135 research outputs found

    Adapazarı Tedaş ada trafo-stadyum dağıtım sisteminin bilgisayar oratmında modellenmesi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Adapazarı Tedaş Ada-Trafo Stadyum enerji dağıtım sistemi Sakarya Elektrik Dağıtım Anonim Şirketin'den gelen talep üzerine Matlab Simulink programında oluşturulmuştur. Sistemde kullanılan transformatörlerin test raporları, hat mesafe değerleri, kablo kesit değerleri, yük değerleri v.b. tüm bilgiler Sakarya Elektrik Dağıtım Anonim Şirketin'den temin edilip; gerçek veriler kullanılmıştır.Adapazarı Tedaş Ada-Trafo Stadyum enerji dağıtım sistemi modellenmeden önce kullanılacak transformatörlerin parametreleri hesaplanmış, bulunan kısa devre ve boşta çalışma karakteristikleri simulinkte test edilmiştir.Hat parametreleri ve yük değerleri hesaplanmış, simulink modellerine dönüştürülmüştür. Böylece Sakarya Bölgesin'de enerji dağıtım sisteminin bir parçası olan Adapazarı'nın Stadyum kesiminin modeli Matlab Simulink'te oluşturulmuştur. Bu model üzerinde sistem içindeki tüm trafoların giriş ve çıkış akım değerleri, stadyum kesicilerinde üç faz kısa devre oluşması sonucu kısa devre akımları, hatlar arası aktif ve reaktif güç değerleri bulunmuştur.Sakarya Bölgesinin bir parçası olan Ada Trafo-Stadyum Dağıtım hattı, daha da genişletilip tüm Sakarya Bölgesi için enerji dağıtım sistemi modellenirse, sistem içinde çeşitli noktalara simulink blokları bağlanarak istenilen akım, gerilim, aktif ve reaktif güç değerleri bulunacaktır. Böylece transformatör, kablo kesiti, röle, kesici, ayırıcı v.b enerji dağıtım sistemi içinde istenilen tüm değerler Matlab Simulink programı vasıtasıyla belirlenecektir. Sistem içinde kolaylıkla güç akışı ve kısa devre analizleri yapılarak gerekli değerler ve grafikler bilgisayar ortamında görülecektir.The SEDAŞ request that The TEDAŞ (Power Distribution Company of Turkey) Ada-Trafo Stadyum power distribution system of Adapazarı will be simulate on the Matlab Simulink. The values, test reports of the transformers in the system, line distances, cable diameters, load values, etc obtained from the SEDAŞ and they are used for the simulation.Before modelling of the Ada-Trafo Stadyum power distribution system in Adapazarı Tedaş, the transformers parameters is determined, the characteristics of the calculated short-circuit and open circuit are tested in simulink. Line parameters and load values are calculated and then they are converted to simulink models. Indeed, the model of the Stadyum area, where a part of the power distribution system in the Sakarya region, has been created in the Matlab Simulink. By using this model, the input/output current values of the transformers, the three phase short circuit current values for the stadyum cutters, line active and reactive power values has been determined.If the modelling of the Ada Trafo-Stadyum power distribution lines is extended to cover all distribution lines in Sakarya Region, by connecting several Simulink blocks of several point of the distribution systems, it is possible to calculate the value of voltage, current, active and reactive power. Thus, all parameters within the system, like transformers ratio, cable diameters, relay, cutter, separator etc, will be determined by using the model. Moreover, performing the power flow and short circuit analysis, the calculated parameters and charts will be study on the computer

