There are no current\ud solutions for delivering authentication, authorization and\ud accounting (AAA) to multi-domain services. In our study we\ud present two architectures for the delivery of AAA to such\ud services. The architectures are analyzed on their qualitative\ud aspects. A result of this analysis is that direct interconnection of\ud AAA servers is an effective architectural solution. In current\ud multi-domain IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) architectures,\ud direct interconnection of AAA servers, such as the Home\ud Subscriber Servers (HSS), is not yet possible. In this paper we\ud argue and recommend to extend the IMS specification by adding\ud a new interface to HSS in order to support the direct\ud interconnection of HSS/AAA servers located in different IMS\ud administrative domains

    Statistical Software for State Space Methods

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    In this paper we review the state space approach to time series analysis and establish the notation that is adopted in this special volume of the Journal of Statistical Software. We first provide some background on the history of state space methods for the analysis of time series. This is followed by a concise overview of linear Gaussian state space analysis including the modelling framework and appropriate estimation methods. We discuss the important class of unobserved component models which incorporate a trend, a seasonal, a cycle, and fixed explanatory and intervention variables for the univariate and multivariate analysis of time series. We continue the discussion by presenting methods for the computation of different estimates for the unobserved state vector: filtering, prediction, and smoothing. Estimation approaches for the other parameters in the model are also considered. Next, we discuss how the estimation procedures can be used for constructing confidence intervals, detecting outlier observations and structural breaks, and testing model assumptions of residual independence, homoscedasticity, and normality. We then show how ARIMA and ARIMA components models fit in the state space framework to time series analysis. We also provide a basic introduction for non-Gaussian state space models. Finally, we present an overview of the software tools currently available for the analysis of time series with state space methods as they are discussed in the other contributions to this special volume.

    Case Study Development as a Teaching Technique for Senior Chemistry Students

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    The use of case studies in general education is a well-established pedagogical technique. At The King\u27s University College, this method has been successfully introduced into the introductory chemistry curriculum for class sizes of 50 to 70 students. The first students to experience the new curriculum are now third and fourth year chemistry students. The opportunity now exists to use the development of new chemistry case studies to enhance learning and encourage reflection on learning in senior level courses. We will describe our first experiences with this approach, in a senior level inorganic chemistry class with 8 students. This presentation will outline the benefits of this project with focus given to the student’s perspective. Specific learning outcomes will be highlighted including encouraging students to think about how and what to teach, the promotion of individualized and independent inquiry, and a development of the ability to integrate chemistry content into rich contexts. The outcomes and effectiveness of this technique will be presented jointly by the professor and one of the senior students

    Scaling up antiretroviral therapy in Malawi-implications for managing other chronic diseases in resource-limited countries.

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    The national scale-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Malawi is based on the public health approach, with principles and practices borrowed from the successful DOTS (directly observed treatment, short course) tuberculosis control framework. The key principles include political commitment, free care, and standardized systems for case finding, treatment, recording and reporting, and drug procurement. Scale-up of ART started in June 2004, and by December 2008, 223,437 patients were registered for treatment within a health system that is severely underresourced. The Malawi model for delivering lifelong ART can be adapted and used for managing patients with chronic noncommunicable diseases, the burden of which is already high and continues to grow in low-income and middle-income countries. This article discusses how the principles behind the successful Malawi model of ART delivery can be applied to the management of other chronic diseases in resource-limited settings and how this paradigm can be used for health systems strengthening

    The story against smoking:An exploratory study into the processing and perceived effectiveness of narrative visual smoking warnings

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    Objectives: This study compared the effects of two types of health warnings on cigarette packages: 'narrative visual warnings', showing an image portraying people plus a corresponding slogan that could evoke a story-like interpretation, and 'non-narrative visual warnings' with non-narrative content (i.e. body parts). Moreover, the mechanisms underlying the effects of these health warnings were explored. Design: A within-participants experiment was conducted comparing narrative and non-narrative visual warnings. Path analyses were performed to investigate the relationship between the narrative concepts transportation and identification, the emotions evoked by the health warning and the perceived effectiveness of the message. Method: Participants (N = 200) were presented with one narrative warning and one non-narrative warning. After each warning, they answered questions on narrative perception, transportation, identification, emotions and perceived effectiveness. Results: The narrative warnings were seen as more story-like than the non-narrative warnings. There was a statistical trend for narrative warnings to be perceived as more effective than the non-narratives. The narrative warnings caused more transportation, fear, sadness, compassion and anger; the non-narrative warnings evoked more disgust and surprise. For the narrative warnings, both narrative concepts of transportation and identification were directly related to perceived effectiveness, and also indirectly via sadness. For the non-narrative warnings, transportation was related to perceived effectiveness, both directly and indirectly via disgust. Conclusion: Seeing a story in a still picture with a slogan helps to increase the effectiveness of the antismoking message. Both narrative and non-narrative visual warnings may persuade receivers directly, but also by the evoking of emotions, although the specific emotions responsible for the persuasive effects may differ

