181 research outputs found

    A study of cell membranes in nasal epithelial cells from patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps by means of a fluorescent probe

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    Aim. To assess the state of membranes in nasal epithelial cells obtained from the patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) with the help of the fluorescent probe 2-(2ʹ-ОН-phenyl)-5-phenyl-1,3-oxazole. Methods. The state of membrane phospholipid bilayer in suspensions of nasal epithelial cells isolated from ten patients with CRSwNP was evaluated using the fluorescent probe 2-(2ʹ-ОН-phenyl)-5-phenyl-1,3-oxazole that reacts on the physico-chemical properties of its microenvironment. Changes in fluorescence spectra were determined using a Thermo Scientific Lumina fluorescence spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific) 1 hour after the addition of the probe to nasal epithelial cell suspensions. Results. CRSwNP was found to be associated with a higher rate of nasal epithelial cell membrane hydration in the region of phospholipid glycerol moiety, carbonyl groups and aliphatic chains of fatty acids attached to the carbonyl groups. Conclusion. Our findings suggest that CRSwNP is accompanied by the elevated hydration rate of the most polar region, namely polar heads of phospholipids of nasal epithelial cell membranes

    A study of cell membranes in nasal epithelial cells from patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps by means of a fluorescent probe

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    Aim. To assess the state of membranes in nasal epithelial cells obtained from the patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) with the help of the fluorescent probe 2-(2ʹ-ОН-phenyl)-5-phenyl-1,3-oxazole. Methods. The state of membrane phospholipid bilayer in suspensions of nasal epithelial cells isolated from ten patients with CRSwNP was evaluated using the fluorescent probe 2-(2ʹ-ОН-phenyl)-5-phenyl-1,3-oxazole that reacts on the physico-chemical properties of its microenvironment. Changes in fluorescence spectra were determined using a Thermo Scientific Lumina fluorescence spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific) 1 hour after the addition of the probe to nasal epithelial cell suspensions. Results. CRSwNP was found to be associated with a higher rate of nasal epithelial cell membrane hydration in the region of phospholipid glycerol moiety, carbonyl groups and aliphatic chains of fatty acids attached to the carbonyl groups. Conclusion. Our findings suggest that CRSwNP is accompanied by the elevated hydration rate of the most polar region, namely polar heads of phospholipids of nasal epithelial cell membranes

    Direct path from microscopic mechanics to Debye shielding, Landau damping, and wave-particle interaction

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    The derivation of Debye shielding and Landau damping from the NN-body description of plasmas is performed directly by using Newton's second law for the NN-body system. This is done in a few steps with elementary calculations using standard tools of calculus, and no probabilistic setting. Unexpectedly, Debye shielding is encountered together with Landau damping. This approach is shown to be justified in the one-dimensional case when the number of particles in a Debye sphere becomes large. The theory is extended to accommodate a correct description of trapping and chaos due to Langmuir waves. Shielding and collisional transport are found to be two related aspects of the repulsive deflections of electrons, in such a way that each particle is shielded by all other ones while keeping in uninterrupted motion.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1310.3096, arXiv:1210.154

    Morphological and genetic types of unconventional reservoir zones within basement of the Tatar arch

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    © SGEM2016.The structure of the Tatar arch (Eastern Russian Plate) includes several morphological and genetic types of unconventional reservoirs. The first type is presented by areal weathering crust (boundary between the sedimentary cover and the basement surface). It is characterized by the presence of weathering profile, zonal profile and diverse mineral composition of the clay component. Linear type is another morphological type of weathering crust. It has the local development in the territory of the Tatar arch and depends on fault tectonics of the basement. Peculiarity of the linear crust is in the absence of weathering profile and zoning. Destruction zone is another morphological and genetic type of unconventional reservoirs. In the body of the South-Tatar arch basement (below 3 km) specific zones – destructions zones (crushing and decompression) are established. They are metasomatic sub-horizontal geological and geodynamic formations. Destruction areas are divided into two types: compression and decompression. Their formation is associated with geodynamic stages of the basement development and the impact of late low-temperature processes. Zones have high capability of voids. The main processes are leaching, corrosion, exposure to low-temperature hydrothermal solutions to the metamorphic substrate. Allocated morphological and genetic types (weathering crust and destruction zones) with high reservoir characteristics can serve as unconventional reservoir zones at great depths of the Tatar arch