    Strategic Thinking and Merit Understanding of Public Employees During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Today, strategic management emerges as a crucial element in achieving the sustainability goals of nation-states. In addition, the importance of qualified public staff who will implement these plans is an indisputable fact for reflecting the strategic foresight made to take decisive and urgent measures against sudden epidemics and disasters. This study aims to reveal the relationship between strategic management and merit understanding of public employees during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the analysis of the study data, arithmetic mean, frequency, standard deviation and percentage values, which are descriptive statistics, were examined. For determining if it is necessary to perform parametric analyzes for this study, first, an examination was made on whether the scale data shows a normal distribution. In this study, the descriptive research method was used, and data collection was made with the help of a questionnaire. When we look at the study results, the strategic management perceptions of public employees are at a high level as per the results obtained in the resource and environment dimensions. Besides, as per the general average and merit dimension, training dimension, assignment dimension and overall evaluation results of the answers related to the merit understanding of the public employees participating in the study, their merit understanding is at a high level. In conclusion, it is aimed to determine a method and form a theoretical basis according to the study results of decision makers, strategy makers, and public employees' understanding of strategic management and merit


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    THRUSTER DESIGN FOR UNMANNED UNDERWATER VEHICLESAbstractUnderwater researches have been carried out for various purposes such as the protection and investigation of natural and environmental resources, various construction activities, finding and extracting fossil fuel resources, academic and industrial researches. Especially in the last two decades, unmanned underwater vehicles are effectively used in almost all of these researches. One of the most essential parts of those vehicles is their thrust system which gives them the ability to move underwater. In this study, the design of a thruster for unmanned underwater vehicles is given. The designed thruster system consists of four main parts: an electric motor, a driver circuit, a magnetic coupling transmission element, and a propeller. The electrical and mechanical designs of these parts are performed depending on the predetermined design criteria. A brushless type DC motor is chosen as an electric motor, and the required torque and rpm values are determined analytically. Depending on the chosen electric motor, a suitable driver circuit is determined. Then the propeller, the magnetic coupling element, and the motor housing are designed by using the SolidWorks software package. Pressure and fluid dynamics analyses of the housing and propeller are performed by using the Ansys software package. The thruster design is validated by simulation results.Keywords: Unmanned underwater vehicle, thruster, magnetic coupling, transmission, propellerİNSANSIZ SUALTI ARAÇLARI İÇİN İTİCİ TASARIMIÖzetDoğal ve çevresel kaynakların korunması ve araştırılması, çeşitli sualtı inşaat çalışmaları, fosil yakıt kaynaklarının saptanması ve çıkarılması, akademik araştırmalar ve endüstriyel çalışmalar gibi birçok farklı alanlarda su altı araştırmaları yapılmaktadır. Özellikle son yirmi yılda insansız sualtı araçları bu araştırmaların hemen hepsinde etkin bir şekilde kullanılmıştır. İnsansız su altı araçlarının en önemli sistemlerinden biri de onlara su altında hareket kabiliyetini sağlayan itki sistemleridir. Bu çalışma, insansız su altı araçları için bir itki sistemi tasarımı gösterilmiştir. Tasarlanan itki sistemi elektrik motoru, sürücü devresi, manyetik aktarım organı ve pervane olmak üzere dört ana bileşenden oluşmaktadır. Bu bileşenlerin elektriksel ve mekanik tasarımları önceden belirlenmiş tasarım kriterlerine göre yapılmıştır. Elektrik motoru olarak fırçasız doğru akım motoru seçilmiş ve gerekli tork ve devir sayısı değerleri analitik olarak belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen elektrik motoru için uygun bir motor sürücü devresi seçilmiştir. Pervane, manyetik aktarım elemanı ve sistem muhafazası tasarımları SolidWorks programında yapılmıştır. Sistem muhafazası ve pervanenin basınç ve akış dinamiği analizleri Ansys programı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Geliştirilen itici tasarımı simulasyon sonuçları ile doğrulanmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: İnsansız Sualtı Aracı, İtki Sistemi, Manyetik Kaplin, Güç Aktarım, Pervan

    Analiza bibliometrică a literaturii privind poluarea fonică, raportată în perioada 2001–2020

