37 research outputs found

    The Provincial Allocation System in Chinese College Entrance Examinations: A Comparative Study

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    The available data for the current situation of admission process were analyzed by Chinese province as one of the characteristics of the college entrance examination system in China. The analysis aims to clarify the actual situation of disparities by province, which was often pointed out in previous related studies. As a result, the following three points were identified. First, even if the same exam questions were used in highly selective universities, differences in average passing score rate can be seen among the provinces. Moreover, these differences were almost fixed and did not depend on the year. Therefore, as one of the causes, we consider that each province has differences in the education level. Second, the quota allocation did not correspond to the number of examinees in each province; therefore, the quota system itself may create a gap. This is a serious problem because this obstacle cannot be overcome by students’ efforts. Third, students of provinces that prepare their own exam questions tend to have the advantage in the selection process. Because the exam questions were created independently, it is not possible to easily compare the difficulty of the test questions with those of other provinces, which avoids some criticisms. Most of the provinces that have created their own exam questions are the advanced Chinese provinces with many universities, including highly selective and prestigious universities. These prestigious universities could be entered more easily by allocating capacity to the local students

    The Diversification Policy of Senior High School Curriculum in China : From the point of college entrance examination in Jiangsu Province

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    This paper discusses how ‘character education’ and ‘hole development in education,’ which are the key words of the curriculum reform of recent China, have been made the best use of the college entrance examination process of Jiangsu Province as case study. In other words, it tries to clarify where the point of the college entrance examination reform in recent years is from the point of senior high school curriculum issues. The following three points are clarified by the main discourse. First, the diversification of the curriculum means an increase of the number of subjects and an increase in the optional subjects. ‘Character education’ is to cover such diversified contents firmly although every day classes tend possibly to be biased to ‘college examination subjects’ such as ‘foreign language’ or ‘mathematics.’ It is necessary to synchronize with the college entrance examination to bear fruit, and, in fact, the number of examination subjects has been increased actually in Jiangsu Province. Secondly, it is more influential to decrease the number of the examination subjects for reducing the mental burden of students. In this sense, it is reasonable to introduce ‘integrated problem’ subject to examine students’ expression and judgment abilities as one strategy. Thirdly, it is possible to introduce interview and short essay examination as one idea if college sides try to evaluate ‘subjectivity’ valued by ‘character education.’ Although small number of universities introduce ‘independent recruitment,’ the majority do not due to the huge number of examinees. It may be true that China still emphases more wide variety of knowledge than ‘subjectivity’ and ‘expression ability.’本稿は,日本学術振興会「平成27~29年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B)・課題番号JP15H05197)(アジアにおける大学入試の多様化と高大接続プログラムの標準化に関する国際比較研究・研究代表者:小川佳万)の交付を受けて実施した研究成果の一部である

    Development of Quality Education in Chinese Senior High Schools

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    The senior high schools in China are considered to have an exam-oriented curriculum and a strong competitive environment, turning the life of students into a nightmare. This type of education has been criticized for a long time and instead, “quality education,” which is the opposite of knowledge-oriented and exam-oriented education, has been recommended since the 1990s. This study focuses on “quality education” as the key for educational reforms in China, and reviews and analyzes the policy trends, and the effect of quality education on high school education and college entrance exam reform. Our investigation resulted in the following findings. First, an analysis of the education policy revealed that “quality education,” a term which was relatively vague and was understood as the opposite of exam-oriented education, could be used as criteria for reform by clarifying each ability as “core background.” This clarification makes it possible to provide concrete guidelines for high school education. Second, it was found that, reflecting on “quality education,” high school education has newly established a subject called “comprehensive practical activity” that fosters students’ independent thoughts and creative activities. It also gave schools more discretionary power and teachers more freedom to teach in class. Lastly, regarding college entrance exams, it can be pointed out that, in addition to the conventional written exams, there is a shift toward evaluating not only the test scores but also other aspects such as student records. However, we also found that the movement has not reached all the schools because of its hasty implementation and a large number of examinees.本研究はJSPS科研費 JP19H01639の助成を受けたものです

    Development of the Taiwan Citizen Concept in Senior High Schools: Focusing on a Multicultural Society