    Leading material complexes of the crystalline basement of the tatar arch (East of the Russian plate) in the formation of weathering crust

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    © SGEM2016.Conducting of quantitative mineralogical analysis of metamorphic rocks penetrated by deep wells in the territory of the South-Tatar arch (East of the Russian Plate) provided an opportunity to examine and identify the leading formational types of rocks or metamorphic formations. According to the results of long-term mineralogical and petrographic research, followed by petrochemical analysis, the rocks have been grouped into two major formations. The first one – mafic-silicate formation is characterized by a predominance of mafic and mafic-silicic rock complexes. Ortho and clinopyroxene, amphibole and biotite are leading femic minerals. The second formation – high-alumina formation is characterized by a wide development of cordierite, sillimanite, garnet, biotite. The content of pyroxene, amphibole among the rocks of this formation is reduced dramatically. Leucocratic mineral component of these two formations is the same. However, the relation between minerals within the formation is different. Formation of buried weathering crust is located on the border of the sedimentary cover and the surface of crystalline basement. It was found that the material composition of the weathering crust is associated with mineralogical and petrographic features of leading metamorphic complexes. The mineral composition of weathered rocks, peculiarities of the development of finely dispersed and clay minerals in various areas of the crystalline basement are also variable and related to the original composition of the substrate in the studied territory

    Thermal Transformation of the Mobile-Hydrocarbon Composition of Domanik Deposits of Volga-Ural Oil-and Gas-Bearing Province

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    © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Transformation mechanisms of the mobile-hydrocarbon composition of rock samples from the Domanik deposits of the Volga-Ural oil-and-gas-bearing province (OGP) are established. IR spectra of extracts obtained from the rock and of resins and asphaltenes after heat treatment are analyzed. The aromaticity of the asphaltenes increases to a maximum at 250°C due to degradation of aliphatic substituents and condensation of aromatic rings under radical-recombination conditions. This correlates with group-analysis results indicating that the maximum asphaltene content is observed at this temperature. Transformation of the mobile-hydrocarbon composition is associated with transformations of the composition and structure of the insoluble organic matter kerogen. The degree of maturity of organic matter of the Domanik deposits is characteristically low, increases steadily with increasing temperature, and reaches a maximum at 350°C

    Leading material complexes of the crystalline basement of the tatar arch (East of the Russian plate) in the formation of weathering crust

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    © SGEM2016.Conducting of quantitative mineralogical analysis of metamorphic rocks penetrated by deep wells in the territory of the South-Tatar arch (East of the Russian Plate) provided an opportunity to examine and identify the leading formational types of rocks or metamorphic formations. According to the results of long-term mineralogical and petrographic research, followed by petrochemical analysis, the rocks have been grouped into two major formations. The first one – mafic-silicate formation is characterized by a predominance of mafic and mafic-silicic rock complexes. Ortho and clinopyroxene, amphibole and biotite are leading femic minerals. The second formation – high-alumina formation is characterized by a wide development of cordierite, sillimanite, garnet, biotite. The content of pyroxene, amphibole among the rocks of this formation is reduced dramatically. Leucocratic mineral component of these two formations is the same. However, the relation between minerals within the formation is different. Formation of buried weathering crust is located on the border of the sedimentary cover and the surface of crystalline basement. It was found that the material composition of the weathering crust is associated with mineralogical and petrographic features of leading metamorphic complexes. The mineral composition of weathered rocks, peculiarities of the development of finely dispersed and clay minerals in various areas of the crystalline basement are also variable and related to the original composition of the substrate in the studied territory

