22 research outputs found

    The tertiary structure of the human Xkr8–Basigin complex that scrambles phospholipids at plasma membranes

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    Xkr8–Basigin is a plasma membrane phospholipid scramblase activated by kinases or caspases. We combined cryo-EM and X-ray crystallography to investigate its structure at an overall resolution of 3.8 Å. Its membrane-spanning region carrying 22 charged amino acids adopts a cuboid-like structure stabilized by salt bridges between hydrophilic residues in transmembrane helices. Phosphatidylcholine binding was observed in a hydrophobic cleft on the surface exposed to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane. Six charged residues placed from top to bottom inside the molecule were essential for scrambling phospholipids in inward and outward directions, apparently providing a pathway for their translocation. A tryptophan residue was present between the head group of phosphatidylcholine and the extracellular end of the path. Its mutation to alanine made the Xkr8–Basigin complex constitutively active, indicating that it plays a vital role in regulating its scramblase activity. The structure of Xkr8–Basigin provides insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying phospholipid scrambling

    Utility of Combined Use of Transabdominal Ultrasonography and Fecal Immunochemical Test Examinations in Ulcerative Colitis

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    This study examined the utility of the combined use of transabdominal ultrasonography (TUS) and fecal immunochemical testing (FIT) to detect mucosal inflammation, vis-a-vis the Mayo endoscopic subscore (MES), in ulcerative colitis (UC). Sixty-three UC patients who underwent TUS and FIT were retrospectively enrolled. For TUS, the colon was divided into five segments, and the bowel wall thickness was measured and evaluated. The accuracy of FIT (> 100 ng/ml) in detecting mucosal inflammation (MES>0) was 0.93, whereas that of TUS (BWT>2 mm) in each segment was 0.84-0.97. The combined use of TUS and FIT may be helpful in noninvasive treatment strategies

    Methylation of a nitrosylruthenium complex bearing a hydridotris(pyrazolyl)borate ligand

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    Reaction of [TpRuCl2(NO)] (1) (Tp = HB(pyrazol-1-yl) 3) with dimethylzinc, Zn(Me)2, gave rise to a dimethyl complex [TpRu(Me)2(NO)] (2) and a monomethyl complex [TpRuCl(Me)(NO)] (3) in good yields, while the use of a Grignard reagent, MeMgCl, as the alkylating agents led to isolation of 2 in low yield. Complexes 2 and 3 were confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses. Treatment of 2 with triflic acid, CF3SO3H, afforded a triflato complex [TpRu(Me){OS(O)2CF3}(NO)] (4)

    ニンチショウ カンジャ ノ カゾク カイゴシャ ニ タイスル モニター キキ ヲ モチイタ カイニュウ ニ ツイテ ノ アンブレラ レビュー

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    目的:「見守り」に関するモニター機器の使用によって、認知症患者の家族介護者への介護負担が、軽減されるのかを調査し、次世代型介護技術の有用性を検討することを目的とした。研究方法:MEDLINE、PsycINFO、CINAHL Plus の3つのデータベースを用いて、全年を対象に検索を行い、最終的に3件のシステマティックレビューを対象とした。結果:モニター機器が介護者の不安を軽減し、患者・家族どちらにも利益があると示した文献が2件であり、介護者の負担軽減に対して利益がなかったと示した文献が1件であった。使用されたモニター機器は位置情報を用いた機器、センサー、アラームが多数を占めており、認知症患者の安全を守ること、徘徊の検出を使用目的としていた。考察:介護負担を検討した文献が少ないことや、負担感の尺度として統一した指標を用いていないことから、結果の信頼性は、高いとは言えず、新たに評価指標を統一した研究を行う必要がある。総説Review Article

    ザイタク デ ショウガイシャ ヲ カイゴ スル コウレイ ノ カイゴシャ ニ カカワル セイカツ カイゴ ジギョウショ ショクイン ニ オケル アドバンス ケア プランニング ニンチド ト ソノ カンレン ヨウイン オウダンテキ ケンキュウ

