822 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Quantum Hall Effect on Fuzzy Supersphere

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    Supersymmetric quantum Hall liquids are constructed on a supersphere in a supermonopole background. We derive a supersymmetric generalization of the Laughlin wavefunction, which is a ground state of a hard-core OSp(12)OSp(1|2) invariant Hamiltonian. We also present excited topological objects, which are fractionally charged deficits made by super Hall currents. Several relations between quantum Hall systems and their supersymmetric extensions are discussed.Comment: Typos corrected, 5 pages, to be published in PR

    Supersymmetric Chern-Simons Theory and Supersymmetric Quantum Hall Liquid

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    We develop a supersymmetric extension of Chern-Simons theory and Chern-Simons-Landau-Ginzburg theory for supersymmetric quantum Hall liquid. Supersymmetric counterparts of topological and gauge structures peculiar to the Chern-Simons theory are inspected in the supersymmetric Chern-Simons theory. We also explore an effective field theoretical description for the supersymmetric quantum Hall liquid. The key observation is the the charge-flux duality. Based on the duality, we derive a dual supersymmetric Chern-Simons-Landau-Ginzburg theory, and discuss physical properties of the topological excitations in supersymmetric quantum Hall liquid.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, published version in PR

    Non-local Wess-Zumino Model on Nilpotent Noncommutative Superspace

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    We investigate the theory of the bosonic-fermionic noncommutativity, [xμ,θα]=iλμα[x^{\mu},\theta^{\alpha}] = i \lambda^{\mu \alpha}, and the Wess-Zumino model deformed by the noncommutativity. Such noncommutativity links well-known space-time noncommutativity to superspace non-anticommutativity. The deformation has the nilpotency. We can explicitly evaluate noncommutative effect in terms of new interactions between component fields. The interaction terms that have Grassmann couplings are induced. The noncommutativity does completely break full N=1\mathcal{N}=1 supersymmetry to N=0 \mathcal{N} = 0 theory in Minkowski signature. Similar to the space-time noncommutativity, this theory has higher derivative terms and becomes non-local theory. However this non-locality is milder than the space-time noncommutative field theory. Due to the nilpotent feature of the coupling constants, we find that there are only finite number of Feynman diagrams that give noncommutative corrections at each loop order.Comment: Latex, 16 pages, 2 figures, typos corrected, some references and comments on auxiliary field added, a figure replaced, English refine

    BRST Quantisation of the N=2 String in a Real Spacetime Structure

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    We study the N=2N=2 string with a real structure on the (2,2)(2,2) spacetime, using BRST methods. Several new features emerge. In the diagonal basis, the operator exp(λzJtot)\exp(\lambda \int^z J^{\rm tot}), which is associated with the moduli for the U(1)U(1) gauge field on the world-sheet, is local and it relates the physical operators in the NS and R sectors. However, the picture-changing operators are non-invertible in this case, and physical operators in different pictures cannot be identified. The three-point interactions of all physical operators leads to three different types of amplitudes, which can be effectively described by the interactions of a scalar NS operator and a bosonic spinorial R operator. In the off-diagonal bases for the fermionic currents, the picture-changing operators are invertible, and hence physical operators in different pictures can be identified. However, now there is no local operator exp(λzJtot)\exp(\lambda \int^z J^{\rm tot}) that relates the physical operators in different sectors. The physical spectrum is thus described by one scalar NS operator and one spinorial R operator. The NS and R operators give rise to different types of three-point amplitudes, and thus cannot be identified.Comment: 17 pages, latex, no figures. Significant revisions, with extended discussion of cohomology in different bases for fermionic current

    Nondecoupling of Maximal Supergravity from the Superstring

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    We consider the conditions necessary for obtaining perturbative maximal supergravity in d dimensions as a decoupling limit of type II superstring theory compactified on a (10-d) torus. For dimensions d=2 and d=3, it is possible to define a limit in which the only finite-mass states are the 256 massless states of maximal supergravity. However, in dimensions d>=4, there are infinite towers of additional massless and finite-mass states. These correspond to Kaluza-Klein charges, wound strings, Kaluza-Klein monopoles, or branes wrapping around cycles of the toroidal extra dimensions. We conclude that perturbative supergravity cannot be decoupled from string theory in dimensions >=4. In particular, we conjecture that pure [script N]=8 supergravity in four dimensions is in the Swampland

    Kodaira-Spencer Theory of Gravity and Exact Results for Quantum String Amplitudes

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    We develop techniques to compute higher loop string amplitudes for twisted N=2N=2 theories with c^=3\hat c=3 (i.e. the critical case). An important ingredient is the discovery of an anomaly at every genus in decoupling of BRST trivial states, captured to all orders by a master anomaly equation. In a particular realization of the N=2N=2 theories, the resulting string field theory is equivalent to a topological theory in six dimensions, the Kodaira--Spencer theory, which may be viewed as the closed string analog of the Chern--Simon theory. Using the mirror map this leads to computation of the `number' of holomorphic curves of higher genus curves in Calabi--Yau manifolds. It is shown that topological amplitudes can also be reinterpreted as computing corrections to superpotential terms appearing in the effective 4d theory resulting from compactification of standard 10d superstrings on the corresponding N=2N=2 theory. Relations with c=1c=1 strings are also pointed out.Comment: 178 pages, 20 figure

    New Anomalies in Topological String Theory

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    We show that the topological string partition function with D-branes on a compact Calabi-Yau manifold has new anomalies that spoil the recursive structure of the holomorphic anomaly equation and introduce dependence on wrong moduli (such as complex structure moduli in the A-model), unless the disk one-point functions vanish. This provides a microscopic explanation for the recent result of Walcher in arXiv:0712.2775 on counting of BPS states in M-theory using the topological string partition function. The relevance of vanishing disk one-point functions to large N duality for compact Calabi-Yau manifolds is noted

    Brane Configurations for Nonsupersymmetric Meta-Stable Vacua in SQCD with Adjoint Matter

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    We present the configurations of intersecting branes in type IIA string theory corresponding to the meta-stable supersymmetry breaking vacua(hep-th/0608063) in the four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory coupled massive flavors with adjoint matter where the superpotential has three deformed terms.Comment: 15pp, 3 figures; The last two sentences in page 7 corrected; The last figure added;improved pages 10 and 11;figures corrected;the references to colors improved in the text and to appear in CQ

    Families of N=2 Strings

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    In a given 4d spacetime bakcground, one can often construct not one but a family of distinct N=2 string theories. This is due to the multiple ways N=2 superconformal algebra can be embedded in a given worldsheet theory. We formulate the principle of obtaining different physical theories by gauging different embeddings of the same symmetry algebra in the same ``pre-theory.'' We then apply it to N=2 strings and formulate the recipe for finding the associated parameter spaces of gauging. Flat and curved target spaces of both (4,0) and (2,2) signatures are considered. We broadly divide the gauging choices into two classes, denoted by alpha and beta, and show them to be related by T-duality. The distinction between them is formulated topologically and hinges on some unique properties of 4d manifolds. We determine what their parameter spaces of gauging are under certain simplicity ansatz for generic flat spaces (R^4 and its toroidal compactifications) as well as some curved spaces. We briefly discuss the spectra of D-branes for both alpha and beta families.Comment: 66+1 pages, 2 tables, latex 2e, hyperref. ver2: typos corrected, reference adde