557 research outputs found

    Early childhood experiences, caregiver behaviour, and developmental outcomes in low- and middle-income countries

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    Background: Child survival has improved substantially over the past 30 years, with the mortality rate for children under the age of 5 years dropping by 59% due to improved socioeconomic conditions, health systems, and access to health services. Despite the improvements in mortality, more than one-third of children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) under the age of 5 years may currently not achieve their full developmental potential. Failure to achieve these important foundational skills will likely have negative consequences for countries' long-term developmental and economic potential. For this reason, early childhood development (ECD) is increasingly recognized as a key public health policy concern in many LMICs. Goal and objectives: This Ph.D. dissertation aims to show how maternal behavioural can improve the development of young children and how early acquisition of these developmental skills contribute to the long term outcomes of the children. In addition, the dissertation expands the available evidence base on the impacts of early life behaviours and experiences on the developmental trajectories of young children. Specifically, this Ph.D. focuses on how early childhood experiences and caregiver (including fathers) behaviour shape the developmental outcomes for children across different ages in LMICs. The evidence generated in this dissertation is intended to provide a basis to support future policy formulation and implementation of ECD programmes, as well as interventions to successfully support the growth and development of children in low-resource settings. Procedures: We analyzed data from four related studies conducted in Kenya, Zambia, and Brazil. The first paper used data analyzed as part of the São Paulo Western region cohort and assessed the association between kangaroo mother care (KMC) and child development for children born preterm. The second paper used data analyzed as part of a cluster-randomized control trial (cRCT) conducted in western Kenya to assess the association between exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) and child development. The third paper employed data analyzed as part of the longitudinal assessment of a community-led parenting empowerment intervention in Kenya and Zambia, focusing on the association between maternal stimulation activities and child development. The final paper looked at slightly older children to assess which domains of early childhood development is particularly relevant for later schooling outcomes, readily analyzing data drawn from a larger Zambia Early Childhood Development Project (ZECDP). Principal findings: The first three studies strongly and consistently highlight the critical role caregiver behaviour plays for the healthy development of children; KMC for children born preterm, EBF for at least 6 months, and maternal stimulation were all highly predictive of positive child outcomes. The level of caregiver involvement often determined developmental gains or gaps. In the last paper, we showed how important these early life developmental milestones are for later schooling outcomes. Together, the studies highlight not only the critical role of early childhood development but also the extent to which child outcomes can be improved by rather basic behaviours and activities that are feasible and easily implementable in low-resource settings. Conclusions/significance: The results presented suggest that positive early childhood experiences and caregivers’ practices have a positive impact on children’s development. Taken together, this dissertation highlights the strong association between maternal activities/behaviours and the developmental outcomes of children as well as how early experiences determine developmental trajectories. Across chapters three, four, and five, the results provide evidence that the practice of KMC, EBF, and maternal stimulation improves the development of cognitive skills. In chapter six, the results indicate that cognitive skills are vital in positive schooling outcomes, especially as it relates to being in the expected grade in the adolescent period. The results of this dissertation contribute to the body of literature on how early childhood experiences and caregivers' behavioural practices shape the developmental outcomes of children living in low-resource settings

    Taxonomic Identification and Characterization of African Nightshades (Solanum L. Section Solanum)

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    African nightshades play an important role in meeting the nutritional needs ofrural households, and are reported as being particularly rich in protein, vitamin A, iron and calcium. Nightshades are among three top priority African indigenousvegetables identified for improvement and promotion through research. A majorconstraint facing this objective is the scantiness of taxonomic and nomenclaturalknowledge on African nightshades resulting in extensive synonymy andconfusion. As a consequence, the toxic species are difficult to discriminate fromthose with high nutritional value. It is also difficult to identify species with goodagronomic traits for genetic enhancement. This study was conducted to identify,characterize, and delimit African nightshade species. Fifty accessions ofSolanum section Solanum from eastern, southern and western Africa were raisedin a greenhouse at the Botanical and Experimental Garden, Radboud University,Nijmegen, the Netherlands. A descriptor list with 48 vegetative and reproductivecharacters was developed and used to characterize flowering and fruiting plants.Counting of chromosome was done on root squash preparations from one weekold seedlings, aided by digital enhancement of microscopic images. Nine species were represented in the study material, including two diploids: Solanum americanum, and Solanum chenopodioides; five tetraploids: Solanum retroflexum, Solanum villosum, Solanum florulentum, Solanum grossidentatum and Solanum tarderemotum; and two hexaploids: Solanum nigrum and Solanum scabrum. Most of the section Solanum species were distinguishable and easily identified. The exception was S. florulentum and S. tarderemotum which were identified tentatively and assigned respective names, but are difficult to differentiate and require further studies. The S. florulentum/tarderemotum group has three distinguishable variants and further studies are needed to determine the taxonomic status of each as a separate species, subspecies or genotypic/phenotypic variants. Furthermore, S. retroflexum, S. villosum and S. scabrum each had a high degree of within-species variation, and further studies are recommended to determine whether the variations within each constitute subspecies.Key words: Solanum sp., Identification, Characterization 

    Current Microbial Pattern of Patients Presenting with Pre-Labour Rupture of Membranes (PROM) at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya

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    Objective: To determine the microbial pattern of patients presenting with PROM.Design: Case Control Study.Setting: Kenyatta National Hospital, labour ward, Nairobi Kenya.Subject: Fifty antenatal patients with premature Rapture of Membranes and 50 controls.Results: A total of 100 questionnaires and laboratory liquor microscopic culture and sensitivity results  were analysed, 50 from the PROM group and 50 in the control group. There was no statistically significant difference in baseline social demographic and obstetric characteristics between the two groups. As for the mode of delivery 70% in PROM had SVD compared to 48% of the controls with 30% undergoing  Caesarean section in PROM group and 52% of the controls. There were no complications recorded in the mothers both at and after delivery. Escherichia coli was the most common bacterial isolated accounting for 66.7% of bacterial isolate in the PROM group. Other isolates were staphylococcus species,  staphylococcus and streptococcus viridans.With regard to anti-biotic sensitivity, 83.3% sensitivity to both cefuroxime and gentamicin while co-amoxiclav had 67.7% sensitivity. Among the newborns, in the PROM group 10% had Apgar score <7 with NBU admission rates of 20% and 6% respectively between the PROM and control groups respectively.Conclusion: Escherichia coli was the most common bacterial isolate in PROM and cefuroxime is the  anti-biotic of choice where it’s not possible to perform endocervical swab, cultures and sensitivity

    Terpenoids of Boswellia neglecta oleo-gum resin

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    Oleo-gum resin exudate from Boswellia neglecta afforded a new ursane-type triterpene characterized as 3α-acetoxy-28-hydroxy-11-oxours-12-en-24-ioc acid (1) together with twelve known compounds. Their structural elucidation was accomplished using physical, chemical and spectroscopic methods.                                                                                              KEY WORDS: Boswellia neglecta, Burseraceae, Oleo-gum rein, Triterpenes Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2016, 30(2), 317-323.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v30i2.1


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    Significant divergence exists in public opinions about biotechnology. Although there is broad support for plant biotechnology for health benefits, opinions differ on the issue of animal genetics for pure economic benefits. While some are opposed to it, many are undecided about genetically modified foods. Considerable skepticism exists about scientists, corporations and government which have negative influence on public acceptance of food biotechnology. Consumers' personal attributes have significant influence on their views about various biotechnology issues.Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,


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    Biotechnology is often viewed as the defining technology for the future of food and agriculture with the potential to deliver a wide range of economic and health benefits. Public acceptance of genetically modified food products is a critical factor for this emerging technology. Using data from a national survey, this study examines public acceptance of food biotechnology by modeling consumers' willingness to buy genetically modified foods. Empirical results suggest that younger, white, male and college educated individuals are more likely to accept food biotechnology. Public confidence in scientists, corporations, as well as government has significant effects on consumer acceptance of food biotechnology. While religious views influence consumer acceptance of food biotechnology, income and social/political orientations do not have significant effects. Empirical results indicate regional differences in the acceptance of genetically modified foods.Consumer/Household Economics,

    Effect of wheat bran supplementation with fresh and composted agricultural wastes on the growth of Kenyan native wood ear mushrooms [Auricularia auricula (L. ex Hook.) Underw.]

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    Nutrient supplements and agricultural wastes used for mushroom cultivation are important in improving establishment and production of mushrooms. Agricultural wastes such as sawdust, grass, sugarcane bagasse, wheat straw and maize cobs have successfully been used for the production of Kenyan wood ear mushrooms [Auricularia auricula (L. ex Hook.) Underw.]. However, the effect of varying concentrations of wheat bran supplements on their productivity has not been fully researched. In this study, fresh and composted agricultural wastes were supplemented with wheat bran at concentrations of 0, 5, 10 and 20%. The cultivation experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD) and replicated three times. Data was collected on days to spawn run, days to primordial initiation, primordial concentration quality and biological efficiency. The data collected was subjected to analysis of variance using SAS version 9.1. Mean separation was done using least significant difference (LSD) and effects were declared significant at 5% level. Key words: Wood ear mushrooms, fresh and composted agricultural wastes, wheat bran, Kenya

    Tuition Financing of Secondary Education and Students’ Participation in Siaya County, Kenya

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    The purpose of this study was to establish how tuition financing of secondary education affects students’ participation in public secondary schools in Siaya County. The researcher used mixed methods approach and descriptive research design where both qualitative and quantitative data was collected. The target population was 21,017 comprised of 276 school principals, 6 Sub County Directors of Education and 20,735 Form IV students with a sample size of 2,160. The researcher adopted stratified simple random sampling technique to get respondents from categories of the schools. Data collection instruments were questionnaires, interview schedules and document analysis. Both descriptive and inferential data analysis methods were used in analysing data. The study findings established that tuition financing, had a significant influence on students’ participation on public secondary schools in Siaya County


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    Public debate on biotechnology is embroiled in controversy over the risks and benefits associated with this emerging technology. Using data from a national survey, this study analyzes public acceptance of biotechnology in food production. Empirical results suggest that while there is general optimism about biotechnology, and support for its use in plants, public approval of its use in animals is perhaps more limited. Younger and more educated individuals are generally more supportive of biotechnology. Attitudes towards biotechnology differ substantially between males and females, and between whites and non-whites. While people's religious and social views, confidence in scientists, corporations and government have significant influence, income and regional differences do not have significant effects on public acceptance of biotechnology.Consumer/Household Economics,
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