3,596 research outputs found

    Child undernutrition in affluent societies: what are we talking about?

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    In this paper we set out to explore the prevalence of child undernutrition found in community studies in affluent societies, but a preliminary literature review revealed that, in the absence of a gold standard method of diagnosis, the prevalence largely depends on the measure, threshold and the growth reference used, as well as age. We thus go on to explore describe the common clinical ‘syndromes’ of child undernutrition: wasting, stunting and failure to thrive (weight faltering) and how we have used data from two population-based cohort studies, this paper to explore how much these different ‘syndromes’ overlap and the extent to which they reflect true undernutrition. This analysis revealed that when more than one definition is applied to the same children, a majority are below the lower threshold for only one measure. However, those with both weight faltering and low BMI in infancy, go on in later childhood to show growth and body composition patterns suggestive of previous undernutrition. In older children there is even less overlap and most children with either wasting or low fat seem to be simply growing at one extreme of the normal range. We conclude that in affluent societies the diagnosis of undernutrition is only robust when it relies on a combination of both, that is decline in weight or BMI centile and wasting

    Global Crisis, National Responses: The Political Economy of Turkish Exceptionalism

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    With its dilatory and piecemeal fiscal activism and uncharacteristic reluctance toward IMF assistance, the Turkish government’s response to the global economic crisis of 2008-2009 sharply contrasted the bold approaches adopted by other major emerging market countries. Underlying this policy exceptionalism were the constraints posed by Turkey’s pre-existing policy and macroeconomic constraints, cognitive failures on the part of policymakers, and the conjunctural dynamics of domestic politics. The interplay of these factors progressively narrowed the policy space for vigorous action, leading instead to a motley combination of reactive initiatives that neither offered sufficient protection to the most vulnerable social groups during the crisis nor promised sustainable growth in the long run.global economic crisis, fiscal stimulus, IMF, emerging markets, Turkey

    Political economy of policy reform in Turkey in the 1980s

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    Turkey's adjustment experience was a tremendous success in terms of structurally reorienting the economy. The share of output for export rose from 5 percent in 1979 to 23 percent in 1989, and real output roughly doubled. The financial markets opened and have developed depth and sophistication. The program failed to reduce fiscal deficits, inflation, income inequality, and the size of the inefficient public enterprise sector, but the transformation of trade and finance fundamentally altered the context of the problems, changing their effects on the private sector and changing the government's options for dealing with them. The first phase of economic adjustment was sustained, although not initiated, in an authoritarian context, but the Turks restored democracy when the agenda for reform was incomplete. The Motherland Party (ANAP) won office on the platform of economic success and eventally lost partly because of the failure of economic policy. ANAP's electoral defeat in 1991 did not mean, however, the demise of the pro-structural adjustment or the pro-liberalization coalitions. The long period of ANAP rule helped consolidate reforms to such a degree that all of the principal parties agreed on a broadly similar economic program. The ideological differences between the left and the right - a state-directed versus a marked-oriented economy - substantially diminished. The reforms of the early 1980s greatly reduced the importance of rent-seeking, particularly through foreign trade, but patronage politics became widespread again in the second half of the decade. The initial strength ANAP derived from privileged access to state resources progressively became a disadvantage, creating resentment and reaction among the populace. One source of discontent was the over-invoicing of exports (that is, fictitious exports), designed to take advantage of favorable export subsidies, and the government's failure to discipline or penalize the companies involved. This jeopardized attempts to build a pro-export coalition, and some key features of import substitution continued. The authors attribute the failure of Turkey's macroeconomic policies in the late 1980s to the government's failure tocultivate popular support for macroeconomic stability; to the top bureaucrats'lack of autonomy to counteract political pressures to expand the fiscal deficit; and to the continuation of top-down individualistic linkages between policymakers and key economic interests.National Governance,Parliamentary Government,Politics and Government,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya hasil belajar dalam permainan bolabasket. Oleh karena itu, perlu diadakan modifikasi permainan bolabasket untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar. Modifikasi dalam proses pembelajaran permainan bolabasket penting untuk dikuasai oleh guru Penjas agar pembelajaran Penjas dapat disesuaikan dengan kemampuan siswa. Tujuan modifikasi dalam permainan bolabasket adalah agar mempermudah proses pembelajaran. Masalah dalam penelitian ini Apakah Modifikasi Permainan Bolabasket Dapat Berpengaruh Terhadap Hasil Belajar dalam Permainan Bolabasket Pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP NEGERI 3 LEMBANG? Metode penelitian yang penulis gunakan adalah eksperimen. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa siswi kelas VIII di SMPN 3 Lembang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil menggunakan teknik simple random sampling (sampel acak) sebanyak 40 orang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data berupa observasi. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data didapatkan hasil nilai t_hitung(1,279) <t_tabel (2.204) maka Ho diterima. Kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan pada modifikasi permanian bolabasket terhadap hasil belajar dalam permainan bolabasket pada siswa kelas VIII SMPN 3 LEMBANG. This research is motivated by the lack of learning outcomes in the game of basketball. There for,there should be modivications to the game of basketball to improvlearning outcomes. Modifications in the process of learning the game of basketball is important to be controlled by the teacher physical education for learning can be tailored to students abilities.the purpose of the modifications in the game of basketball is to facilitate the learning process. The problemin this study is modified basketball games can influence learning outcomes of the basketball game in eighth grade students of junior heigh school 3 lembang? The research method that I use is experimental. The population in this study is in the eighth grade students of junior heigh school 3 Lembang. The samples in this study where drawn using simple random sampling technique (Random Sampling) as many as 40 people where divided into dua groups the instrument used to collect encode in the form of observation. Based on the results of encode lama processing results obtained value (1,279 <(2,204 then who is accepted. The conclusion shows that there is a significant influence on the modification funny basketball on learning outcomes in the games of basketball in the eighth grade students of junior high schoo