    The role of interfacial energy in zeolite synthesis

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    The thermodn. factors playing a role in the crystn. of Si-rich zeolites are discussed. The Ostwald ripening model for nucleation and the Ostwald law of successive transformations make it possible to describe the kinetic phenomena in terms of the relative stability of the intermediate phases. The contribution of the interfacial free energy between the large internal surface area in the micropores and the intracryst. liquor to the chem. potential of the zeolitic material plays a crucial role. A model for the elementary steps occurring in pentasil zeolite formation is propose

    Pre-procedural planning of transcatheter mitral valve replacement in mitral stenosis with multi-detector tomography-derived 3D modeling and printing: A case report

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    Background: Transcatheter mitral valve replacement (TMVR) may be a valuable treatment option for mitral annular calcification and severe mitral stenosis (MS) in patients at high operative risk. Pre-procedural virtual and printed simulations may aid in procedure planning, device sizing, and mitigate complications such as valve embolization or left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction. Case summary: We describe a case of TMVR in which multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) derived, three-dimensional virtual planning and a 3D-printed model of the patients' left heart provided enhanced understanding of an individual patient's unique anatomy to determine feasibility, device sizing, and risk stratification. This resulted in deployment of an adequately sized valve. Post-TMVR LVOT obstruction was treated with LVOT balloon dilatation and percutaneous transluminal septal myocardial ablation. Discussion: Advanced MDCT-derived planning techniques introduce consistent 3D modeling and printing to enhance understanding of intracardiac anatomical relationships and test device implantation. Still, static measurements do not feature haemodynamic factors, tissue, or device characteristics and do not predict device host interaction. Transcatheter mitral valve replacement is feasible in MS when adequately pre-procedurally planned. Multi-detector computed tomography-derived, 3D, virtual and printed models contribute to adequate planning in terms of determining patient eligibility, procedure feasibility, and device sizing. However, static 3D modeling cannot completely eliminate the risk of peri-procedural complications


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    Chemical educators face the never ending challenge of showing students that the content written in their textbook arises from a rich interplay of experimentation, imagination and a desire to understand and impact the world. We have found that asking three simple questions ïżœ What do we know, How do we know it, Why do we care ïżœ is an effective strategy to guide the content and pedagogy within our chemistry classes. Of these three questions What we know is the most thoroughly covered and with the growing use of rich context teaching, the Why we care is becoming more central to our chemistry teaching. How are we doing on telling students How we know? Spectroscopy is at the core of our ability to answer questions about how we know things about the molecular world. Yet the teaching of spectroscopy is not a central part of studentïżœs early chemistry learning, often being left to the later stages of degrees and courses. For example, a brief look at common North American general chemistry text books reveals almost no discussion of spectroscopic techniques and their centrality to understanding chemistry. In this talk I will discuss efforts to bring spectroscopy into the first year course and some of the repercussions this has for the whole chemistry undergraduate curriculum. The goal is to make students better aware of where the ideas in chemistry arise from, the strengths and weaknesses of spectroscopic experiments, and how our models of the molecular world are built on rigorous experimentation

    From international health to global health: how to foster a better dialogue between empirical and normative disciplines.

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    BACKGROUND: Public health recommendations are usually based on a mixture of empirical evidence and normative arguments: to argue that authorities ought to implement an intervention that has proven effective in improving people's health requires a normative position confirming that the authorities are responsible for improving people's health. While public health (at the national level) is based on a widely accepted normative starting point - namely, that it is the responsibility of the state to improve people's health - there is no widely accepted normative starting point for international health or global health. As global health recommendations may vary depending on the normative starting point one uses, global health research requires a better dialogue between researchers who are trained in empirical disciplines and researchers who are trained in normative disciplines. DISCUSSION: Global health researchers with a background in empirical disciplines seem reluctant to clarify the normative starting point they use, perhaps because normative statements cannot be derived directly from empirical evidence, or because there is a wide gap between present policies and the normative starting point they personally support. Global health researchers with a background in normative disciplines usually do not present their work in ways that help their colleagues with a background in empirical disciplines to distinguish between what is merely personal opinion and professional opinion based on rigorous normative research. If global health researchers with a background in empirical disciplines clarified their normative starting point, their recommendations would become more useful for their colleagues with a background in normative disciplines. If global health researchers who focus on normative issues used adapted qualitative research guidelines to present their results, their findings would be more useful for their colleagues with a background in empirical disciplines. Although a single common paradigm for all scientific disciplines that contribute to global health research may not be possible or desirable, global health researchers with a background in empirical disciplines and global health researchers with a background in normative disciplines could present their 'truths' in ways that would improve dialogue. This paper calls for an exchange of views between global health researchers and editors of medical journals