    Organizational and legal principles struggle against cybercrime

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    Орлов О. В. Організаційні та нормативно-правові засади боротьби з кіберзлочинністю [Електронний ресурс] / О. В. Орлов, Ю. М. Онищенко. // Державне управління: удосконалення та розвиток. - 2014. - № 5. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Duur_2014_5_3Розглянуто та досліджено проблеми існуючої сучасної нормативної бази по боротьбі з кіберзлочинності як складової частини державної політики в галузі боротьби зі злочинами в сфері інформаційних, телекомунікаційних технологій і засобів державного регулювання та контролю над нею. Запропоновано шляхи щодо покращення ситуації з регулюванням та попередженням кіберзлочинності в країні, а саме – як реорганізація та удосконалення законодавчої і нормативно-правової бази; створення єдиного інформаційного простору та організація і удосконалення динамічної взаємодії із зарубіжними законодавчими та державними органами; запровадження сучасних новітніх інформаційних технологій в органи державної влади, створення нової системи технічної підготовки, перепідготовки та підвищення кваліфікації фахівців по боротьбі з кіберзлочинністю.Considered and investigated problems of the existing modern legal framework to combat cybercrime as part of the state policy in the fight against crimes in the field of information , communication technologies and means of government regulation and control over it. Ways to improve the situation of control and prevention of cybercrime in the country - namely, that the reorganization and improvement of the legal and regulatory framework ; creation of a common information space in general and the organization and improvement of dynamic interaction with foreign laws and institutions; introduction of modern advanced information technologies in public authorities, a new system of technical training , retraining and advanced training of specialists in the fight against cybercrime.Рассмотрены и исследованы проблемы существующей современной нормативной базы по борьбе с киберпреступностью как составной части государственной политики в области борьбы с преступлениями в сфере информационных, телекоммуникационных технологий и средств государственного регулирования и контроля над ней. Предложены пути по улучшению ситуации с регулированием и предупреждением киберпреступности в стране, а именно -реорганизация и совершенствование законодательной и нормативно-правовой базы; создание единого информационного пространства и организация и совершенствование динамического взаимодействия с зарубежными законодательными и государственными органами; внедрение современных новейших информационных технологий в органы государственной власти, создание новой системы технической подготовки, переподготовки и повышения квалификации специалистов по борьбе с киберпреступностью

    Thermal transformation of bitumoid of Domanic formations of Tatarstan

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    The study focuses on the transformation of the composition of bitumoid in Domanic rocks during the processes of thermal impact on reservoir. Laboratory simulation of thermal effects on the sample of Domanic rocks with a high content of kerogen was taken. Study recorded significant changes in the group composition of bitumoids due to formation of hydrocarbons as a result of destruction of kerogen and set group composition of source bitumoids and ones after exposure. Analysis of the composition of the fraction of saturated hydrocarbons shows that asphaltene content in the selected bitumoids significantly increases. Thermal transformation of bitumoid led to the increase in the fraction of hydrocarbons C19-C30, which is probably due to the decomposition of part of the kerogen. The ratio of isoprenoid alkanes (pristane and phytane), which is the main indicator of the thermal maturity of the oils, is reduced by 1.5 times. Study shows increase the ration of high molecular weight alkanes to alkanes of low molecular weight by several times, which indicates an increase in the degree of maturation of organic matter. Noticeable regularities in the distribution of geochemical parameters on terpanes and sternum not detected. The study was conducted with the use of EPR spectroscopy. Comparison of intensities of the radical of the initial sample and one after the experiment revealed insignificant deviations, which shows an increase in the number of newly formed hydrocarbons during thermal degradation of kerogen. Thermal effect leads to the forming of hydrocarbons by decomposition of kerogen of Domanic rocks. Kerogen containing rocks under thermal effects can be considered as an additional source of moveable hydrocarbons

    Synthesis and study of inorganic pigment properties on the basis of dead chrome catalyst

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    Generation of unprocessed wastes of industrial production is the key part of multi-factor negative impact on environment. The technologies of catching and neutralization of discharges and wastes have been developed extremely slow, as a result of it, the level of utilization remains to be low (only half of them is reused in production). All these concern in full measure chemical industry and adjacent branches of production - coal industry, mining, metallurgy, energy. In particular, only in chemical industry it has been calculated about 800 names of wastes. Major part of wastes is deleterious and hazardous to biosphere, processing toxicity, chemical, biological activities, corrosiveness, inflammability and explosibility. On the other hand - industrial wastes contain valuable elements, in particular different metals, the reserves of them are exhaustible. Waste burial is unpractical from the point of view of stability of functioning of industrial complex on the whole. The industrial wastes are often multi-component mixtures of substances of heterogeneous chemical composition, having different physical and chemical properties. The processes of interaction between the components and the background objects and by-product assimilation bring a considerable uncertainty in chemical composition and material constitution of industrial wastes. The technologies of waste recycling to receive the products, specifically inorganic pigments, involve the complex of methods of processing with the use of different modifiers to obtain the needed complex of physical and chemical properties defining the functional characteristics of the target product