309 research outputs found
Breather lattice and its stabilization for the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation
We obtain an exact solution for the breather lattice solution of the modified
Korteweg-de Vries (MKdV) equation. Numerical simulation of the breather lattice
demonstrates its instability due to the breather-breather interaction. However,
such multi-breather structures can be stabilized through the concurrent
application of ac driving and viscous damping terms.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Phys. Rev. E (in press
Modulational Instability in Equations of KdV Type
It is a matter of experience that nonlinear waves in dispersive media,
propagating primarily in one direction, may appear periodic in small space and
time scales, but their characteristics --- amplitude, phase, wave number, etc.
--- slowly vary in large space and time scales. In the 1970's, Whitham
developed an asymptotic (WKB) method to study the effects of small
"modulations" on nonlinear periodic wave trains. Since then, there has been a
great deal of work aiming at rigorously justifying the predictions from
Whitham's formal theory. We discuss recent advances in the mathematical
understanding of the dynamics, in particular, the instability of slowly
modulated wave trains for nonlinear dispersive equations of KdV type.Comment: 40 pages. To appear in upcoming title in Lecture Notes in Physic
Evaluation of measurement accuracies of the Higgs boson branching fractions in the International Linear Collider
Precise measurement of Higgs boson couplings is an important task for
International Linear Collider (ILC) experiments and will facilitate the
understanding of the particle mass generation mechanism.
In this study, the measurement accuracies of the Higgs boson branching
fractions to the and quarks and gluons, , were evaluated with the full International Large
Detector model (\texttt{ILD\_00}) for the Higgs mass of 120 GeV at the
center-of-mass (CM) energies of 250 and 350 GeV using neutrino, hadronic and
leptonic channels and assuming an integrated luminosity of ,
and an electron (positron) beam polarization of -80% (+30%).
We obtained the following measurement accuracies of the Higgs cross section
times branching fraction () for decay
of the Higgs into , , and ; as 1.0%, 6.9%, and 8.5% at
a CM energy of 250 GeV and 1.0%, 6.2%, and 7.3% at 350 GeV, respectively.
After the measurement accuracy of the cross section ()
was corrected using the results of studies at 250 GeV and their extrapolation
to 350 GeV, the derived measurement accuracies of the branching fractions
() to , , and gg were 2.7%, 7.3%, and 8.9% at
a CM energy of 250 GeV and 3.6%, 7.2%, and 8.1% at 350 GeV, respectively.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure
Probing Transport Theories via Two-Proton Source Imaging
Imaging technique is applied to two-proton correlation functions to extract
quantitative information about the space-time properties of the emitting source
and about the fraction of protons that can be attributed to fast emission
mechanisms. These new analysis techniques resolve important ambiguities that
bedeviled prior comparisons between measured correlation functions and those
calculated by transport theory. Quantitative comparisons to transport theory
are presented here. The results of the present analysis differ from those
reported previously for the same reaction systems. The shape of the two-proton
emitting sources are strongly sensitive to the details about the in-medium
nucleon-nucleon cross sections and their density dependence.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures. Figures are in GIF format. If you need
postscript format, please contact: [email protected]
Interplay of superexchange and orbital degeneracy in Cr-doped LaMnO3
We report on structural, magnetic and Electron Spin Resonance (ESR)
investigations in the manganite system LaMn_{1-x}Cr_{x}O_{3} (x<=0.5). Upon
Cr-doping we observe a reduction of the Jahn-Teller distortion yielding less
distorted orthorhombic structures. A transition from the Jahn-Teller distorted
O' to the pseudocubic O phase occurs between 0.3<x<0.4. A clear connection
between this transition and the doping dependence of the magnetic and ESR
properties has been observed. The effective moments determined by ESR seem
reduced with respect to the spin-only value of both Mn^{3+} and Cr^{3+} ions
Double quantum dot turnstile as an electron spin entangler
We study the conditions for a double quantum dot system to work as a reliable
electron spin entangler, and the efficiency of a beam splitter as a detector
for the resulting entangled electron pairs. In particular, we focus on the
relative strengths of the tunneling matrix elements, the applied bias and gate
voltage, the necessity of time-dependent input/output barriers, and the
consequence of considering wavepacket states for the electrons as they leave
the double dot to enter the beam splitter. We show that a double quantum dot
turnstile is, in principle, an efficient electron spin entangler or
entanglement filter because of the exchange coupling between the dots and the
tunable input/output potential barriers, provided certain conditions are
satisfied in the experimental set-up.Comment: published version; minor error correcte
Green function techniques in the treatment of quantum transport at the molecular scale
The theoretical investigation of charge (and spin) transport at nanometer
length scales requires the use of advanced and powerful techniques able to deal
with the dynamical properties of the relevant physical systems, to explicitly
include out-of-equilibrium situations typical for electrical/heat transport as
well as to take into account interaction effects in a systematic way.
Equilibrium Green function techniques and their extension to non-equilibrium
situations via the Keldysh formalism build one of the pillars of current
state-of-the-art approaches to quantum transport which have been implemented in
both model Hamiltonian formulations and first-principle methodologies. We offer
a tutorial overview of the applications of Green functions to deal with some
fundamental aspects of charge transport at the nanoscale, mainly focusing on
applications to model Hamiltonian formulations.Comment: Tutorial review, LaTeX, 129 pages, 41 figures, 300 references,
submitted to Springer series "Lecture Notes in Physics
Magnetic Coordinate Systems
Geospace phenomena such as the aurora, plasma motion, ionospheric currents
and associated magnetic field disturbances are highly organized by Earth's main
magnetic field. This is due to the fact that the charged particles that
comprise space plasma can move almost freely along magnetic field lines, but
not across them. For this reason it is sensible to present such phenomena
relative to Earth's magnetic field. A large variety of magnetic coordinate
systems exist, designed for different purposes and regions, ranging from the
magnetopause to the ionosphere. In this paper we review the most common
magnetic coordinate systems and describe how they are defined, where they are
used, and how to convert between them. The definitions are presented based on
the spherical harmonic expansion coefficients of the International Geomagnetic
Reference Field (IGRF) and, in some of the coordinate systems, the position of
the Sun which we show how to calculate from the time and date. The most
detailed coordinate systems take the full IGRF into account and define magnetic
latitude and longitude such that they are constant along field lines. These
coordinate systems, which are useful at ionospheric altitudes, are
non-orthogonal. We show how to handle vectors and vector calculus in such
coordinates, and discuss how systematic errors may appear if this is not done
Structure–activity Relationships of Amyloid Beta-aggregation Inhibitors Based on Curcumin: Influence of Linker Length and Flexibility
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66293/1/j.1747-0285.2007.00557.x.pd
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