3 research outputs found


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    Afzelia Africana seeds were subjected to quasi-static parallel plate compression test, using Monsanto Tensometer. The loading orientations were horizontal, vertical and edge-to-edge loading positions at four different moisture content levels of 10.6%, 12.8%, 15.2% and 18.4% wet basis (wb). Slight variations were observed in the means of the physical characteristics at varying moisture content in the range of 10.6% to 18.4%. Loading position was shown to have significant effect on all the mechanical properties studied. The rupture force increased with increase in moisture content in horizontal and vertical loading but did not show consistent trend in variation when loaded on the edges. This value was 155.68N for vertical loading, 139.27 N for horizontal loading and 81.0 N for edge-to-edge loading. Hardness ranged from 6.97 to 6.92 N/mm for horizontal loading, 6.92 to 6.67N/mm for edge-loading and 6.99 to 6.93N/mm for vertical loading respectively in the moisture content range of 10.6 to 18.4% for all cases. Rupture energy varied from 104 to 416.33 N-mm on horizontal loading, 59.96to 241.82 on edge-loading and 190.125 to 419.171 Nmm on vertical loading respectively for the same range of moisture content. Toughness varied from 43.758 to 8.865 N-m/mm, 23.563 to 5.370 and 44.667 to 16.349 N-m/mm for horizontal loading, edge-edge orientation, and vertical loading respectively, for moisture content range of 10.6 to 18.4%.Modulusof Elasticity dropped from 35.657 to 28.133 N/mm2 for horizontal loading, from 51.443 to 14.59 for edge-to-edge loading and 38.087 to 41.04 N/mm2for vertical loading in the range of moisture content of 10.6 to 18.4% respectively. The data generated in this study can be applied when estimating the energy and force needed for shelling the seeds and in making useful suggestions on the loading condition that will demand the least energy for the operation and shelling. The physical properties are also useful in process design and analysis.  http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/njt.v36i3.4

    Water Quality Evaluation of Spring Waters in Nsukka, Nigeria

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    Water qualities of springs in their natural state are supposed to be clean and potable. Although, water quality is not a static condition it depends on the local geology and ecosystem, as well as human activities such as sewage dispersion, industrial pollution, use of water bodies as a heat sink, and overuse. The activities on land use around the water sources can increase the level and number of contaminants if not properly used. This study evaluates the water quality of four spring waters (Asho, Ajie, Iyi-Nsukka and Ikwoka-Obimo) in Nsukka, Enugu state Nigeria to ascertain their suitability for drinking since they are consumed directly without treatment. Water samples were collected from these four springs and analyzed accordingly. The physical, chemical and bacteriological tests were carried out on the water samples with appropriate equipment. After analyzing the samples, it was found that some of the water parameters tested were within WHO/NIS standard and some were outside the range provided by WHO/NIS standard. Among the parameters tested that falls outside the range provided by WHO/NIS standard that has significant health implication are coliform and E. coli. It was found that there is high concentration of coliforms especially at Ajie and Iyi - Nsukka springs with 150MPN and 280MPN per 100ml respectively. Ajie and Iyi-Nsukka springs also have E. coli of 3MPN/100ml each while Asho and Ikwoka-Obimo springs have <3MPN/100ml. The contaminations is as a result of indiscriminate dumping of refuse, defecation around the water sources especially at the uphill side of these spring and the agricultural activities. Base on the findings, the water from these four springs is not safe for drinking without treatment

    Microbiological Quality Assessment of Ready-To-Eat Kilishi Sold in Abuja, Nigeria

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    A total of twelve samples of ready-to-eat dried meat product, kilishi, were purchased from different sale-points in Abuja, Nigeria and a study conducted on them to assess their microbiological quality. Microbial counts obtained ranged from 2.8 x 104 to 4.0 x 106 for total aerobic, 1.0 x 104 to 6.1 x 105 for coliforms, 1.6 x 104 to 3.5 x 104 for staphylococci and 2.7 x 103 to 5.5 x 104 for fungi. Bacteria isolated from the kilishi were identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus spp., Bacillus spp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Proteus spp. and Streptococcus spp. while the fungi were Aspergillus niger, Rhodotorula spp, Cladosporium spp. and Saccharomyces spp. Of the bacterial isolates, Bacillus spp. constituted the highest while Streptococcus spp. showed the least occurrence. Saccharomyces spp showed the highest frequency of occurrence for the fungi while Cladosporium spp. exhibited the least. The high microbial count and the diversity of microorganisms obtained in the present study indicated that most of the samples examined did not meet microbiological quality standards which may make the product potential source of food infection. Emphasis on maintaining standard hygiene practices during the production processes is needed to reduce potential hazards.  &nbsp