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    Introduction. In the new globalized world, noise pollution has started to become a public health problem. Health issues from noise pollution include hearing problems, cardiovascular disorders, and sleep disturbances. Material and methods. We searched for publications about noise pollution in the Web of Science database. A total of 2722 papers were identified, published between 2001 and 2020, 1815 of them were analyzed. VOSviewer (version 1.6.11) tool was used for bibliometric web visualizations. Results. When a trend analysis was applied to the articles by year, a statistically significant increase was detected. The United States contributed to the most publications (15.3%). Scotland (6.62), Singapore (4.26), and Ireland (4.02), to the most frequent publications per million of inhabitants. Most articles on noise pollution were published in the journal Applied Acoustics (3.2%). The three keywords we used were “noise pollution”, “noise” and “traffic noise”. Conclusions. This study showed that there has been a trend of an increasing number of articles on noise pollution in the last 20 years, also it can be considered that this bibliometric study will help researchers as it provides summary for current research.Introducere. În noul context al unei lumi globalizate, poluarea fonică tinde să devină o amenințare pentru sănătatea publică. Problemele de sănătate, cauzate de poluarea fonică, includ probleme de auz, dereglări cardiovasculare și tulburări de somn. Material și metode. Am căutat publicații despre poluarea fonică în baza de date Web of Science. Au fost identificate în total 2722 de lucrări, publicate între 2001 și 2020, dintre care au fost analizate 1815. Instrumentul VOSviewer (versiunea 1.6.11) a fost folosit pentru vizualizările web bibliometrice. Rezultate. Analizându-se tendințele articolelor apărute anual, s-a constatat o creștere semnificativă statistic. Statele Unite au contribuit cu cele mai multe publicații (15,3%). Scoția (6,62), Singapore (4,26) și Irlanda (4,02), cu cele mai frecvente publicații la un milion de locuitori. Cele mai multe articole despre poluarea fonică au fost publicate în revista Applied Acoustics (3,2%). Cele trei cuvinte-cheie, pe care le-am folosit, au fost „poluare sonoră”, „zgomot” și „zgomot din trafic”. Concluzii. Studiul a demonstrat că există o tendință de creștere a numărului de articole despre poluarea fonică în ultimii 20 de ani. Putem considera acest studiu bibliometric un suport eficient pentru cercetătorii din domeniu, întrucât pune la dispoziție un rezumat care facilitează cercetările curente

    Investigating the effects of glucose and lipid metabolism on neuronal structure using optical coherence tomography in treatment-resistant schizophrenia

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    Objective:The effects of metabolic changes on neural structures in the later stages of schizophrenia remain unknown. Alterations in glucose and lipid metabolism could impact disease progression. This study aims to investigate the effects of glucose and lipid metabolism on neuronal structures in treatment-resistant schizophrenia using optical coherence tomography (OCT), glycogenic proteins, and cholesterol values.Method:The study included 39 schizophrenia patients with remission, 43 treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS) patients, and 40 healthy controls (HC). Optical coherence tomography (OCT) was performed on all participants. Serum samples were collected to determine fasting glucose, Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), triglycerides, total cholesterol, fasting insulin, and Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) levels. Results: IGF-1 levels in TRS patients were higher than those in the remission group. Additionally, the thickness of the inferior retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), superior RNFL, and global RNFL regions was significantly lower in the TRS group than in the HC group.Conclusion: While OCT measurements and elevated IGF-1 levels indicate neural thinning in treatment-resistant schizophrenia, there was no observed effect from lipid and glucose metabolism on this phenomenon

    Ganglion cysts in the lateral portal region of the knee after arthroscopy: report of two cases