    Tindakan Komunikatif Bagi Adi-Kaka: Implikasi Pemikiran Jurgen Habermas dalam Relasi Gandong Nusalaut dan Ambalau

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    This article aims to analyze inter-religious relationships based on the local wisdom of Gandong in Maluku, especially in the Nusalaut and Ambalau society as a strength in the modern era. It focuses on the social activities from the two communities as religious development in Maluku. The values of social activities become an inter-religious spirituality that is still passed down from generation to generation. Inter-religious relationships based on local wisdom (Gandong) from Nusalaut-Ambalau were analyzed using the communicative action theory approach by Jurgen Habermas. This article used a qualitative research method through interview technique, observation, and library study. Communicative actions have become an effort to maintain interreligious relationships in folklore. The growing folklore's imagination can be used by society as a preventive imagination on destructive realities.AbstrakTulisan ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan antaragama yang berbasis pada kearifan lokal Gandong di Maluku, khusus pada masyarakat Nusalaut dan Ambalau sebagai sebuah kekuatan di era modern. Fokus pada aktivitas sosial berupa tindakan dari kedua masyarakat tersebut sebagai pengembangan beragama di Maluku. Nilai-nilai dari aktivitas sosial menjadi sebuah spiritualitas antaragama yang masih diwarisi turun-temurun dari generasi ke generasi berikut. Relasi antaragama yang berbasis pada kearifan lokal (Gandong) dari Nusalaut-Ambalau dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan teori tindakan komunikatif Jurgen Habermas. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif – deskriptif dengan teknik wawancara dan studi pustaka. Tindakan komunikatif menjadi upaya menjaga relasi antaragama dalam folklor. Imajinasi folklor yang berkembang dapat dijadikan oleh masyarakat sebagai imajinasi preventif pada realitas destruktif

    Algorithms for converting estimates of child malnutrition based on the NCHS reference into estimates based on the WHO Child Growth Standards

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The child growth standards released by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2006 have several technical advantages over the previous 1977 National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)/WHO reference and are recommended for international comparisons and secular trend analysis of child malnutrition. To obtain comparable data over time, earlier surveys should be reanalyzed using the WHO standards; however, reanalysis is impossible for older surveys since the raw data are not available. This paper provides algorithms for converting estimates of child malnutrition based on the NCHS reference into estimates based on the WHO standards.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sixty-eight surveys from the WHO Global Database on Child Growth and Malnutrition were analyzed using the WHO standards to derive estimates of underweight, stunting, wasting and overweight. The prevalences based on the NCHS reference were taken directly from the database. National/regional estimates with a minimum sample size of 400 children were used to develop the algorithms. For each indicator, a simple linear regression model was fitted, using the logit of WHO and NCHS estimates as, respectively, dependent and independent variables. The resulting algorithms were validated using a different set of surveys, on the basis of which the point estimate and 95% confidence interval (CI) of the predicted WHO prevalence were compared to the observed prevalence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In total, 271 data points were used to develop the algorithms. The correlation coefficients (R<sup>2</sup>) were all greater than 0.90, indicating that most of the variability of the dependent variable is explained by the fitted model. The average difference between the predicted WHO estimate and the observed value was <0.5% for stunting, wasting and overweight. For underweight, the mean difference was 0.8%. The proportion of the 95% CI of the predicted estimate containing the observed prevalence was above 90% for all four indicators. The algorithms performed equally well for surveys without the entire age coverage 0 to 60 months.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>To obtain comparable data concerning child malnutrition, individual survey data should be analyzed using the WHO standards. When the raw data are not available, the algorithms presented here provide a highly accurate tool for converting existing NCHS estimates into WHO estimates.</p