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    This paper deals with education-related policy documents, courses of studies and civics textbooks of senior high schools to clarify the concept of ‘Taiwan citizen’. There are following three findings as a result of the analysis. First, academic ability and the ‘Taiwan citizen’ have been strongly linked at the policy level, and, accordingly, the realization of the ‘citizen’ means to improve academic ability. Second, what was clarified through the analysis of the textbooks was that ‘Taiwan citizen’, ‘we’, and ‘our country’ was strongly tied. In other words, ‘Taiwan citizen’ is a concept close to ‘nation’, and, in this sense, it cannot be said that the concept of ‘Taiwan citizen’ has changed significantly. Thirdly, there are various sub-items under the concept of the ‘Taiwan citizen’, and, among them, ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘multicultural society’ has been newly added and emphasized as the items of ‘Taiwan citizen’ in recent years. One of the findings from the textbook analysis is that while multicultural education in Taiwan was traditionally for indigenous people, it is more conscious of coexistence with new residents coming from Southeast Asian countries, which suggests the flexibility of Taiwan's concept of ‘citizen’.本研究はJSPS科研費JP19H01639の助成を受けたものです

    チュウゴク ノ コウキュウ チュウガク ニオケル コクサイカ ノ リネン ト ジッタイ : コクサイブ ノ セイドテキ トクシツ ニ チャクモク シテ

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    本稿では、中国の公立高級中学に設置された国際部に焦点を当て、その制度的特質を検討することを通して、後期中等教育における国際化対応を促す要因について明らかにすることを目的とする。分析の結果、次の三点を明らかにした。第一に、1980年代以降の改革・開放政策と経済的発展により、海外留学に関心を抱く生徒や保護者が増加したことを背景に、中国の公立高級中学で国際教育プログラムを導入する法的根拠が示されることで、国際部設置を制度的に支えることとなった。第二に、国際部における教育課程を検討すると、公立高級中学で国際教育プログラムを導入できる根拠は、それまでの政府の「多様化」政策による、学校が独自に科目を設定することができる「学校課程」にあることが明らかとなった。第三に、国際部の役割を検討すると、有名進学校の「本部」へ進学することが叶わなかった生徒の進学先としても機能していることが確認された。This paper focuses on the features of `international divisions\u27 inside senior public high schools in China, which are increasing the number in recent years, and aims to clarify the reasons why they are popular and are able to respond to the internationalization in a secondary education setting. As a result of the analysis, the following three points were pointed out. First, as the number of the students and parents, who are interested in studying abroad, increases, it became legally possible based on some related governmental regulations for international divisions of public senior high schools to introduce international education programs such as International Baccalaureate(IB)or Advanced Placement(AP)since 1990s. Second, focused on the curriculum in international divisions, they introduce the international education program as `school based curriculum\u27, in which each school can decide the contents freely. It is one of the results of the deregulation policy. Third, when the role of the international divisions is examined, it is found that they work as `alternative places\u27 that cannot pass the senior high school examination

    ニホン リュウガク ノ マンゾクド ヨウイン ニカンスル イチ コウサツ : チュウゴク ト カンコク ノ ダイガク キョウジュ エノ シツモンシ チョウサ カラ

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    本稿は、中国と韓国の大学教授を対象に実施した質問紙調査の結果を分析することで、日本留学(大学院段階) の満足度要因を明らかにすることを目的とする。考察の結果以下の四点を明らかにした。一つ目は、留学の満足度に 関する質問項目の平均値は文系よりも理系の方が全体的に高い傾向にある。これは留学時の研究室内の人間関係の緊 密さが文系よりも理系の方が強かったことや、留学を終えて母国に戻った際に理系の方が就職しやすい環境にあるこ と等が関連していると考えられる。二つ目は、留学の満足度要因としては、研究室に関する要因が強い影響を持って いることが明らかとなった。三つ目は、中国の場合は留学した大学のランクも満足度に影響を与えるケースがみられ た。ただし、必ずしもランクの高い大学へ留学することが満足度を高める要因となっているわけではない点は留意す べきである。四つ目は、韓国においては、「授業」に関する要因が満足度に影響を与えていることが確認された。一 般にコースワーク重視と言われる韓国の大学においては、その授業力も問われることから、こうした結果に結びつい たと推察される。This paper aims to clarify satisfaction factors of the study in Japan(graduate school)by analyzing the results of the questionnaire survey to Chinese and Korean university professors. Following four points are the result of the analysis. The first finding is that natural science professors are more satisfied with the study abroad in Japan than professors of liberal arts. It is first because the human relations of natural science in a laboratory is closer than that of liberal arts, and second because the students of natural science are easier to find jobs when going back to the mother countries. As for the second, the factor related to the laboratory has strong influence on satisfaction degrees the study abroad. In the case of China, as for the third finding, the college rank affects the satisfaction degrees, but it does not always the case that the higher is the college rank, the stronger is the satisfaction. The fourthly, in Korea, the ‘lecture’ factor gives strong impacts on the satisfaction degree. It may be because Korean university in general emphasizes course work and daily teaching practice