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    原著論文Original Articles目的:在宅で障がい者を介護する高齢の介護者に関わる生活介護事業所職員におけるアドバンスケアプランニング(ACP)の認知度とその関連要因を調査した。方法:2022年8~10月に無記名郵送で、生活介護事業所職員を対象として調査した。従属変数は、ACPの認知の有無、独立変数は管理者か否か、年齢、性別、資格、ACP 教育・研修の有無等とした。単変量解析でP < 0.05 の有意差であった12変数に対して、ロジスティック回帰分析を行った。結果: 調査票を486事業所1,500名の対象者に配布し、69事業所141名から回収(回答率 9.4%)した。職員全体で12.1%、施設管理者が16.1%、資格別では、介護福祉士13.6%、社会福祉士17.9%、精神保健福祉士38.5%、看護師20.0%がACPを認知していた。認知度の関連要因は「精神保健福祉士の資格」(OR 7.8)「親亡き後の不安を把握」(OR 14.9)等であった。結論: 先行研究では、ACP認知度は7%で、本研究で、やや改善していたが、まだ低い状態であり、啓発が必要である。ACPを知っている職員は、管理職・医療・福祉の有資格者で、高齢の介護者に寄り添い、親亡き後の不安を把握していた。今後は、高齢の介護者支援でACPを活用する必要がある。Introduction: In Japan, support for advanced care planning (ACP) for families, including older caregivers and people with disabilities, is important. After the death of caregivers, ongoing support for decision-making for the remaining family and the socially vulnerable with unmet needs is lacking. Welfare facility staff, the cornerstone of social networks, can play a role in promoting ACP for families. Objective: A study aimed to measure awareness of ACP by administering a survey to welfare facility employees. Methods: An anonymous survey was conducted at 486 welfare facilities from August-October 2022 through the cooperation of employees. The survey investigated factors related to awareness of ACP and ACP training for support staff. Participants included managers and persons in charge of disability welfare offices, Results: The survey was distributed to 1,500 participants. One hundred forty-one responses were obtained (9.4% response rate). Of the participants, 12.1% answered that they knew about ACP; among care workers, 13.6%, social care workers, 17.9%, mental health social workers, 38.5%, and nurses, 20.0%. Factors of ACP awareness are, e.g. qualified as a mental health social worker Odds ratio (OR) 7.8, I understand the anxiety after the death of a parent OR 14.9 Conclusion: The ACP recognition rate of the participants was 7% in 2020. Thus, recognition has slightly increased. However, the overall rate remains low and must be improved. Improving the low recognition rate, analyzing the factors, and spreading are necessary. Further, we should promote better

    Characteristic Odor Components of Citrus reticulata

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    Diversity of fluid geochemistry affected by processes during fluid upwelling in active hydrothermal fields in the Izena Hole, the middle Okinawa Trough back-arc basin

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    Two active hydrothermal fields, Jade and Hakurei fields have been discovered within the Izena Hole, a rectangular 6 km × 3 km shape depression located in the middle Okinawa Trough back arc basin. In both fields, intense hydrothermal activity is represented by venting of high-temperature fluid (>300°C) and occurrence of sulfide/sulfate ore deposits. We collected hydrothermal fluids during dive expeditions of ROV Hyper Dolphin conducted in 2003, 2010 and 2011, in order to analyze both elemental and gas species. The geochemistry of high temperature hydrothermal fluids collected from the Jade and Hakurei fields is very similar to each other with exceptions in minor gas composition. Little temporal variation was observed in geochemistry of the high-temperature hydrothermal fluid of the Jade field over two decades, since a previous study carried out in 1989. These results suggest that these fluids are derived from a common fluid reservoir where fluid chemistry is basically controlled by fluid-mineral equilibria and gas species are dominantly contributed from the same magma. Venting of low temperature fluid (about 104°C) was discovered in the distal part of the Jade field, which was named as the Biwako vent. Chemical composition of the Biwako vent fluid was distinctive from that of the high temperature fluid in the proximal part of the Jade field, and could not be explained by simple dilution or cooling. This intra-field chemical diversity could be caused by phase separation and segregation during fluid upwelling, based on relationships in concentrations of Cl and major cations. On the other hand, the chemical diversity recognized in minor gas composition between the Jade and Hakurei fields is in accordance with results from previous plume survey. Difference in concentrations of minor gases such as H2 is attributed to contribution from thermal degradation of organic matter in the sediment, during fluid upwelling