4,710 research outputs found

    Doping-driven Mott transition in La_{1-x}Sr_xTiO_3 via simultaneous electron and hole doping of t2g subbands

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    The insulator to metal transition in LaTiO_3 induced by La substitution via Sr is studied within multi-band exact diagonalization dynamical mean field theory at finite temperatures. It is shown that weak hole doping triggers a large interorbital charge transfer, with simultaneous electron and hole doping of t2g subbands. The transition is first-order and exhibits phase separation between insulator and metal. In the metallic phase, subband compressibilities become very large and have opposite signs. Electron doping gives rise to an interorbital charge flow in the same direction as hole doping. These results can be understood in terms of a strong orbital depolarization.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Spin Polarization and Magneto-Coulomb Oscillations in Ferromagnetic Single Electron Devices

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    The magneto-Coulomb oscillation, the single electron repopulation induced by external magnetic field, observed in a ferromagnetic single electron transistor is further examined in various ferromagnetic single electron devices. In case of double- and triple-junction devices made of Ni and Co electrodes, the single electron repopulation always occurs from Ni to Co electrodes with increasing a magnetic field, irrespective of the configurations of the electrodes. The period of the magneto-Coulomb oscillation is proportional to the single electron charging energy. All these features are consistently explained by the mechanism that the Zeeman effect induces changes of the Fermi energy of the ferromagnetic metal having a non-zero spin polarizations. Experimentally determined spin polarizations are negative for both Ni and Co and the magnitude is larger for Ni than Co as expected from band calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, uses jpsj.sty, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Critical Level Statistics in Two-dimensional Disordered Electron Systems

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    The level statistics in the two dimensional disordered electron systems in magnetic fields (unitary ensemble) or in the presence of strong spin-orbit scattering (symplectic ensemble) are investigated at the Anderson transition points. The level spacing distribution functions P(s)P(s)'s are found to be independent of the system size or of the type of the potential distribution, suggesting the universality. They behave as s2s^2 in the small ss region in the former case, while s4s^4 rise is seen in the latter.Comment: LaTeX, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. (Letter) Nov., Figures will be sent on reques

    Delta degrees of freedom in antisymmetrized molecular dynamics and (p,p') reactions in the delta region

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    Delta degrees of freedom are introduced into antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD). This is done by increasing the number of basic states in the AMD wave function, introducing a Skyrme-type delta-nucleon potential, and including NNNΔNN\leftrightarrow N\Delta reactions in the collision description. As a test of the delta dynamics, the extended AMD is applied to (p,p') recations at Elab=800E_{\rm lab}=800 MeV for a 12^{12}C target. It is found that the ratio and the absolute values for delta peak and quasielastic peak (QEP) in the 12^{12}C(p,p') reaction are reproduced for angles \Theta_{\rm lab} \agt 40^\circ, pointing to a correct treatment of the delta dynamics in the extended AMD. For forward angles the QEP is overestimated. The results of the AMD calculations are compared to one-step Monte Carlo (OSMC) calculations and a detailed analysis of multi-step and delta potential effects is given. As important side results we present a way to apply a Gallilei invariant theory for (N,N') reactions up to Elab800E_{\rm lab} \approx 800 MeV which ensures approximate Lorentz invariance and we discuss how to fix the width parameter ν\nu of the single particle momentum distribution for outgoing nucleons in the AMD calculation.Comment: 28 pages, revtex, 12 figures included, figures are also available upon request as postscript files from the authors (e-mail: [email protected]), submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Magneto-Coulomb Oscillation in Ferromagnetic Single Electron Transistors

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    The mechanism of the magneto-Coulomb oscillation in ferromagnetic single electron transistors (SET's) is theoretically considered. Variations in the chemical potentials of the conduction electrons in the ferromagnetic island electrode and the ferromagnetic lead electrodes in magnetic fields cause changes in the free energy of the island electrode of the SET. Experimental results of the magneto-Coulomb oscillation in a Ni/Co/Ni ferromagnetic SET are presented and discussed. Possible applications of this phenomenon are also discussed.Comment: 24 pages Latex, 5 figures in GIF files, style files included. Revised version: some errors are corrected and further discussions are added. To be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.67 (1998) No.

    Darboux Transformations, Infinitesimal Symmetries and Conservation Laws for Nonlocal Two-Dimensional Toda Lattice

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    The technique of Darboux transformation is applied to nonlocal partner of two-dimensional periodic A_{n-1} Toda lattice. This system is shown to admit a representation as the compatibility conditions of direct and dual overdetermined linear systems with quantized spectral parameter. The generalization of the Darboux transformation technique on linear equations of such a kind is given. The connections between the solutions of overdetermined linear systems and their expansions in series at singular points neighborhood are presented. The solutions of the nonlocal Toda lattice and infinite hierarchies of the infinitesimal symmetries and conservation laws are obtained.Comment: 12 pages, infinitesimal symmetries and conservation laws are adde

    Spectral Properties of the Chalker-Coddington Network

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    We numerically investigate the spectral statistics of pseudo-energies for the unitary network operator U of the Chalker--Coddington network. The shape of the level spacing distribution as well the scaling of its moments is compared to known results for quantum Hall systems. We also discuss the influence of multifractality on the tail of the spacing distribution.Comment: JPSJ-style, 7 pages, 4 Postscript figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Periodic and Quasi-Periodic Compensation Strategies of Extreme Outages caused by Polarization Mode Dispersion and Amplifier Noise

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    Effect of birefringent disorder on the Bit Error Rate (BER) in an optical fiber telecommunication system subject to amplifier noise may lead to extreme outages, related to anomalously large values of BER. We analyze the Probability Distribution Function (PDF) of BER for various strategies of Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) compensation. A compensation method is proposed that is capable of more efficient extreme outages suppression, which leads to substantial improvement of the fiber system performance.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, Submitted to IEEE Photonics Letter

    Discovering the Elite Hypervolume by Leveraging Interspecies Correlation

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    Evolution has produced an astonishing diversity of species, each filling a different niche. Algorithms like MAP-Elites mimic this divergent evolutionary process to find a set of behaviorally diverse but high-performing solutions, called the elites. Our key insight is that species in nature often share a surprisingly large part of their genome, in spite of occupying very different niches; similarly, the elites are likely to be concentrated in a specific "elite hypervolume" whose shape is defined by their common features. In this paper, we first introduce the elite hypervolume concept and propose two metrics to characterize it: the genotypic spread and the genotypic similarity. We then introduce a new variation operator, called "directional variation", that exploits interspecies (or inter-elites) correlations to accelerate the MAP-Elites algorithm. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this operator in three problems (a toy function, a redundant robotic arm, and a hexapod robot).Comment: In GECCO 201

    Anderson transition in three-dimensional disordered systems with symplectic symmetry

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    The Anderson transition in a 3D system with symplectic symmetry is investigated numerically. From a one-parameter scaling analysis the critical exponent ν\nu of the localization length is extracted and estimated to be ν=1.3±0.2\nu = 1.3 \pm 0.2. The level statistics at the critical point are also analyzed and shown to be scale independent. The form of the energy level spacing distribution P(s)P(s) at the critical point is found to be different from that for the orthogonal ensemble suggesting that the breaking of spin rotation symmetry is relevant at the critical point.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, to appear in Physical Review Letters. 3 figures available on request either by fax or normal mail from [email protected] or [email protected]