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    A ganglion cyst (GC) is a mucinous or gelatinous-filled benign tumor overlying a joint or tendon sheath, which commonly arises in the dorsal and volar wrist side but may occur anywhere in the body. Although cystic lesions around the knee are common, the occurrence of GCs are rare. Ganglia may arise from intra or extra-articular, soft tissue, intraosseous, or periosteal location. Symptoms may vary according to the size and location. After the more frequent performance of magnetic resonance imaging for the assessment of a knee joint, the number of incidental, asymptomatic lesions have been increasingly diagnosed. The etiology of GC remains unclear; however, trauma and a flaw in the joint tissues may explain its appearance. The authors report two cases of women aged 47 years and 37 years who presented pain and swelling in their left knees following arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy. The former was surgically treated and had a favorable outcome, while the latter had conservative treatment and a gloomy outcom

    Ganglion cysts in the lateral portal region of the knee after arthroscopy: report of two cases

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    A ganglion cyst (GC) is a mucinous or gelatinous-filled benign tumor overlying a joint or tendon sheath, which commonly arises in the dorsal and volar wrist side but may occur anywhere in the body. Although cystic lesions around the knee are common, the occurrence of GCs are rare. Ganglia may arise from intra or extra-articular, soft tissue, intraosseous, or periosteal location. Symptoms may vary according to the size and location. After the more frequent performance of magnetic resonance imaging for the assessment of a knee joint, the number of incidental, asymptomatic lesions have been increasingly diagnosed. The etiology of GC remains unclear; however, trauma and a flaw in the joint tissues may explain its appearance. The authors report two cases of women aged 47 years and 37 years who presented pain and swelling in their left knees following arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy. The former was surgically treated and had a favorable outcome, while the latter had conservative treatment and a gloomy outcom

    The Use of New Hematological Markers in the Diagnosis of Alopecia Areata

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    Introduction:  Alopecia areata (AA) is a non-cicatricial inflammatory and autoimmune hair loss disease. In recent studies, it has been reported that hematological parameters can be used as oxidative stress markers in the diagnosis of many inflammatory diseases due to their low cost and widespread use. Objectives: In this study, it was aimed to reveal the significant cut-off points of hematological inflammatory markers in AA that can guide clinicians in clinical practice and determine how many times they increase the risk of disease. Methods: The present study is retrospective case-control type. Seventy patients with AA and seventy healthy controls were included in the study. The hematological parameters in both groups were evaluated retrospectively. Results: Hemoglobulin, monocyte, platelet, monocyte high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) ratio (MHR), monocyte lymphocyte ratio (MLR), platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR) were high in patients with AA, while the number of lymphocytes was low.  In ROC analysis, the optimal cut-off values for the diagnosis of AA were as follows: MLR 0.216, MHR 0.010, and PLR 111.715. In regression analysis, being above the following values of MLR 0.216, MHR 0.010, and PLR 111.715 increased the risk of developing AA by 6.3, 3.8, and 2.7 times, respectively. Conclusions: It was seen that MHR and PLR, especially MLR, can significantly increase the risk of developing the disease in AA and can also be used as diagnostic markers

    Human memory B cells show plasticity and adopt multiple fates upon recall response to SARS-CoV-2

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    The B cell response to different pathogens uses tailored effector mechanisms and results in functionally specialized memory B (Bm_{m}) cell subsets, including CD21+^{+} resting, CD21^{–}CD27+^{+} activated and CD21^{–}CD27^{–} Bm_{m} cells. The interrelatedness between these Bm_{m} cell subsets remains unknown. Here we showed that single severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2-specific Bm_{m} cell clones showed plasticity upon antigen rechallenge in previously exposed individuals. CD21^{–} Bm_{m} cells were the predominant subsets during acute infection and early after severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2-specific immunization. At months 6 and 12 post-infection, CD21+^{+} resting Bm_{m} cells were the major Bm_{m} cell subset in the circulation and were also detected in peripheral lymphoid organs, where they carried tissue residency markers. Tracking of individual B cell clones by B cell receptor sequencing revealed that previously fated Bm_{m} cell clones could redifferentiate upon antigen rechallenge into other Bm_{m} cell subsets, including CD21^{–}CD27^{–} Bm_{m} cells, demonstrating that single Bm_{m} cell clones can adopt functionally different trajectories