    キョウイン ヨウセイ カテイ ニオケル リアリスティック アプローチ ドウニュウ ノ リネン ト イギ

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    本稿は、教員養成課程におけるリアリスティック・アプローチを導入する理念と意義について検討を加えるも のである。リアリスティック・アプローチとはコルトハーヘン(Fred A. J. Korthagen)によって提示されている 教師教育実践のための概念で、教育的実践から効果的な学びを得ようとするものである。現在、教師に求められる資 質の一つに、「学び続ける」ことが含まれているが、それを教員養成段階において修得するために、リアリスティッ ク・アプローチは有効な方法であると言える。教育的な経験を多様な観点から具体的に振り返り、それによって新た な気づきを得ることは、教師自身の内側から生じる学びを可能とする。こうした力は、教師自身が成長をし続けるこ とを支えることが期待される。ただし、同アプローチの受け止め方は学生によって異なるため、それを否定的に受け 止める学生に対して行うべき配慮の仕方を検討したり、また、同アプローチを実践するために教師教育者も自身の経 験を活かした学びができるようになるための取り組みが求められることは留意すべきである。This paper discusses the significance of introducing a realistic approach in teacher education curriculum. The realistic approach is the concept for doing teaching practice presented by Fred A. J. Korthagen, which aims to acquire effectively learning from educational practice. Currently, one of the qualities required of teachers includes the one of the “keep learning”. In order to acquire the quality in a teacher training stage, the realistic approach can be an effective method. Reflecting educational experiences from a variety of viewpoints to earn new recognitions makes teachers learn the inside of the teacher himself. Such power expects teachers to continue to develop themselves. As each student has a different perception of this approach, however, we need to examine how to deal with students who have negative feelings, and also to take the practice to be able to use their own experiences in order to practice the same approach

    リアルスティック アプローチ オ モチイタ キョウショク ジッセン エンシュウ ニ ツイテ ノ ケンキュウ

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    オランダの教育学者であるコルトハーヘンによって提唱されたリアリスティック・アプローチは、経験からの学びを理論に結びつけることによって、教職課程の学びをよリアリスティックに、言い換えれば教職に就いてからの実践に資するものにすることをめざしている。大阪樟蔭女子大学では平成26 年より教職課程の担当教員がリアリスティック・アプローチを軸とした教員養成のあり方について研究会を組織し、教職実践演習の授業をその中核に据え、中高課程と幼小課程の教職担当者がカリキュラム編成と授業方法を協議しながら授業を作り上げている。本研究は、経験とそのリフレクションを一つのユニットとして、7 つのユニットから構成された平成27 年度(一部は平成26 年度も含む)の授業実践について、担当した各教員が具体的な記述を通じてその意義を明らかにするものである。将来教師になる学生の教育にあたる教職課程の授業においては、学生の学びは卒業後に教師となってからようやく評価し得るものと言える。本稿ではこの点の問題提起についても触れていく。Realistic approach, which is advocated by Dutch pedagogist and teacher educator Fred Korthagen, aims to make teacher education programs more realisitic and practical by connecting the experience of students to theories. A study group has been organized in Osaka Shoin Women’s University from 2014. Some teacher educators in this group have a responsibility for the class of “teaching practice training” and discuss the curriculum design and teaching methods of each class, kindergarten/elementary and secondary teacher educa- tion. In this reseach, each teacher educators will describe their concrete practice and show the significance of realsitic learing in the class of 2014 and 2015 which is constituted by the 7 units of experience and reflec- tion. In addition, this research will raise a problem that students’ learing in the teacher education program can not be truly evaluated until they actually work as a teacher