57 research outputs found

    Geometric representations of GL(n,R), cellular Hecke algebras and the embedding problem

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    We study geometric representations of GL(n,R) for a ring R. The structure of the associated Hecke algebras is analyzed and shown to be cellular. Multiplicities of the irreducible constituents of these representations are linked to the embedding problem of pairs of R-modules x < y.Comment: 18 pages, final version, to appear in JPA

    From p-adic to real Grassmannians via the quantum

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    Let F be a local field. The action of GL(n,F) on the Grassmann variety Gr(m,n,F) induces a continuous representation of the maximal compact subgroup of GL(n,F) on the space of L^2-functions on Gr(m,n,F). The irreducible constituents of this representation are parameterized by the same underlying set both for Archimedean and non-Archimedean fields. This paper connects the Archimedean and non-Archimedean theories using the quantum Grassmannian. In particular, idempotents in the Hecke algebra associated to this representation are the image of the quantum zonal spherical functions after taking appropriate limits. Consequently, a correspondence is established between some irreducible representations with Archimedean and non-Archimedean origin.Comment: 24 pages, final version, to appear in Advances in Mathematic

    Representations of automorphism groups of finite O-modules of rank two

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    Let O be a complete discrete valuation domain with finite residue field. In this paper we describe the irreducible representations of the groups Aut(M) for any finite O-module M of rank two. The main emphasis is on the interaction between the different groups and their representations. An induction scheme is developed in order to study the whole family of these groups coherently. The results obtained depend on the ring O in a very weak manner, mainly through the degree of the residue field. In particular, a uniform description of the irreducible representations of GL(2,O/P^k) is obtained, where P is the maximal ideal of O.Comment: Final version, to appear in Advances in Mathematic

    Quantum dimensions and their non-Archimedean degenerations

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    We derive explicit dimension formulas for irreducible MFM_F-spherical KFK_F-representations where KFK_F is the maximal compact subgroup of the general linear group GL(d,F)GL(d,F) over a local field FF and MFM_F is a closed subgroup of KFK_F such that KF/MFK_F/M_F realizes the Grassmannian of nn-dimensional FF-subspaces of FdF^d. We explore the fact that (KF,MF)(K_F,M_F) is a Gelfand pair whose associated zonal spherical functions identify with various degenerations of the multivariable little qq-Jacobi polynomials. As a result, we are led to consider generalized dimensions defined in terms of evaluations and quadratic norms of multivariable little qq-Jacobi polynomials, which interpolate between the various classical dimensions. The generalized dimensions themselves are shown to have representation theoretic interpretations as the quantum dimensions of irreducible spherical quantum representations associated to quantum complex Grassmannians.Comment: 41 pages, final version to appear in IMR

    Geometric interpretation of Murphy bases and an application

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    In this article we study the representations of general linear groups which arise from their action on flag spaces. These representations can be decomposed into irreducibles by proving that the associated Hecke algebra is cellular. We give a geometric interpretation of a cellular basis of such Hecke algebras which was introduced by Murphy in the case of finite fields. We apply these results to decompose representations which arise from the space of modules over principal ideal local rings of length two with a finite residue field.Comment: Final version, to appear in JPAA, 14 page

    On the unramified principal series of GL(3) over non-archimedean local fields

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    Let F be a non-archimedean local field and let O be its ring of integers. We give a complete description of the irreducible constituents of the restriction of the unramified principal series representations of GL(3,F) to GL(3,O).Comment: 16 pages, final versio
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